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Premii Ad Astra

premii Ad Astra

Asociația Ad Astra a anunțat câștigătorii Premiilor Ad Astra 2022: Proiectul și-a propus identificarea și popularizarea modelelor de succes, a rezultatelor excepționale ale cercetătorilor români din țară și din afara ei.

Asociatia Ad Astra a cercetatorilor romani lanseaza BAZA DE DATE A CERCETATORILOR ROMANI DIN DIASPORA. Scopul acestei baze de date este aceea de a stimula colaborarea dintre cercetatorii romani de peste hotare dar si cu cercetatorii din Romania. Cercetatorii care doresc sa fie nominalizati in aceasta baza de date sunt rugati sa trimita un email la

Call for papers: How Can Emerging Donors Make a Difference?, Bucharest, Romania

Development, Trade and Foreign & Security Policies: How Can Emerging Donors Make
a Difference?

November 25-26, 2010 | Bucharest, Romania
Call for Papers/Participation

The Annual Conference of the Romanian Association for International Cooperation
and Development (ARCADIA) hopes to contribute to the current debates on the
state of the discipline, research, policy and practice in the areas of
development and international cooperation. In order to facilitate dialogue
between researchers, scholars, practitioners, and policy-makers, the conference
is welcoming proposals for both workshops and academic panels on any currently
relevant topic within these fields. While the panels will focus on academic
debates, the workshops will facilitate discussions on policy and
practice-related issues, exchange of best practices, and development of joint

Development, Trade and Foreign & Security Policies: Can Emerging Donors Make a

The increasing number of emerging donors raises a series of practical, policy
and conceptual challenges and opportunities. Whether it results from an internal
or international perspective, from a governmental or civil-society point of
view, or from a political or financial stand-point, dealing with the
implications of donorship proves to be a challenging task. Aspects like changing
identities, re-defining relationships, transforming and creating institutions,
and building political and public support represent issues which prove
theoretically and practically difficult to deal with.

The interplay between development, trade and foreign & security policies in
emerging donor contexts: Both in practice and in academia there is an ongoing
debate on the interplay between development, foreign & security and trade
policies. Considering the context created by the emergence of new donors, this
discussion is extremely relevant as development-related policies, strategies and
institutions are currently being shaped. The conference will, therefore,
scrutinize and analyze the relations between emerging donors and developing
countries from the three inter-related perspectives.

New donors’ identity as development partners – focus on Romania: The shaping of
particular identities and institutions in Romania and other emerging donors are
closely linked to the recent processes of adapting to international donorship
norms and contributing to the wider development efforts. These identity-related
aspects frame the formation of development policies, strategies, and engagements
and therefore become relevant for their success. An outlook on the recent
history and current financial capacities of emerging donors, within the context
of their international commitments, transforms the realities of development
partnerships into a serious challenge.

In order to explore the two main themes of the conference and the current
debates in the areas of development and international cooperation we invite
scholars, policy-makers, practitioners, experts and students to participate in
the conference. Participation is possible in the following ways: a) submitting
panel proposals, b) submitting workshop proposals, c). submitting paper
abstracts and d) being part of the audience. In order to do these please follow
the guidelines presented below.

Call for panels: Panel proposals consisting of 3 to 6 papers are welcome by
September 20, 2010. Late applications are accepted by October 1. Within each
panel at least 3 different institutions should be represented. The organizers
will announce the final results of the selection process by email by September
20, 2010. The list of accepted panels will be posted on the conference webpage
( Authors of accepted abstracts are
required to submit the full paper by November 15, 2010.

Call for workshops: Workshop proposals consisting of 3 to 6 participants are
welcome by September 20, 2010. The organizers will announce the final results of
the selection process by email by September 20, 2010. Late applications are
accepted by October 1. The list of accepted workshops will be posted on the
conference webpage (

Call for papers: The Organizing Committee invites scholars to submit abstracts
of individual papers (of max. 300 words) before October 1, 2010. The selected
presenters will be announced via email by October 10, 2010. Authors of accepted
abstracts are required to submit the full paper by November 10, 2010.

Call for participation: Students (both undergraduate and graduate) as well as
others interested in the field of development and international cooperation are
welcome to attend the events.

The application form for panel proposals, workshop proposals and individual
papers should be sent together with a short CV (max. 2 pages) to or
– Application form for panels and workshops.
– Application form for individual papers.
Conference languages: Submissions, panels and workshops can be sent/held in
English, Romanian or French.
There are no participation fees.

Grants: Several partial travel grants are available for students and young
researchers. Accommodation can be provided for a limited number of participants.

September 20, 2010. Call for panels and workshops.
Successful panels and workshops announced by September 20, 2010.
October 1, 2010. Call for Individual Papers.
Successful papers announced by October 10, 2010.
October 25, 2010. Registration.
November 15, 2010. Submission of complete papers.
November 25-28, 2010. Conference.

Conference website –
ARCADIA is a GRSPSociety working group:

Oana Duican
PR&Advertising Coordinator Arcadia