Articolele autorului Lucian Turcescu
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Church, State, and Democracy in Expanding Europe

Lavinia Stan and Lucian Turcescu examine the relationship between religion and politics in ten former communist Eastern European countries. Contrary to widespread theories of increasing secularization, Stan and Turcescu argue that in most of these countries, the populations have shown themselves to remain religious even as they embrace modernization and democratization. Church-state relations in the new EU member states can be seen in political representation

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The Reception and Interpretation of the Bible in Late Antiquity: Proceedings of the Montréal Colloquium in Honour of Charles Kannengiesser

The volume is a Festschrift offered to Charles Kannengiesser on the occasion of his 80th birthday and honours him for his numerous scholarly accomplishments. Its twenty-five contributions discuss some of the major issues pertaining to the reception and interpretation of the Bible in late antique Christianity and Judaism. They focus on the ways in which communities and individuals understood the Bible and interpreted its traditions to address their

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Religion and Politics in Post-communist Romania

"This is a masterful interpretation of the role of religion in influencing the development of modern Romania which is presented to the reader with clarity and analytical rigor. As well as sparkling comparative insights, the authors relate how religious claims and the reaction to them from the state and civil society are determining the extent to which Romania becomes a politically and socially free entity. The Orthodox Church is at the centre of

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Simpozion despre Biserica si Stat in Europa de Est

Church and State in post-communist Eastern Europe Iasi, Romania, 5-8 October 2005 Organizers: Centre for Post-Communist Studies, St. Francis Xavier University, Canada The Metropolitanate of Moldavia and Bukovina, Romania Tuesday, OCTOBER 4 Arrival of participants Wednesday, OCTOBER 5 8:00-9:15 Breakfast 9:30-10:00 - Welcome and opening address by Metropolitan Daniel Ciobotea 10:00-12:00 Session 1: South Eastern Europe Davorin Peterlin (Keston Institute,

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Gregory of Nyssa and the Concept of Divine Persons

The concept of personhood is central to a wide range of contemporary issues, ranging from reproductive rights to the death penalty and euthanasia. We may think that the concept of person is a modern development. In fact, however, this idea does not originate with our discovery of human rights, consciousness, and individuality. In this study Lucian Turcescu shows that the fourth-century theologian Gregory of Nyssa developed a very sophisticated concept

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