Articolele autorului Ana- Claudia Bara
Link la profilul stiintific al lui Ana- Claudia Bara

Patient status in Romanian health care system
Inequalities in health care users’ expectations about their physicians
Patients retrieving information via the Internet: a trend analysis of a Swedish population, 2000–2005
The Romanian Health Care System in Transition from the Users’ Perspective
Self-medication with antibiotics in the general population: a survey in nineteen European countries

We surveyed the populations of 19 European countries to compare the prevalence of antimicrobial drug self-medication in the previous 12 months and intended self-medication and storage and to identify the associated demographic characteristics. By using a multistage sampling design, 1,000–3,000 adults in each country were randomly selected. The prevalence of actual self-medication varied from 1 to 210 per 1,000 and intended self-medication from

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Is self-medication with antibiotics in Europe driven by prescribed use?
Reforms of Health Care System in Romania

Aim. To describe health care reforms and analyze the transition of the health care system in Romania in the 1989- 2001 period. Method. We analyzed policy documents, political intentions and objectives of health care reform, described new legislation, and presented changes in financial resources of the health care system. Results. The reforms of the health care system in Romania have been realized in a rather difficult context of scarcity of financial

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. Opinions on changes in Romanian health care system from the people’s point of view: a descriptive study

After 10 years of changes, the Romanian people were asked to assess the consequences of the reforms that were carried out through the health care system in the last decennium. This article studies the opinion of changes among individuals and socio-economic-demographic groups living in Dolj region. Such surveys are rare in Romania. People show to have different opinions on quality of care, accessibility and on attitudes of politicians to health care

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