Articolele autorului Lucian Negreanu
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Troubles moteurs de l’œsophage
Timed barium esophagogram as a predictor of the results after endoscopic therapy in achalasia
What are the absolute manometric criteria for diffuse esophageal spasm?
Traitement de l’achalasie de l’oesophage
Troubles moteurs primitifs de l’œsophage (en dehors de l’achalasie)
Infectious gastritis caused by a mixed fungal and bacterial infection.
Slowly regressing acute pandysautonomia associated with esophageal achalasia: a case report

Acute pandysautonomia is a rare acute autonomic neuropathy that mainly affects young women. We report a case of idiopathic acute pandysautonomia associated with an esophageal achalasia in a 30-year-old woman. The clinical features were inaugural dysphagia followed by signs of parasympathetic failure of the entire digestive tract, bladder and pupils. Twenty-four hours of electrocardiographic recording showed involvement of sympathetic adrenergic nerves.

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Hepatitis B virus reactivation after a resolutive acute hepatitis leading to a diagnosis of T cell lymphoma.

A case of hepatitis B virus reactivation leading to the diagnosis of a T cell lymphoma is reported. A 66-year-old woman with a past history (10 years before) of spontaneously recovered acute hepatitis B (with disappearance of serum hepatitis B surface antigen and appearance of anti-HBs), has been referred for hepatologic consultation for acute hepatitis. The patient was found positive again for hepatitis B surface antigen as well HBeAg and hepatitis

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Interstitial cells of Cajal in the gut–a gastroenterologist’s point of view.

Alterations of normal function of interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) are reported in many intestinal disorders. Diagnosis of their involvement is rare (infrequent), but necessary to propose a specific treatment. This article reviews the place of ICC in the pathogenesis of achalasia, gastroesophageal reflux disease, infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis, chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction and slow transit constipation. Moreover we discuss the

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