Articolele autorului Enikõ Albert-Lõrincz
Link la profilul stiintific al lui Enikõ Albert-Lõrincz

Pszichoterapeuta-pályakép II.: a szakmatanulás útja
Pszichoterapeuta-pályakép I.: képzéshasznosulás
Factorii de fundal al consumului de drog. Efectul satisfacţiei cu viaţa asupra integrãrii sociale
A segítõ erõforrásai
Aspects of Transylvanian Adolescents’ Emotional Life
Relationship between the Characteristics of the Psychological Immune System and the Emotional Tone of Personality in Adolescents
Flow and Anti-Flow as Predictive Factors in the Life of Adolescents
Study on Adolescents’ Awwareness of Life. Comparative Study between Projection of Hungarian Adolescents’ Awareness of Life of Transylvania and Hungaria
Promovarea sãnãtãții mintale și supervizarea: condiții de bazã ale profesionalizãrii muncii asistenților social ãn relația lor cu beneficiarii
The Relationship between Awareness of Life and Successful Social Adaptation