Articolele autorului BANICA LOGICA
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On-line access to the university digital libraries

In respect of the new European Union objectives regarding the promotion of the environment for digital services, this article refers to a new software application for accessing university digital libraries. Many Romanian academic libraries have gradually changed their preferences, evolving from traditional publications to the digital content, and are open to exchange information with other libraries. Considering that, the article proposes a software

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A software for project management process

Research Project Management Process, implies the allocation of important human and financial resources to guarantee fulfilling of the goal by respecting the pre-defined schedule, under the conditions of expected quality. Considering that, informatics is looking for solutions to support the teams to develop complex projects. In this paper we propose a new software for project management, along with a new approach but at the same time complying to

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Information system by examples

This book represents the way from theory to practice in information system domain. After a presentation of the information system project, the authors demonstrate their experience in domain by different examples of systems.

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