Articolele autorului Crina Socaci
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Travel Grants for ESOF 2010 – young researchers

UNESCO grants managed by TopESOF UNESCO offers travel grants to help young researchers from Eastern and South-Eastern European, and Mediterranean countries who wish to attend ESOF2010. The grants are managed by TopESOF (Torino per ESOF2010, the local organiser of ESOF2010). Deadline: May 16th. ZONTA Club grants managed by TopESOF Zonta Club Torino Due and Zonta Club Moncalieri offer grants for young women researchers from Bulgaria who wish to attend

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Group of Eight Australian Fellowships – Applications for 2008 now open

Applications from Hungary, Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria and the Czech Republic for the 2008 round of Group of Eight (Go8) European Fellowships open on 1 September 2007. The Fellowships are available to eligible early career researchers from select European countries to work in a Group of Eight university for up to six months. In 2008 the Go8 universities to host a Fellow are the Australian National University, The University of Queensland, The University

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Comunicatul asociatiei Ad Astra cu privire la Raportul „Romania Educatiei, Romania Cercetarii”, publicat recent de Comisia Prezidentiala pentru Educatie si Cercetare

Asociatia Ad Astra considera imbucurator si semnificativ faptul ca Institutia Prezidentiala este preocupata de problemele invatamantului si cercetarii. Raportul "Romania Educatiei, Romania Cercetarii", publicat recent de Comisia Prezidentiala pentru Educatie si Cercetare, reda o imagine reala a crizei prin care trece sistemul de educatie si cercetare din Romania. Raportul demonstreaza totodata necesitatea elaborarii unor politici educationale si

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INTCHEM – Non-Covalent Interactions in Chemistry and Biochemistry, 8 PhD Fellowships at Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany

Dear colleague, from April 2006 the Graduate School of Chemistry and Biochemistry at Ruhr-Universität Bochum will be hosting the Early Stage Research Training INTCHEM - Non-Covalent Interactions in Chemistry and Biochemistry. 8 PhD fellowships are available, fully funded by the European Commission under the Marie Curie Actions, Framework Programme 6. The targeted scientific research projects focus on various aspects of supramolecular chemistry (host-guest

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Oxford University Centre for the Environment, Two Research Positions

The Oxford University Centre for the Environment in the form of the School of Geography and Environmental Change Institute is seeking two individuals for research positions associated with the new Oxford node of the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research. The Tyndall Centre is a nationally distributed and interdisciplinary research centre; these posts will be based at the University of Oxford. 1. Probabilistic Climate Change Impacts Assessment

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„High technologies, innovation policy and regional development”-MINOS-EURONET Strategy Forum, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania, in Bucharest, 18-19 May, 2006

Local organisers are the Ministry of Education and Research, Council for Scientific Research in Universities (CNCSIS), Chamber of Commerce. The first day is devoted to Research, innovation and competitiveness of Europe. Policies, programmes, initiatives are presented, in the contextof the 7th Framework Programme and of the Competitiveness and Innovation Program of the EU. The experience of NMS and ACC in RTDI strategies and programmes, including

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Isolation, Characterization and Independent Synthesis of Guanine Oxidation Products

Oxidatively produced DNA damage is a physiological process that has been associated with many human conditions. From the four DNA bases, guanine is most easily oxidized and exhibits a large number of oxidation products. The focus of this microreview is on the structure of the proposed intermediates and final products of guanine oxidation as these have been determined by spectroscopic methods and independent synthesis studies. The major and minor,

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AD FUTURA – Doctoral Scholarships in Slovenia

The Slovenian Foundation AD FUTURA offers scholarships to foreign citizens pursuing doctoral studies at Slovene educational institutions for the academic year of 2005-2006.(Extension possible after completion of the first year) Closing date for applications is 28 October 2005. The scholarship covers tuition fees and partially the living expenses. Priority is given to applicants pursuing doctoral studies in natural sciences and technology. In order

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A research fellowship will be available in the department of mathematical sciences in Aberdeen from mid 2006. It is associated with an EPSRC funded project on "combinatorial and homotopy theoretic aspects of fusion systems and p-local finite groups". More details can be found in The position is available for 2 years. The starting date is any convenient time between March and August 2006. It

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Vacancy at the Collaborative Research Centre ‘Medienumbr|che’ (‘media changes’) at Siegen University

The Collaborative Research Centre 'Medienumbr|che' at the University of Siegen offers a part-time position as research assistant in the field of press and PR work. The position is restricted to four years and offers the possibility for a PhD qualification. Applicants should speak and write excellent German and submit their applications in German language latest until the end of August 2005 to the following address: Universitdt Siegen Prof. Dr. Ralf

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