Articolele autorului Sebastian Buhai
Link la profilul stiintific al lui Sebastian Buhai

Tenure Profiles and Efficient Separation in a Stochastic Productivity Model

We develop a theoretical model based on efficient bargaining, where both log outside productivity and log productivity in the current job follow a random walk. This setting allows the application of real option theory. We derive the efficient worker-firm separation rule. We show that wage data from completed job spells are uninformative about the true tenure profile. The model is estimated on the Panel Study of Income Dynamics. It fits the observed

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Returns to seniority or tenure?

This study documents two empirical facts using matched employer–employee data for Denmark and Portugal. First, workers who are hired last, are the first to leave the firm. Second, workers’ wages rise with seniority, where seniority is defined as a worker’s tenure relative to the tenure of his colleagues. Controlling for tenure, the probability of a worker leaving the firm decreases with seniority. The increase in expected seniority with tenure

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Peer Review: Control Stiintific al Calitatii sau Metoda Problematica?

Peer Review Panel at Euroscience in Munich , Germany On 17 July, will hold a panel debate, " Peer Review: Scientific Quality Control or a Flawed Process?" The event, organized by's Seema Sharma as part of the Euroscience Open Forum Scientific Programme, will cover the established process of peer review, its flaws and strengths, and valid alternative models. Participants include Science 's International Managing

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Dincolo de 3D: Sculptura Matematica proiectata de profesorul Adrian Ocneanu, expusa in Campusul Penn State University

The sculpture, designed by Adrian Ocneanu, professor of mathematics at Penn State, presents a three-dimensional "shadow" of a four-dimensional solid object. Ocneanu's research involves mathematical models for quantum field theory based on symmetry. One aspect of his work is modeling regular solids, both mathematically and physically. In the three-dimensional world, there are five regular solids--tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, dodecahedron, and icosahedron--whose

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CNRS recruteaza mai mult de 400 de cercetatori in toate disciplinele stiintifice in 2006

Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) is hiring more than 410 junior and senior researchers in ALL FIELDS for 2006. The recruitment campaign will be officially launched in mid-December, with a list of open positions. Job openings at starting in December, deadline for applications to be filled: MID JANUARY. You will carry out full-time research to advance scientific knowledge and contribute to the progress of society. This

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Burse Postdoctorale la Santa Fe Institute pentru 2006

Santa Fe Institute's (SFI) research is devoted to complex phenomena drawing input from a wide variety of fields, including biology (e.g. genomics, evolution, ecology, immunology, biochemistry and cellular organization, systems and bioinformatics, structure of non-human social groups), computer science (computational complexity, adaptive and resilient computation, novel forms of computation, simulation), physics and mathematics (nonlinear systems,

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Bursa de Cercetare „Franco Modigliani” in Economie si Finante

Applications are invited for a Research Fellowship in Economics and Finance in memory of Franco Modigliani, starting in October 2006. The Fellowship is Euro 50,000 per year (before taxes) and its overall duration is 4 years (2 years renewable. Applicants must have completed (or be about to complete) a Ph.D. in Economics or Finance in a non-Italian academic institution and plan to continue their research activity in an Italian university that is willing

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Premiile Stiintifice NRW pentru studenti si masteranzi pe 2005

Applicants should be co-authors of outstanding publications in high ranking scientific journals or proceedings of international conferences. The date of acceptance of the paper should be in 2004 or 2005. Applications for the award can be submitted by the students or faculty advisors to the respective NRW Graduate School from which the award may be obtained. The following materials must be submitted: a copy of the paper or accepted manuscript the

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Burse doctorale in Economie la Universitatea din Torino

Doctoral Scholarships at the Universitŕ di Torino (Italy) Eight three-year scholarships are available at Dottorato in Scienze Economiche, of which four may be assigned to outstanding international applicants. For details see Deadline for applications: 11 August 2005.

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Renasterea Prestigiului Doctoral in Romania

Acest articol a fost publicat pentru prima oara in editia din aceasta saptamana a publicatiei electronice ACUM, apartinand portalului independent "Romania, Libera in Viitor", ( ), rubrica "Cercetare, Stiinta, Tehnologie". Acest articol reprezinta un rezumat al intenselor discutii dintre mai multi cercetatori romani activand in strainatate, intre ei numarandu-se membri Ad-Astra, FAR, RLIV si altii. Articolul

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