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Institutul Teologic Penticostal, Bucuresti, .
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Nascut(a) in: 1971
Interese: ebraica biblica, lingvistica, exegeza biblica, Vechiul Testament
Currently Associate Professor (conferentiar universitar) at The Pentecostal Theological Institute in Bucharest (O.M. 4966/ 31.07.2008), with an eleven years experience in the academia.
My primary research interest is located in the field of Classical Hebrew poetry and the lyric literature of Mesopotamia and Ugarit. Several articles in the area of Hebrew poetry criticism were already published by "Studia theologica" (
On the 4th July 2006 I defended my PhD thesis, conducted under the supervision of Dr Wilfred G.E. Watson (Newcastle upon Tyne), in front of a panel of specialists that included Prof. Eryl W. Davies (Wales University - Lampeter), Professor John F. Healey (Manchester University), and Dr Ben Knighton (Oxford Centre for Mission Studies). The research was accepted as an original contribution to the study of Hebrew Classical poetry and Hebrew Grammar. Final results were delievered at the SBL International Meeting in Edinburgh, 2-6 July 2006 ( The Doctor of Philosophy title was awarded by the Wales University on the 3rd August. The thesis was published by Gorgias Press in 2008, as part of the Gorgias Ugaritic Studies Series.
Previously trained in Ugaritic language and literature at New College, Edinburgh and in Akkadian language and literature at The Oriental Institute, Oxford.
As a secondary interest I focused on critical issues of importance in the process of Bible translation. Applying modern linguistic approaches, Systemic Functional Grammar in particular, to the text of ancient literatures such as the Hebrew Bible captured my attention for several years.
After pursuing a special course at the Hebrew University (Mount Scopus, Jerusalem, 1999) and acquiring the qualification as a Bible translator, I could get involved in translating into Romanian over one third of the Hebrew Bible and coordinating for two years the group of translators involved in this project (its results were finally published in 2007).
Additionally, excerpts from the research related to my academic activity in the university were published over the years by "Pleroma", the journal of The Pentecostal Theological Institute in Bucharest, and by "Jurnal Teologic", the journal of The Baptist Theological Institute in Bucharest.
Currently, I have in preparation a Commentary on the book of Amos. Prior to this, a textbook of Biblical Hebrew (1st ed. - Editura Institutului Biblic Emanuel, Oradea, 1999; 2nd ed. - Cartea Crestina, Oradea, 2001) and a textbook of exegesis of narrative texts with reference to the book of Judges (Metanoia, Oradea, 2004) were published in Romanian. To my knowledge, this is the first textbook of the kind published in Romania to apply textlinguistics to biblical exegesis. Another book, a collection of essays on the major themes of the OT, was published in 2008. Before the end of the year 2008 two more books went to print: a reprinting of a monograph on the israelite prophetic movement, and a volume of messages inspired by the book of Amos.
As a honorary member of the Pericope group (, I was preparing a paper on "The Abraham Narrative Act in the Tradition of Some Ancient and Mediaeval Manuscripts: Exegetical Implications of Delimitation Criticism", delievered at the SBL International Conference (Edinburgh 2006)- Pericope workshop ( This paper is followed up by another similar study on the Jacob Narrative Act which was presented at the SBL International Conference in Wien in July 2007. I hope to continue my involvement with this academic group in researching the text of Genesis 1-11 in ancient Manuscripts.
There are hopes for a group of Romanian Old Testament scholars to be created and engage in producing an Introduction to the Old Testament, a most welcome textbook and useful resource for students, clergy, and laymen.
In order to support the reading of the Old Testament among the Romanians I have started a blog that contains a wide variety of articles with a focus on the spirituality of the OT Scripture ( This site replaces the older one at which was abandoned.
Publicații selectate:
* Silviu Tatu, The Abraham Narrative (Gen. 12:1-25:11) in Some Ancient and Mediaeval Manuscripts: The Exegetical Implications of Delimitation Criticism, Leiden: Brill, Raymond de Hoop, Marjo C.A. Korpel, Stanley E. Porter, The Impact of Unit Delimitation on Exegesis, Pericope, 7, 2009.
* Silviu Tatu, Profetismul israelit în documentele biblice: între fals şi autentic, Casa cartii de stiinta, 2008.
* Silviu Tatu, "May My Teaching Drop Like the Rain": Essays on the Hebrew Bible, Casa cartii de stiinta, 2008.
* Silviu Tatu, The Qatal//Yiqtol (Yiqtol//Qatal) Verbal Sequence in Semitic Couplets: A Case Study in Systemic Functional Grammar with Applications on the Hebrew Psalter and Ugaritic Poetry, Gorgias Press, 2008.
* Silviu Tatu, The Qatal//Yiqtol (Yiqtol//Qatal) Verbal Sequence in Couplets in Ugaritic Poetry: A Systemic Functional Grammar Investigation, Münster: Ugarit-Verlag, Wilfred G.E. Watson, “He Unforrowed his Brow and Laughed”: Essays in Honour of Professor Nicholas Wyatt, AOAT, 299, 2007.
* Silviu Tatu, Graphic Devices Used by the Editors of Ancient and Mediaeval Manuscripts to Mark Verse-lines in Classical Hebrew Poetry, Leiden: Brill, Marjo C.A. Korpel et al., Method in Unit Delimitation, Pericope, 6, 2007.
* Silviu Tatu, Ancient Hebrew and Ugaritic Poetry and Modern Linguistic Tools: An Interdisciplinary Study, Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies, 17, 2007.
* Silviu Tatu, The Qatal//Yiqtol (Yiqtol//Qatal) Verbal Sequence in Couplets in the Hebrew Psalter, with Special Reference to Ugaritic Poetry: A Case Study in Systemic Functional Grammar, 2006.
* Silviu Tatu, The Rhetorical Interpretation of Yiqtol//Qatal (Qatal//Yiqtol) Verb Sequence in Classical Hebrew Poetry and Its Research History, Transformation, 23.1, 2006.
* Silviu Tatu, Jotham’s Fable and the Crux Interpretum in Judges ix, Vetus Testamentum, 56, 2006.