Articolele autorului Daniela Bratosin
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Universitatea de Vest V. Goldis din Arad si Institutul National de Cercetare Dezvoltare pentru Stiinte Biologice organizeaza intre 1-6 iulie 2013 a 19-a editie a scolii de vara Jean Montreuil- Pathologies et Pharmacologie Moleculaires. Biotechnologie

Scoala de vara francofona Jean Montreuil- Pathologies et Pharmacologie Moleculaires. Biotechnologies- are o istorie de traditie in Romania, ea fiind creata in 1995 la Iasi, din initiativa Prof. univ. dr. Gheorghe POPA, Rector al Universitatii Al. I. Cuza in acea perioada, impreuna cu Acad. Profesor Emerit Jean Montreuil, Membru de Onoare al Academiei Romane, Doctor Honoris Cauza al Universitatii Al. I. Cuza din Iasi si al Universitatii de Vest V.

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Effect of procaine and donor age on human erythrocyte-membrane – lectins binding study
Characterization of a biosubstitute containing elastin peptides
A focus on the red blood cells of Gaucher disease reveals their unexpected shape in some patients
A cytometric study of the red blood cells in Gaucher disease reveals their abnormal shape that may be involved in increased erythrophagocytosis
In Memoriam Professor Emeritus Jean Montreuil (1920-2010) A Lifetime Dedicated to the Progress of Science and Education
., In vitro toxi- and eco-toxicological assessment of porphyrine nanomaterials by flow cytometry using nucleated erythrocytes

The use of nanoparticles for biological and medical applications has rapidly increased and the potential for human and ecological toxicity is a growing area of investigation. For assessing cytotoxicity of nanoparticles we developed a new experimental cell system based on the use of nucleatederythrocytes (RBCs) from fish and batrachians, which are directly exposed to pollutants or nanoparticles absorbed by different ways and we have evaluated the

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A 17-a editie a Scolii de vara francofone Jean Montreuil, Pathologies et Pharmacologie Moleculaires. Biotechnologies, va fi gazduita de Universitatea de Vest V. Goldis din Arad in perioada 4-9 iulie 2011 (

Conferintele se adreseaza studentilor, masteranzilor, doctoranzilor, medicilor rezidenti, cercetatorilor sau profesorilor din domeniile: medicina, biologie, biochimie, farmacie. Dupa 16 editii organizate de Profesor Jean Montreuil, Membru de Onoare al Academiei Romane, urmare a decesului survenit in timpul scolii de anul trecut, Universitatea V. Goldis din Arad a decis de a da numele sau acestei scoli, in semn de omagiu pentru personalitatea sa stiintifica

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Organizatori : Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille1, France si Universitatea de Vest "V. Goldis" din Arad, sub egida Academiei de Stiinte din Paris si a Academiei Romane. Co-organizatori: Societatea Romana de Biologie Celulara, Colegiul Medicilor din Romania, Colegiul Farmacistilor din Romania, Ordinul Biochimiştilor, Biologilor şi Chimiştilor în Sistemul Sanitar din România. (CMR, CFR si OBBCSSR crediteaza aceasta manifestare

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Active caspases – 8 and -3 in circulating human erythrocytes purified on immobilized Annexin-V. A cytometric demonstration

Human red blood cells (RBCs) have a normal life span of 120 days in vivo and might be primed in vitro to die in response to apoptotic stimuli through a caspase-independent pathway. It is well known that, in vivo, aging RBCs externalize phosphatidylserine residues but is unknown whether these cells express active caspases at this stage. We isolated RBCs expressing phosphatidylserine on their surface from human blood by applying an original method

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