Articolele autorului Mihaela Jarcau
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epsilon((infinity)) Cantorian space-time, polarization gravitational field and van der Waals-type forces

Abstract: Some abilities of the SRT theory in studying the polarization gravitational field are analyzed. Thus, one builds a set of Maxwell-type equations for the polarization gravitational field and one studies the behaviour of a gravitomagnetic charge in such fields on a fractalic space-time. One finds that the interaction between the gravitomagnetic charge and the polarization gravitational field reduces to the Van der Waals gravitational type

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El Naschies Cantorian space–time and general relativity by means of Barbilians group. A Cantorian fractal axiomatic model of space–time

Abstract One builds the vacuum metrics of the stationary electromagnetic field through the complex potential model. There are thus emphasized both a variational principle, independent on the Ricci tensor, and some internal symmetries of the vacuum solutions. One shows that similar results may be obtained using the Barbiliants group. By analytical continuation of a Barbilian transformation the link between the fixed points of the modular groups of

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El Naschies instanton by means of the Schwarzschilds gravitational field

Abstract The parabolic motion of a test particle in the Schwarzschilds gravitational field is assimilated to a field theory with spontaneous symmetry breaking. Then, the space–time of general relativity is substituted with the e1 space–time by generating an instanton (El Naschies instanton) which tunnelates the Dirac vacuum states.

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