Articolele autorului Logica Banica
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A software for project management process

Research Project Management Process, implies the allocation of important human and financial resources to guarantee fulfilling of the goal by respecting the pre-defined schedule, under the conditions of expected quality. Considering that, informatics is looking for solutions to support the teams to develop complex projects. In this paper we propose a new software for project management, along with a new approach but at the same time complying to

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Sisteme informatice prin exemple

This book is the result of the theoretical and practical experience of the authors. Starting from the presentation of the strategies and the methodologies of the information systems, this book underlies the practical examples from variant areas: economic, banking, public administration, electronic commerce etc.

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Informatica. Noţiuni de bazã şi aplicaţii economice

This book is destinate to students who want to learn basics thinks about IT&C and to use software packages for economic applications.

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NTP versus PTP in Computer Networks Clock Synchronization

Trusted and precise time sources are required in computer networks and Internet for various reasons: time stamps for electronic documents, online transactions, storage and document retrieval, electronic mail, multimedia applications and many others. Also, the demand for Ethernet as a real-time control network is increasing, as manufacturers realize the benefits of employing a single network technology across the plant. For control and measurement

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Sisteme expert

Expert systems are the most important domain of artificial intelligence. In this book are presented the components, the project phases and application of the expert systems.

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W-method for Hierarchical and Communicating finite state machines

The W-method is one of the most general and widely used methods for generating tests from a finite state machine (FSM). The paper shows how the W-method can be used to generate test sequences from a hierarchical FSM and also from a system of communicating FSMs in which the communication is one-directional.

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Protocoale de comunicaţie în Internet

It's an introduction about Internet reference model, its protocols and application. There are presented web services, browsers and engeen motors.

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