Articolele autorului Ioan Petroman
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Utilization of gestagen hormones and pituitary FSH extracts in inducing the superovulation at embryo donor cows

The embryo transfer is a reproduction biotechnology that includes the induction of superovulation of the donor females, the embryo recovery and their transfer in the uterus of receptor females. The efficiency of the embryo transfer depends on the results obtained in the superovulatory treatments. The variability of the ovary reaction to induction to superovulation treatments had been an important factor limiting the current commercial application

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National grading of quality of beef and veal carcasses in Romania according to „EUROP” system

The paper presents the results of classifications of beef carcasses from 2008 in Romania, reported to Romanian Commission of Pork, Beef and Sheep Carcasses Grading - CCC "EUROP" from the whole Romania, per total and per animal categories without differences, considering only the quality classes and subclasses. The qualitative level of beef carcasses in Romania is extremely low, and most livestock could be classified in the inferior quality classes

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