Articolele autorului Bogdan Oancea
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Considerations about medical research in Romanian universities

The study aims to present a series of results related to the medical research in Romania, taking into account the data obtained by the application of a statistical survey to the medical staff with higher education in Bucharest. Based on the data series resulting from the application of this questionnaire we obtained information related to the medical staff opinion on issues regarding the following: the organization of research at the universities,

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Some features of the non-academic behavior in the Romanian universities

This study aims to evidence the characteristics of university education in Romania. Data series about the evolution of education used in this research were collected for 1990-2006 period, and we also recorded data from a representative sample of university students in Bucharest. Our research highlights a number of main aspects of non-academic behavior in universities. The study uses a series of specific econometric quantitative methods (stationary

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Characteristics of higher education in Romania during transition

The transition from planned economy to market economy resulted in significant changes at the level of university education in Romania. In a relatively short period there has been an impressive growth in the number of students, the first private universities were founded and now they hold almost half of the academic market in Romania. Our study emphasizes a number of characteristics of higher education development in Romania such as a weak correlation

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