Articolele autorului Liliana Veres
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Pneumothorax and pulmonary cavitation in a man with systemic sarcoidosis

Sarcoidosis is a multisystem granulomatous disorder with protean manifestations. Physicians should be aware of potential unusual complication. The case presented demonstrates two unusual consecutive complications: pneumothorax with lobar dissociation and primary acute cavitation. Myocardium, liver and spleen were also involved.

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Sarcoidosis presenting as a central nervous system mass lesion.

The article is based on a research done at Mayo Clinic, MN, USA on sarcoidosis patients presenting with neurological symptoms and central nervous mass lesions.

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Implicarea Extrapulmonara in Sarcoidoza.
Sarcoidoza – sindrom de granita

Sarcoidosis is a disease of unknown cause addressed by various specialists (pathology, dematology, internal medicine, respiratory diseases, as well as immunology). The book is valuable through the many case presentations, having fringe manifestations, based on the clinical experience of the author, from the research done both at the Mayo Clinic, MN, USA, as well as at home, in the Clinic of Pulmonary Diseases, Iasi, Romania.

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