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Publicații selectate:
* T. R. Forrest, P. N. Valdivia, C. R. Rotundu, E. Bourret-Courchesne, and R. J. Birgeneau, The effects of post-growth annealing on the structural and magnetic properties of BaFe2As2, IOP Publishing, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 28, 2016.
* C. Jozwiak, J. A. Sobota, K. Gotlieb, A. F. Kemper, C. R. Rotundu, R. J. Birgeneau, Z. Hussain, D.-H. Lee, Z.-X. Shen, and A. Lanzara, Spin-polarized surface resonances accompanying topological surface state formation, Springer Nature Limited, Nature Communications, 7, 2016.
* Costel R. Rotundu, Thomas R. Forrest, Norman E. Phillips, and Robert J. Birgeneau, Specific Heat of Ba0.59K0.41Fe2As2, an Fe-Pnictide Superconductor with Tc = 36.9 K, and a New Method for Identifying the Electron Contribution, hysical Society of Japan (JPS), Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 84, 2015.
* C. R. Rotundu, S. Jiang, X. Deng, Y. Qian, S. Khan, D. G. Hawthorn, G. Kotliar, and N. Ni,, Physical properties and electronic structure of a new barium titanate suboxide Ba1+δTi13-δO12 (δ=0.11), AIP Publishing LLC, APL Materials, 3, 2015.
* C. R. Rotundu, T. Cuk, R. L. Greene, Z.-X. Shen, Russell J. Hemley, and V. V. Struzhkin, High-pressure resistivity technique for quasi-hydrostatic compression experiments, AIP, Review of Scientific Instruments, 84, 2013.
* C. R. Rotundu, Comment on “Retention of the Tetragonal to Orthorhombic Structural Transition in F-Substituted SmFeAsO: A New Phase Diagram for SmFeAs(O1-xFx)”, APS, Physical Review Letters, 110, 2013.
* C. Jozwiak, C. -H. Park, K. Gotlieb, D. -H. Lee, S. G. Louie, J. D. Denlinger, C. R. Rotundu, R. J. Birgeneau, Z. Hussain, and A. Lanzara, Photoelectron spin-flipping and texture manipulation realized in a topological insulator, Macmillan Publishers Limited, Nature Physics, 9, 2013.
* D. M. Pajerowski, C. R. Rotundu , J. W. Lynn, R. J. Birgeneau, Measurement of Ba(Fe1-xCox)2As2 critical-magnetic exponents for x = 0.039, 0.022, and 0.021, APS, Physical Review B, 87, 2013.
* J. Zhao, C. R. Rotundu, K. Marty, M. Matsuda, Y. Zhao, C. Setty, E. B. -C., J. Hu, D.-H. Lee, and R. J. Birgeneau, Effect of electron correlations on the spin excitations in isovalently doped iron based superconductor Ba(Fe1-xRux)2As2, APS, Physical Review Letters, 110, 2013.
* C. R. Rotundu, V. V. Struzhkin, M. S. Somayazulu, S. Sinogeikin, Russell J. Hemley, and R. L. Greene, High-pressure effects on single crystals of electron-doped Pr2-xCexCuO4, APS, APS, Physical Review B, 87, 2013.
* C. R. Rotundu , W. Tian, K. C. Rule, T. R. Forrest, J. Zhao, J. L. Zarestky, and R. J. Birgeneau, A neutron scattering study of the under-doped Ba1-xKxFe2As2, x=0.09 and 0.17 self-flux grown single crystals and the universality of the tricritical point, APS, Physical Review B, 85, 2012.
* Journal of Applied Physics, Low temperature transport properties of Ce-Al metallic glasses, AIP, 109, 2011.
* H. Tsujii, C. R. Rotundu, B. Andraka, Y. Takano, H. Kageyama, and Y. Ueda, Specific heat of the S=1/2 two-dimensional Shastry-Sutherland antiferromagnet SrCu2(BO3)2 in high magnetic fields, JPSJ, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 80, 2011.
* C. Jozwiak, Y. L. Chen, A. V. Fedorov, J. G. Analytis, C. R. Rotundu, A. K. Schmid, J. D. Denlinger, Y.-D. Chuang, D.-H. Lee, I. R. Fisher, R. J. Birgeneau, Z. X. Shen, Z. Hussain, and A. Lanzara, Widespread spin polarization effects in photoemission from topological insulators, APS, Physical Review B, 84, 2011.
* B. Andraka, A. Ross, and C. R. Rotundu, Signatures of a hybridization gap in magnetic susceptibility of Ce1-xLaxOs4Sb12, IOP, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 23, 2011.
* C R Rotundu and R J Birgeneau, First and second order magnetic and structural phase transitions in BaFe2(1-x)Co2xAs2, American Physical Society, Physical Review B, 84, 2011.
* C R Rotundu, B Freelon, S D Wilson, G Pinuellas, A Kim, E. Bourret-Courchesne, N E Phillips, and R J Birgeneau, Heat capacity of Ba1-xKxFe2As2, x=0 and 0.41, IOP Publishing, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 273, 2011.
* B Freelon, Y S Liu, Y Liu, C R Rotundu, S D Wilson, J H Guo, J Chen, W Yang, C L Chang, P A Glans, P M Shirage, A Iyo, and R J Birgeneau, Electronic structure of PrFeAsO1-d: An investigation using X-ray absorption and emission spectroscopy, IOP Publishing, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 273, 2011.
* C R Rotundu, B Freelon, T R Forrest, S D Wilson, P N Valdivia, G Pinuellas, A Kim, J-W Kim, Z Islam, E Bourret-Courchesne, N E Phillips, and R J Birgeneau, Heat capacity study of BaFe2As2: Effects of annealing, APS, Physical Review B, 82, 2010.
* L Kilanski, M Górska, W Dobrowolski, E Dynowska, M Wójcik, B J Kowalski, J R Anderson, C R Rotundu, D K Maude, S A Varnavskiy, I V Fedorchenko, and S F Marenkin, Magnetism and magnetotransport of strongly disordered Zn1-xMnxGeAs2 semiconductor: The role of nanoscale magnetic clusters, AIP, Journal of Applied Physics, 108, 2010.
* S D Wilson, Z Yamani, C R Rotundu, B Freelon, P N Valdivia, E Bourret-Courchesne, J W Lynn, Songxue Chi, Tao Hong, and R J Birgeneau, Antiferromagnetic critical fluctuations in BaFe2As2, APS, Physical Review B, 82, 2010.
* Byron Freelon, Yi-sheng Liu, Costel R. Rotundu, Stephen D. Wilson, Jinghua Guo, Jeng-Lung Chen, Wanli Yang, Chunli Chang, Per Anders Glans, Parasharam Shirage, Akira Iyo, and Robert J. Birgeneau, X-ray Absorption and Emission Spectroscopy Study of the Effect of Doping on the Low Energy Electronic Structure of PrFeAsO1-d, The Physical Society of Japan, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 79, 2010.
* B Andraka, C R Rotundu, P Kumar, and H Tsujii, Investigation of heavy fermion state and superconductivity in Pr1-xLaxOs4Sb12 by the upper critical field slope at Tc,, IOP, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 22, 2010.
* B Andraka, C R Rotundu, and K Ingersent, Search for heavy quasiparticles in the resistivity of PrOs4Sb12 in magnetic fields: Comparison with Pr0.7La0.3Os4Sb12, APS, Physical Review B, 81, 2010.
* B Andraka, M E McBriarty, C R Rotundu, Low-temperature anomalies in the specific heat of PrOs4Sb12, APS, Physical Review B, 81, 2010.
* S D Wilson, C R Rotundu, Z Yamani, P N Valdivia, B Freelon, E Bourret-Courchesne and R J Birgeneau, Universal magnetic and structural behaviors in the iron pnictides, APS, Physical Review B, 81, 2010.
* C R Rotundu, D T Keane, B Freelon, S D Wilson, A Kim, P N Valdivia, E Bourret-Courchesne, and R J Birgeneau, Phase diagram of the PrFeAsO_{1-x}F_{x} superconductor, APS, APS, Physical Review B, 80, 2009.
* S. D. Wilson, Z. Yamani, C. R. Rotundu, B. Freelon, E. Bourret-Courchesne, and R. J. Birgeneau, Neutron diffraction study of the magnetic and structural phase transitions in BaFe2As2, Physical Review B, 79, 2009.
* D R Garcia, C Jozwiack, C G Hwang, A Fedorov, S M Hanrahan, S D Wilson, C R Rotundu, B K Freelon, R J Birgeneau, E Bourret-Courchesne and A Lanzara, Core-level and valence band study using angle-integrated photoemission on LaO0.9F0.1FeAs, APS, Physical Review B, 78, 2008.
* B Andraka, C R Rotundu, K Ingersent, and P Schlottmann, Resistivity and magnetoresistance of La-doped CeOs4Sb12 and PrOs4Sb12, Journal of the Physics Society of Japan, 77, Sup. A, 2008.
* C R Rotundu and B Andraka, Crystalline Electric Field Effects in Pr1-xLaxOs4Sb12, AIP Conference Proceedings, 850, 2006.
* M Hagiwara, H Tsujii, C R Rotundu, B Andraka, and Y Takano, Evidence for a Tomonaga-Luttinger phase in a S=1 bond-alternating antiferromagnetic chain, AIP Conference Proceedings, 850, 2006.
* H Tsujii, C R Rotundu, T Ono, B Andraka, H Tanaka and Y Takano, Magnetic phase diagram of the quasi-two-dimensional S=1/2 antiferromagnet Cs2CuBr4, AIP Conference Proceedings, 850, 2006.
* H Tsujii, C R Rotundu, Y Takano, B Andraka, Y Aoki, H Sugawara, and H Sato, High field phase diagram of PrOs4Sb12, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 272-276, 2004.
* R Pietri, C R Rotundu, B Andraka, B Daniels, and K Ingersent, Absence of Kondo lattice coherence effects in Ce0.6La0.4Pb3: magnetic field study, Journal of Applied Physics, 95, 2005.
* M Hagiwara, H Tsujii, C R Rotundu, B Andraka, Y Takano, N Tateiwa, T C Kobayashi, T Suzuki, and S Suga, Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid in a quasi-one-dimensional S=1 antiferromagnet observed by specific heat measurements, Physical Review Letters, 96, 2006.
* M Hagiwara, H Tsujii, C R Rotundu, B Andraka, Y Takano, T Suzuki, and S Suga, Field Induced Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid of a quasi-one-dimensional S=1 antiferromagnet, Modern Physics Letters B, 21, No 16, 2007.
* H Tsujii, C R Rotundu, T Ono, H Tanaka, B Andraka, K Ingersent, and Y Takano, Thermodynamics of the up-up-down phase of the S=1/2 triangular-lattice antiferromagnet Cs2CuBr4, Physical Review B, 76, 2007.
* C R Rotundu, B Andraka, and P Schlottmann, Exotic Kondo-hole band resistivity and magnetoresistance of Ce1-xLaxOs4Sb12 alloys, Physical Review B, 76, 2007.
* C R Rotundu, K Ingersent, and B Andraka, Magnetoresistance of Pr1-xLaxOs4Sb12: disentangling local cristalline-electric-field physics and lattice effects, Physical Review B, 75, 2007.
* C R Rotundu and B Andraka, La-alloying study of CeCoGe2: Magnetic susceptibility and specific heat measurements, Physical Review B, 74, 2006.
* M Hagiwara, H Tsujii, C R Rotundu, B Andraka, Y Takano, N Tateiwa, T C Kobayashi, T Suzuki, and S Suga, Tomonaga-Luttinger Liquid in a Quasi-One-Dimensional S=1, Physical Review Letters, 96, 2006.
* C R Rotundu and B Andraka, Anomalous low-temperature state of a possible Kondo semimetal CeOs4Sb12: Magnetic field and La impurity study, Physical Review B, 73, 2006.
* C R Rotundu, P Kumar, and B Andraka, A Collective Heavy Fermion State and Superconductivity in Pr1-xLaxOs4Sb12: Specific Heat and Susceptibility Study, Physical Review B, 73, 2006.
* C R Rotundu, B Andraka, Z Fisk, G R Stewart, and Y Takano, Magnetic field study of the "hidden order" in UCd11, Journal of Applied Physics, 97, 2005.
C R Rotundu, D Mixson, G R Stewart, and B Andraka, Specific heat of U1-xYxRu2Si2; 0
* C R Rotundu and B Andraka, Magnetoresistance of PrOs4Sb12: Evidence for heavy fermion behavior, Journal of Applied Physics, 97, 2005.
* C R Rotundu, H Tsujii, Y Takano, B Andraka, H Sugawara, Y Aoki, and H Sato, High magnetic field phase diagram of PrOs4Sb12, Physical Review Letters, 92, 2004.