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Eugen Axinte

Eugen Axinte

Born at 03 august 1964 in Iasi.I graduated the high school "Liceul Internat Costache Negruzzi " din Iasi ,in 1983.In 1989 i graduated the Faculty of Mechanics of Politehnic Institute Gh Asachi Iasi A short period (1989/90) i was engagged as engineer at Tehnoton Iasi ( actually Omega Tehnoton SA)Since 1990 I'm working at "Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iasi at Machine Manufacturing DepartmentSince 1998 - in Mechanical Engineering Since 2002 -Associate professor at Machine Manufacturing Department (TCM) Since 2008 -professor at Machine Manufacturing Department (TCM)

"Gh.Asachi" Technical University of Iasi, Romania, Iasi, .

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Urmareste linkul ResearcherID pentru toate articolele cercetatorului: Tabelul detaliat al articolelor este in josul paginii.

Nascut(a) in: 1964

Interese: finisarea suprafetelor,asigurarea calitatii,materiale

flag Detalii:
Nascut pe 03 august-1964-Iasi, Romania
Liceul Internat "Costache Negruzzi " Iasi -promotia 1983
Facultatea de Mecanica -specializarea TCM din cadrul Intitutului Politehnic Iasi -promotia 1989.
1989-1990 -inginer tehnolog la TEHNOTON SA Iasi
Din anul 1990 cadru didactic (preparator,asistent, sef lucrari) al Universitatii Tehnice Iasi in cadrul Catedrei de Tehnologia Constructiilor de Masini
Din 1998- doctor in inginerie industriala(TCM)
Din anul 2002 -conferentiar la catedra de TCM
Din 2008- profesor la catedra de TCM
Referent stiintific (reviewer)la 2 reviste de specialitate cotate ISI (1.Journal of Materials Processing Technology ISSN: 0924-0136-Elsevier & 2.Journal of Materials & Design - ISSN: 0261-3069- Elsevier)
Membru in INTERNATIONAL EDITORIAL BOARD at Journal of Materials & Design @publisher Elsevier ( )

flag Details:
Born at 03 august 1964 in Iasi.I graduated the high school "Liceul Internat Costache Negruzzi " din Iasi ,in 1983.
In 1989 i graduated the Faculty of Mechanics of Politehnic Institute Gh Asachi Iasi A short period (1989/90) i was engagged as engineer at Tehnoton Iasi ( actually Omega Tehnoton SA)
Since 1990 I'm working at "Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iasi at Machine Manufacturing Department
Since 1998 - in Mechanical Engineering
Since 2002 -Associate professor at Machine Manufacturing Department (TCM)
Since 2008 -professor at Machine Manufacturing Department (TCM)
Reviewer at High Impact Factor International Journals :
1.Journal of Materials Processing Technology ( ISSN: 0924-0136-Elsevier
2.Materials & Design @publisher Elsevier
3.Materials Science and Engineering B-Elsevier
4.Journal of Thermal science (TheSci)Elsevier

Since 2009 i was honored to act as member at International Editorial Board at Materials & Design @publisher Elsevier

Publicații selectate:

* S Zhai, E Axinte, S Wang, W Wang, Q Xing, Y Wang, Effects of pre-compression on the microstructure, mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of Cu 47.5 Zr 47.5 Al 5 bulk metallic glasses, Elsevier, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 481, 2018.

* Caiyun Shang, Eugen Axinte, Wenjuan Ge, Zitang Zhang, Yan Wang, High-entropy alloy coatings with excellent mechanical, corrosion resistance and magnetic properties prepared by mechanical alloying and hot pressing sintering, Elsevier, Elsevier, Surfaces and Interfaces, 9, 2017.

* WENJUAN GE,1 BOYU LI,EUGEN AXINTE, ZITANG ZHANG, CAIYUN SHANG and YAN WANG, Crystallization and Corrosion Resistance in Different Aqueous Solutions of Zr50.7Ni28Cu9Al12.3 Amorphous Alloy and Its Crystallization Counterparts, The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society, The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society, JOM, 69 ,nr.4, 2017.

* Caiyun Shang , Eugen Axinte , Jun Sun , Xuting Li , Peng Li , Jianwei Dua, Pengchao Qiao , Yan Wang, CoCrFeNi(W1 − xMox) high-entropy alloy coatings with excellent mechanical properties and corrosion resistance prepared by mechanical alloying and hot pressing sintering, Elsevier, Alexander Korsunsky, Materials and Design, 117, 2017.

* Ge, W., Li, B., Axinte, E., Zhang, Z., Shang, C., & Wang, Y., Crystallization and Corrosion Resistance in Different Aqueous Solutions of Zr50. 7Ni28Cu9Al12. 3 Amorphous Alloy and Its Crystallization Counterparts., Springer nature, JOM, 2017.

* Caiyun Shang , Eugen Axinte, Jun Sun, Xuting Li, Peng Li, Jianwei Du, Pengchao Qiao , Yan Wang, CoCrFeNi(W1 − xMox) high-entropy alloy coatings with excellent mechanical properties and corrosion resistance prepared by mechanical alloying and hot pressing sintering, Elsevier, Alexander Korsunsky, Materials and Design, 117, 2017.

* Zitang Zhang , Eugen Axinte , Wenjuan Ge ,Caiyun Shang , Yan Wang, Microstructure,mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of CuZrY/ Al, Ti, Hf series high-entropy alloys, Elsevier, Alexander Korsunsky, Materials and Design, 108, 2016.

* Axinte, Eugen; Wang, Yan; L. Tabacaru, Lucian; Radwan, Neyara, Shear Banding in Metallic Glasses: Major Weakness or Potential Advantage?, Bentham Science Publishers, Kurshid Zaman, Recent Patents on Materials Science, 9, 2016.

* Jing Xu, Eugen Axinte, Zhengfeng Zhao, Yan Wang, Effect of C and Ce addition on the microstructure and magnetic property of the mechanically alloyed FeSiBAlNi high entropy alloys, Elsevier, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 414, 2016.

* Zhenxi Sun, Qi Xing, Eugen Axinte ,Wenjuan Ge , Jinfeng Leng, Yan Wang, Formation of highly thermal stable Al88Ni6Y6 amorphous composite by graphene addition design, Elsevier, Alexander Korsunski, Materials and Design, 81, 2015.

* L. Z. Zhao, R. J. Xue, Z. G. Zhu, Z. Lu, E. Axinte, W. H. Wang, and H. Y. Bai, Evaluation of flow units and free volumes in metallic glasses, AIP Publishing, Journal of Applied Physics, 116, 2014.

* C.R. Cao, D.W. Ding, D.Q. Zhao, E. Axinte, H.Y. Bai, W.H. Wang, Correlation between glass transition temperature and melting temperature in metallic glasses, Elsevier, K.L Edwards, Materials and Design, (2014)60/8, 2014.

* Kevin L. Edwards, Eugen Axinte, Lucian L. Tabacaru, A critical study of the emergence of glass and glassy metals as “green” materials, Elsevier Bv. (Netherlands), Materials and Design, 50 (2013), 2013.

* Marius Chirileanu *, Nistoroschi Georgiana* and Eugen Axinte*, Researches on the failure modes under tensile forces of the Resistance Spot Welding (RSW) joints , IJERA@Copyright 2011, Prof. Manju Sharma, India, International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications, vpl.3 issue 2, 2013.

* J.T. Huo, D.Q.Zhao, H.Y.Bay, E(ugen) Axinte, Wei Hua Wang , Giant magnetocaloric effect in Tm-based bulk metallic glasses, Elsevier, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 359 (24), 2013.

* Axinte Eugen & Marius Chirileanu, Recent Progress in the Industrialization of Metallic Glasses, Bentham Science Publishers, dr.Kurshid Zaman, Recent Patents in Materials Science, vol.5,nr.3, 2012.

* Eugen Axinte, Metallic glasses from "alchemy" to pure science. Present and future of design, processing and applications of glassy metals., Elsevier Bv., K.L Edwards- editor-in-chief, Materials and Design, 35, 2012.

* Eugen Axinte, Glasses as engineering materials. A review, Elsevier BV, prof. K.L. Edwards, Materials and Design DOI 10.1016/j.matdes.2010.11.057, vol.32; issue 4, 2011.

* Corina Fetecau, M. A. Imran, E. Axinte and C. Fetecau, On the energetic balance for the flow of an Oldroyd-B fluid induced by a constantlyaccelerating plate, Springer Basel AG, Z. Angew. Math. Phys., Zeitschrift f¨ur angewandte Mathematik und Physik ZAMP, DOI 10.1007/s00033-010-0098-8, 2010.

* Dan Scurtu , Eugen Axinte, Vasile V. Merticaru, Optimizing of aerodynamic profiles defined as complex surfaces, International Journal of Academic Research, vol.2,nr.4, 2010.

* Adrian Iosub, Eugen Axinte, Florin Negoescu, A study about micro drilling by electrical discharge method of an AlSiC hybrid composite, Journal of Academic Research, editor in chief Javid Jafarzadeh-ANAS, International Journal of Academic Research, vol.2,nr.3,, 2010.

* Florin Negoescu, Eugen Axinte, Gheorghe Nagîţ, Adrian Iosub, INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS CREATES ENVIRONMENTAL ADVANTAGES, EcoZone, Matei Macoveanu& Mariana Gavrilescu, Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, vol.8,nr.5, 2009.

* Florin Negoescu, Eugen Axinte, Adrian Iosub, Gheorghe Nagîţ, Study About the influences of the geometrical parameters of corrugated diaphragms on the equivalent stresses , EDITURA STIINTIFICA FMR, CALEA GRIVITEI, NR 83, SECTOR 1, O P 12, BUCHAREST, ROMANIA, 010705, METALURGIA INTERNATIONAL, vol. XIV (2009), special issue no.11, 2009.

* Negoescu Florin; Iosub Adrian; Axinte Eugen & Santos Martin Francisco , Optimal Design of Nonferrous Corrugated Diaphragms, Publisher DAAAM International Vienna,, Professor Branko Katalinic - Vienna University of Technology., Annals of DAAAM for 2008 ISSN 1726-9679; DOI Suffix 10.2507 code M-IT, 2008.

* Florin Negoescu , Eugen Axinte & Gheorghe Nagit, Risk Management in Prototyping phase, Publisher DAAAM International ViennaDOI Suffix 10.2507, code M-IT ( ISTP® & ISI proceedings), Professor Branko Katalinic, Vienna Technical University, Austria, Annals of DAAAM International for 2007, ISSN 1726-9679, 2007.

* Florin Negoescu , Eugen Axinte, Engineering for strategic adavantages, Publisher DAAAM ( Danube Adria Association for Automation & Manufacturing )International Vienna, Branko Katalinic, Vienna University of Technology- Wien,Au, Annals of DAAAM for 2007 ISSN 1726-9679 DOI Suffix 10.2507 code M-IT ( ISTP®& ISI proceedings), 2007.

* Eugen Axinte, Elemente de asigurare a calitãţii în ingineria industrialã, Casa Editoriala Demiurg din IASI- Romania, dr.Alexandrina Ionita, 2007.

* Axinte Eugen, Irina Cozmanca & Axinte Lorica, Tehnologii moderne de prelucrare si control-Rectificarea rapida a materialelor ceramice industriale, Cermi -Iasi, Elena Cernatescu & Mircea Cernatescu, -, -, 2006.

* Eugen Axinte, Contributii asupra rectificarii cu viteze mari de aschiere-conducator stiintific Pruteanu, 1998.