Articolele autorului Monica Tarcea
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Knowledges of the young people in Mures county concerning alimentary additives in the menu

Aim: To monitore knowledges and attitudes regarding food additives in a representative sample of Mures students. Methods: We used a questionnaire of 27 questions related to nutritional behaviour, types of food and beverages with food additives used frequently in the menu and also knowledges regarding food additives. We choose a groups of 185 students from Targu-Mures University of Medicine, in 2007. Results: Knowledges regarding food additives are

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Facts about contraception at urban adults

Objective. To establish knowledge level and behaviour regarding contraception in a group of adults in Mures County, in order to develop an efficient family planning programme. Methods: It was a descriptive epidemiological study, performed in 2005. The collected data were statistically evaluated by the aid of Epi Info software. Were used distinctive self-evaluation questionnaires for males and females, completed by a total number of 991 subjects.

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Links between breastfeeding, somatometrical and serological parameters to Romanian obese children group

Our aim was to evaluate obesity incidence in our area and risk factors involved in prophylactic routine examination of children. We monitored the serum levels of leptine in two groups of children (one group of 62 with obese children and the other one with 72 normal weight children) at the 2nd Pediatrics Clinic, Targu Mures/Romania, between 2001-2005. Assessments included measures of leptine serum levels, body weight, evaluation of nutritional and

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