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Premii Ad Astra

premii Ad Astra

Asociația Ad Astra a anunțat câștigătorii Premiilor Ad Astra 2022: Proiectul și-a propus identificarea și popularizarea modelelor de succes, a rezultatelor excepționale ale cercetătorilor români din țară și din afara ei.

Asociatia Ad Astra a cercetatorilor romani lanseaza BAZA DE DATE A CERCETATORILOR ROMANI DIN DIASPORA. Scopul acestei baze de date este aceea de a stimula colaborarea dintre cercetatorii romani de peste hotare dar si cu cercetatorii din Romania. Cercetatorii care doresc sa fie nominalizati in aceasta baza de date sunt rugati sa trimita un email la

Radulescu Cristiana


Heteociclic systems syntheses; Syntheses of disperse dyes and cationic dyes for synthetic fibres; Heteropolysalts of organic bases - syntheses and studies for extraction of nobile metals; The purification and separation of organic compounds by HPLC and TLC; Spectral analysis used for the identification of chemical structure of organic compounds; Organic Pollutants from surface waters and wasted waters.

Universitatea Valahia din Targoviste, Targoviste, .

E-mail: trimite un mesaj.

Urmareste linkul ResearcherID pentru toate articolele cercetatorului: B-4847-2011. Tabelul detaliat al articolelor este in josul paginii.

Nascut(a) in: 1967

Interese: chimia organica, chimia anorganica, chimia compusilor organo-metalici, analize spectrale, cromatografia de lichide de inalta performanta si cromatografia pe strat subtire, coloranti de dispersie si cationici, sisteme heterociclice noi, poluanti organici

flag Detalii:
Sinteze de compusi heterociclici noi, de coloranti organici de dispersie si cationici pentru fibrele sintetice; Heterolpolisaruri de baze organice - sinteze si studii in vederea extractiei unor metale nobile cu aceste heteropolisaruri; Purificarea si separarea compusilor organici prin cromatografie de lichide de inalta performanta si prin cromatografie pe strat subtire: Studiul structurilor compusilor organici sintetizati prin analize spectrale, IR, RMN si UV-VIS; Poluanti organici din apele de suprafata si apele reziduale.

Publicații selectate:

* Lungu, J., Oprea, C.I., Dumbrava, A., Enache, I., Georgescu, A., Radulescu, C., Ionita, I., Cimpoca, G.V., Gartu, MA, Heterocyclic azodyes as pigments for dye sensitized solar cells - A combined experimental and theoretical study, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 12(9), 2010.

* Radulescu, C., Ioniţã, I., Moater, E.-I., Gheboianu, A.I., Studies concerning the photostabilization of cationic dyes derived by the compact condensed systems with thiazolic ring applied on polyacrylic fibres using UV absorber, Industria Textila, 61(4), 2010.

* Radulescu, C., Stihi, C., Popescu I. V., Cationic Dyes Removal from Textile Wastewaters by Using Ecofriendly Adsorbents, Syscom, Revista de Chimie, 61(11), 2010.

* Radulescu, C., Stihi, C., Busuioc, G., Popescu, I.V., Gheboianu, A.I., Cimpoca, V., Evaluation of essential elements and heavy metal levels in fruiting bodies of wild mushrooms and their substrate by EDXRF spectrometry and FAA spectrometry, University of Bucharest, Romanian Biotechnological Letters, 15(4), 2010.

* State, G., Popescu, Ion V., Gheboianu, A., Radulescu, C., Dulama, I., Bancuta, I., Stirbescu, R., Identification of Air Pollution Elements in Lichens Used as Bioindicators, by the XRF and AAS Methods , Romanian Journal of Physics, 56(1-2), 2011.

* Radulescu, C., Stihi, C., Busuioc, G., Gheboianu, A.I., Popescu, I.V., Studies concerning heavy metals bioaccumulation of wild edible mushrooms from industrial area by using spectrometric techniques, Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxocol., 84(5), 2010.

* Stihi, C., Radulescu, C., Busuioc, G., Popescu, I.V., Gheboianu, A., Ene A., Studies on Accumulation of Heavy Metals from Substrate to Edible Wild Mushrooms, Romanian Journal of Physics, 56(1-2), 2011.

* Popescu, I.V., Frontasyeva, Stihi, C., Cimpoca, Gh.V., Radulescu, C., Gheboianu, A., Oros, C., Vlaicu, Gh., Petre, C., Bancuta, I., Dulama I.D, Nuclear and Nuclear Related Analytical Methods Appied in Environmental Research, Romanian Journal of Physics, 55(7-8), 2010.

* Cimpoca, G.V., Radulescu, C., Popescu, I.V., Dulama, I.D., Ionita, I., Cimpoca, M., Cernica, I., Gavrila, R., Quartz Crystal Microbalance (QCM): An Alternative Analytical Metod for Investigation nn Real-Time of Liquid Properties, AIP Conference Proceedings, 7th International Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, BPU7, 1203, 2009.

* Cimpoca, G.V., Radulescu, C., Dulama, I.D., Popescu, I.V., Gheboianu, A., Bancuta, I., Cimpoca, M., Cernica, I., Staicu, L., QCM Real-Time Sensor for Monitoring of Poisonous Cyanide from Drinking Water and Environmental, AIP Conference Proceedings, 7th International Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, BPU7, 1203, 2009.

* Cimpoca, G.V., Radulescu, C., Dulama, I.D., Popescu, I.V., Stihi, C., Gheboianu, A., Bancuta, I., Ionita, I., Cimpoca, M., Cernica, I., Monitoring of the Drinking Water Quality Using Alternative Analytical Techniques, AIP Conference Proceedings, 7th International Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, BPU7, 1203, 2009.

* Hossu, A.M., Maria, M.F., Radulescu Cristiana, Ilie, M., Magearu, V., TLC Applications on Separation and Quantification of Fat-Soluble Vitamins, Ars Docendi, Romanian Biotechnological Letters, vol. 14(5), 2009.

* Cimpoca, G.V. Popescu, I.V., Dulama, I.D., Radulescu, C., Bancuta, I. Cimpoca, M. Cernica, I. Schiopu, V. Danila, M. Gavrila, R. , Self assembled monolayer of ethanthiol on gold surfaces by Quartz Crystal Microbalance, IEEE CNF, IEEE Xplore Digital Library, IEEE Journal - Procedings, CAS 2009 International, Semiconductor Conference 2009, vol. 1, 2009.

* Radulescu, C., Stihi C., Biological activity of new heterocyclic systems containing thiazolic ring, Syscom, Carmen Ioan, Revista de Chimie, 60(11), 2009.

* Ionita, I., Albu, A.M., Tarabasanu-Mihaila, C., Radulescu C., Moater, I.E., Synthesis and characterization of photochromic polymeric materials, SPIE, vol. 7297, 2009.

* Ioniţã, I., Albu, A.M., Rãdulescu, C., Moater, E.I., V. Gheorghe Cimpoca, M. Gîrtu, The analytical control of some photochromic materials, M. Popescu, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, vol. 10(11), 2008.

* Moater E.I., Olteanu M., Radulescu, C., Adsorbţia complecşilor surfactant neionic-colorant acid al interfaţa bumbac/apã, Syscom, Carmen Ioan, Revista de Chimie, 59(4), 2008.

* Moater, E. I., Rãdulescu, C., Hossu, A.-M., Ioniţã, I, The absorption study of cationic surfactants in presence of dyes on the cotton/water interface, Eurasian Journal of Analytical Chemistry, vol.3, 2008.

* Radulescu, C., Ioniţã, I., Moater, E.-I., The monitoring and degradation of some organic pollutants from waste waters resulted from textile industry, Eurasian Journal of Analytical Chemistry, vol.3, special issue 1, 2008.

* Moater, I.E., Olteanu, M., Cintezã, O., Radulescu, C., Ionita, I., Adsorption of some alkyloxyethylene pyridinium chlorides at solid-water interface, S.C. Biblioteca, Syscom, Carmen Ioan, Revista de Chimie, 58(6), 2007.

* Setnescu, R., Ionita, I., Setnescu, T., Radulescu, C., Hossu, A.-M., The study of thermo-oxidative behavior of some photocromic materials, S.C Bibliotheca, Syscom, Carmen Ioan, Revista de Materiale Plastice, 43(1), 2006.

* Hossu A.-M., Radulescu, C., Ilie, M., Badalau, D., Magearu, V, Qualitative and Semiquantitative TLC Analysis of Vitamins A, D and E, S.C Bibliotheca, Syscom, Carmen Ioan, Revista de Chimie, 57(11), 2006.

* Radulescu, C., Manea, L., Hossu, A.M., Moater E.I.,Tãrãbãşanu-Mihailã, C., Study concerning the protection of cationic dyes derivatives from heterocyclic system 2-aminothiazolo[4,5-f]indazole using UV protector 2-(2'-hidroxi-5'-metil-3-sulfofenil)-benzotriazole, S.C Bibliotheca, Syscom, Carmen Ioan, Revista de Chimie, 58(10), 2007.

* Radulescu Cristiana, Hossu, A.M., Ionita, I., Moater, E.I., Sysnthesis and characterization of new cationic dyes for synthetic fibres, Elsevier, Elsevier, Dyes and Pigments, 76, 2008.

* Radulescu, C., Tarabasanu-Mihaila, C., Cationic dyes derivatives of compact condensed system 2-aminothiazolo[5,4-f]indazole. Sysnthesis and characterization, S.C Bibliotheca, Syscom, Carmen Ioan, Revista de Chimie, 57(10), 2006.

* Moater, E. I., Olteanu, M., Radulescu, C., Ionita I., Hossu A.M., Adsorbtia surfactantilor cationici la interfata bumbac/apa, S.C. Biblioteca, Syscom, Revista de Chimie, 57(2), 2006.

* Moater, I.E., Olteanu, M., Rãdulescu, C., Ioniţã, I., Adsorption of alkyl polyglucosides non-ionic surfactant on cotton, S.C. Biblioteca de Chimie, Carmen Ioan, Revista de Chimie, 56(11), 2005.

* Rãdulescu, C., Hossu, A.M., Ioniţã, I., Disperse dyes derivatives from compact condensed system 2-aminothiazolo[5,4-c]pyridine. Synthesis and characterization, Elsevier, prof. Shoo Kim, Dyes and Pigments, 71, 2006.

* Moater, I.E., Olteanu, M., Ioniţã, I., Rãdulescu, C., Studiul interacţiei surfactanţilor neionici de tipul alchilpoliglucozidelor cu coloranţi acizi, S.C. Biblioteca de Chimie, Carmen Ioan, Revista de Chimie, 56(10), 2005.

* Ioniţã, I., Tarabasanu-Mihaila, C., Rusen, E., Rãdulescu, C., Hossu, A.M., Moater, I.E., Studii preliminare în vederea obţinerii şi caracterizãrii polimerilor cu substituenţi azoici, S.C. Biblioteca de Chimie, Carmen Ioan, Revista Materiale Plastice, 42(3), 2005.

* Rãdulescu, C., Tarabasanu-Mihaila, C., Cationic dyes derivatives of compact condensed system 2-aminothiazolo[4,5-b]quinoxaline-6-carboxylic acid, S.C. Biblioteca de Chimie, Carmen IOAN, Revista de Chimie, 55(1), 2004.

* Radulescu, C., Hossu, A.M., Ionita, I., Synthesis of linear bis-thiazolo[2,3-d][8,9-d]trans quinacridone, Elsevier, Sho Kim, Dyes and Pigments, Elsevier, 65(2), 2005.

* Radulescu, C., Hossu, A.M., New alkylated diquinoxaline-piperazine dicarboxylic acids obtained by synthesis, Societatea de Chimie din Romania, ing. Carmen Ioan - Redactor sef, Revista de chimie, 56(7), 2005.

* Radulescu, C., Tarabasanu-Mihaila, C., Hossu, A.M., Ionita, I, The comparative study on the synthesis methods of heterocyclic system 2-aminothiazolo[4,5-b]pyridine, Societatea de Chimie din Romania, ing. Carmen Ioan - Redactor sef, Revista de chimie, 56(6), 2005.

* Radulescu, C., Synthesis and characteristics of diquinoxaline [2,3-b][2,3-e]piperazine-6,6’-dicarboxylic acid and diquinoxaline[2,3-b][2,3-e]piperazine-6,7’-dicarboxylic acid, Societatea de Chimie din Romania, ing. Carmen Ioan - Redactor sef, Revista de chimie, 56(2), 2005.

* Hossu, A.M., Radulescu, C., Ionita, I., Magearu, V.,, Determinarea vitaminei D din produsele farmaceutice prin cromatografia de lichide de înalta performanta, Societatea de Chimie din Romania, ing. Carmen Ioan - Redactor sef, Revista de chimie, 55(10), 2004.

* Radulescu, C., Tarabasanu-Mihaila, C., Coloranti derivati ai sistemului heterociclic compact condensat 2-aminotiazolo[4,5-b]piridina, Societatea de Chimie din Romania, ing. Carmen Ioan - Redactor sef, Revista de chimie, 55(2), 2004.

* Radulescu, C., Tarabasanu-Mihaila, C., Hossu, A.M., Ionita, I, Synthesis and characterization of some cationic dyes derivatives of compact condensed system 2-aminothiazolo[4,5-f] indazole, Societatea de Chimie din Romania, ing. Carmen Ioan - Redactor sef, Revista de chimie, 55(12), 2004.

* Radulescu, C., Tarabasanu-Mihaila, C., Hossu, A.M., Ionita, I., Synthesis and characteristics of compact condensed system 2-aminothiazolo[5,4-c]pyridine, Societatea de Chimie din Romania, ing. Carmen Ioan - Redactor sef, Revista de chimie, 55(11), 2004.

* Radulescu, C., Constantinescu, G.C., Heteropolysalts of organic bases, Societatea de Chimie din Romania, ing. Carmen Ioan - Redactor sef, Revista de chimie, 55(4), 2004.

* Radulescu, C., Pharmacodynamic aspects of cationic dyes derivatives of compact condensed systems, Societatea de Chimie din Romania, ing. Carmen Ioan - Redactor sef, Revista de chimie, 54(12), 2003.