Articolele autorului Marcel Torok-Oance
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Electrical Resistivity Measurements in Sensitive Periglacial Environment from Southern Carpathians (Romania)
The evaluation of different types of digital elevation models for geomorphological applications in mountain areas.
Object-Based Terrain Classification as Tool for Improving the Quality of the Digital Geomorphological Maps: a Case Study in Retezat – Godeanu Range (Southern Carpathians)
Using geospatial technologies to elaborate the digital geomorphological map of Romania 1:200.000 scale

Presently, the development of GIS together with the analysis of the digital terrain model (DTM) and the satellite imagery makes possible the improvement and the up-dating of the geomorphological maps content. A geomorphological map synthesizes the way the relief forms, the way surface or sub-surface deposits are distributed, as well as the processes that affect relief. This paper aims to reveal the practical importance and the necessity of the digital

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Analysis of snow avalanche potential in Balea glacial area – Fagaras massif (Southern Carpathians – Romanian Carpathians)

Based on a case study, this paper aims to be the first attempt, in the Romanian geography, to analyze the snow avalanche potential in one of the most representative glacial areas from the Fagaras Massif (Southern Carpathians - Romanian Carpathians), respectively Balea glacial area, located on the northern slope of the Fagaras massif, in the central glacial sector. Although this area is subject to a permanent snow avalanche activity and a potential

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Object-oriented image analysis for detection of the barren karst areas. A case study: the central sector of the Mehedinti Mountains (Southern Carpathians)

The barren karst areas are not typically for the karst regions of the morphoclimatic system of temperate zone. Nevertheless the importance of assessing the extension and degree of compactness of bare karst is grounded by the fact that these areas represent both particular geomorphological landscape, with specific implications in the karstic processes, and diverse and fragile ecosystems. The touristic potential of barren karst is important too. The

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