Articolele autorului Oana Teodora Moldovan
Link la profilul stiintific al lui Oana Teodora Moldovan

Biodiversity and ecology of fauna in percolating water in selected Slovenian and Romanian caves
Invertebrate fossils from cave sediments: a new proxy for pre-Quaternary paleoenvironments
Spatial distribution patterns of the hyporheic invertebrate communities in a polluted river in Romania
Cave bears from P. cu Oase (Banat, Romania): taphonomy and paleobiology.
Early Modern Human Cranial remains from the Peştera cu Oase, Romania.
An early modern human from Peştera cu Oase, Romania.
Historical biogeography of subterranean beetles – between „Plato’s cave” and scientific evidence.
Reconsidering the Pholeuon Hampe, 1856 (Coleoptera: Leiodidae: Cholevinae) with the description of a new sub-genus
Cranial Morphology of the Earliest Modern European: Peştera cu Oase 2
Biodiversity and ecology of fauna in percolating water in selected Slovenian and Romanian caves.

Biodiversity and ecology of fauna in percolating water from Slovenian and Romanian caves was studied. Researchh focused on unravelling thhe community structure of epikarst fauna, whhichh is carried away by thhe trickles of percolating water from thhe epikarst and vadose zones. The major part of thhe fauna found in percolating water is represented by copepods. This fauna, originating in thhe epikarst, was analysed and by means of thhe systematic sampling

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