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Rapid Diagnosis by Multiplex PCR Technology at Patients with Acute Respiratory Infections

Domenii publicaţii > Ştiinţe medicale + Tipuri publicaţii > Articol în revistã ştiinţificã

Autori: Aurelian Udristioiu, Manole Cojocaru

Editorial: American Association for Science and Technology AASCIT Communications , American Association for Science and Technology AASCIT Communications , American Association for Science and Technology AASCIT Communications , Volume 1, Issue 3 October 20, 2014 online , p.4, 2014.


PCR offer a number of
potential advantages, results are
available in a matter of hours rather
than days, the extreme sensibility
facilitates detection of even minutes the
amounts of pathogen DNA in clinical
samples and the test is not significantly
affected by prior administration of
antibiotics. Aim: The aim of this work
was to rapidly identify the antibiotic
resistance the monitoring of pathogen
growth at the patients admitted in
Hospitalization Intensive Care Unit of
Emergency County Hospital Targu Jiu
starting in December/2013. Method:
The Analyzer Unyvero™ Pneumonia
Application was used in detection of
pneumonia associated pathogens and
their antibiotic resistance genes using
the Unyvero™ System following PCR,
pathogen species with sequencing of
the amplified microbial DNA.
Pneumonia Cases Report
December/2013: –1. Gender male, age
72 years, Sample ID 1311_1, the
results was positive for Streptococcus
pneumonia(873), Moraxela cataralis
(308), Resistance markers of the
Unyvero™ Pneumonia Panel: -tem β-
Lactams gram-negative bacteria, -ermB
Makrolides / Lincosamides, mecA
Oxacillin Staphylococcus. Therapeutic
failure must be considered when is
administering Makrolides /
Lincosamides(ermB), Macrolides
(mefA), Penicilins (tem), [Figure 1, 2,
3]. -2. Gender male, age 65 years,
Sample ID 1310_1, the results was
positive for Klebsiella pneumonia(62),
resistance marker result ermB ermB
Makrolides / Lincosamides.
Therapeutic failure must be considered
when is administering Penicilins. -3.
Gender Female age 55 years, Sample
ID 1310_2, the results was positive
Staphylococcus Aureus, tem β-Lactams
gram-negative bacteria, -ermB
Makrolides. Therapeutic failure must
be considered when is administering
Penicilins. Conclusions: The
Unyvero™ results were available 2
days before the primary microbiology
report and 3 days before the final
confirmation results, obtained by
microbiology culture. The Unyvero
Analyzer only provides rapid data to
support the therapeutic decision of
currant medic.

Cuvinte cheie: Antibiotic Resistance, PCR, Gene, AND, Resistance Markers, Microbiology Report // Antibiotic Resistance, PCR, Gene, AND, Resistance Markers, Microbiology Report