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Romanian Academy, Institute of Physical Chemistry "Ilie Murgulescu", Bucharest, .
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Nascut(a) in: 1969
Interese: proprietati termodinamice, amestecuri de electroliti sau/si compusi organici
Studiul proprietatilor termodinamice ale amestecurilor apoase de electroliti si / sau a compusilor organici; calcule de corelare si predictie
The study thermodynamic properties of aqueous mixtures of electrolytes and / or organic compounds; calculation of correlation and prediction
Publicații selectate:
* Sirbu Florinela, Scientific coordinator: Prof. dr. chim. Aurelia Meghea, The influence in vitro of quinones on hemoglobin, Cursului de Studii Aprofundate in cadrul Universitatii “POLITEHNICA” Bucuresti, Specializarea “Chimie - Fizica si Electrochimie Aplicate”, 1998.
* O. Iulian, C. Banu, F. Piperea, C. Telea, Excess molar properties of some binary mixtures with dimetylsulfoxide, The 10 th Conference on Physical Chemistry, September 26-29, Iasi, Romania, PO 12, 2000.
* M. Teodorescu, F. Piperea, O. Persson, An experimental technique for the measurements of gas solubility in heavy liquids or solids at high pressure, The 12th Romanian International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 13-15 sept., Bucharest, Romania, Book of abstract, 2001.
* O. Iulian, F. Piperea (Sirbu), O. Ciocirlan, Thermodinamic mixing functions of some binary mixtures with dimethyl sulfoxide, , The 12th Romanian International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 13-15 sept., Bucharest, Romania, Book of abstract, 2001.
* O. Iulian, O. Ciocirlan, F. Piperea, C. Petre, Excess thermodynamic functions in binary systems with dimethyl sulfoxide, 3th International Conference of the Chemical Societies of the South-Eastern European Countries, 22-25 sept., Bucharest, Romania, PO 287, 2002.
* F. Sirbu, C. Stoicescu, S. Tudorache, R. Tudorache, Thermodynamic activities of organic compounds in electrolyte solutions from recent experimental techniques, The 13th Romanian International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, September, Bucharest, Romania, vol.II, 2003.
* C. Stoicescu, F. Sirbu, Experimental techniques for the study of liquid-liquid equilibria, The 13th Romanian International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, September, Bucharest, Romania, vol.II, 2003.
* F. Sirbu, O. Iulian, O. Ciocirlan, C. Stoicescu, Predictive and correlative methods for activity of aqueous mixed electrolyte systems. Applications to some practical systems, Conferinţa Naţională de Chimie-Petrol, sept. , Constanta, Seria Chimie XVI/2, 2005.
* Florinela Sirbu, Olga Iulian, Cristina Stoicescu, Prediction of the thermodynamic properties of aqueous mixed- electrolyte systems. Applications to the volumetric properties, Proceedings of the Romanian International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering- RICCCE XIV, September 22nd – 24th, Bucharest, Romania, vol. 2, section 3, SO3-156-161, 2005.
* Florinela Sirbu, Olga Iulian, Cristina Stoicescu, Activity Coefficients, Densities and Adiabatic Compressibilities in Aqueous KCl-CaCl2 and KCl-MgCl2 Mixed Electrolyte Systems, International Conference of Physical Chemistry, ROMPHYSCHEM 12, September 6-8, Bucharest, Romania, Abstract Book, Section 3, 2006.
* Stoicescu Cristina, Olga Iulian, Florinela Sirbu, Liquid-liquid equilibria in ternary systems with Alcohols, International Conference on Physical Chemistry, ROMPHYSCHEM 12, September 6-8, Bucharest, Romania, Abstract Book, Section 3, 2006.
* C. Stoicescu, O. Iulian, F. Sirbu, LLE for water + n-propanol + n-alcohol system: experimental data and comparative studies, The 15th Romanian International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering RICCE 15, 19-22 September Sinaia, Romania, S-3-13-14, 2007.
* Florinela Sirbu, Olga Iulian and Cristina Stoicescu, Prediction of the volumetric properties for the two ternary systems H2O – NaCl - KCl and H2O – KCl - CaCl2 , The 15th Romanian International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering RICCE 15, 19-22 September, Sinaia, Romania, S-3-11-12, 2007.
* Florinela Sirbu, Olga Iulian, Cristina Stoicescu, Volumetric properties of aqueous mixed-electrolyte systems with alkali chlorides at 298.15 K, Electrochemistry of South-East Europe Crveni Otok, Rovini, Istria, Croatia, May 4-8, P-1- 055, 2008.
* Cristina Stoicescu, Olga Iulian, Florinela Sîrbu, (Liquid + liquid) equilibrium data for the ternary mixtures of 1-propanol + water with 1-butanol, 1-hexanol, 1-octanol, or 1-decanol at 294.15 K, CHISA 18th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering, Prague, Czech Republic, 24th-28th , August, Summaries vol 2, P-3-101, 2008.
* F. Sirbu, O. Iulian, A. C. Ion, I. Ion and C. Stoicescu, Thermodynamic study of the NaCl-Na2SO4-H2O system by e.m.f. measurements at different temperatures, International Conference of Physical Chemistry, Romphyschem-13, September 3 - 5, Bucharest – Romania, Book of abstract, 2008.
* C. Stoicescu, O. Iulian, F. Sirbu, Liquid-liquid equilibrium data for water + 1-propanol+ 1-nonanol or 1- dodecanol at 298.15 K, International Conference of Physical Chemistry, Romphyschem-13, September 3 - 5, Bucharest – Romania, Book of abstract, 2008.
* Olga Iulian, Florinela Sirbu, Thermodynamic study of the mixed (NaCl+Glycine+Water) system based on e.m.f. measurements, International Conference RICCCE XVI, 9-12 September, Sinaia, Romania, S3. P-21, 2009.
* Iulia Contineanu, Ioana. L. Gheorghe, Florinela Sîrbu, Cristina Stoicescu and Speranta Tanasescu, The volumetric properties in sarcosin+d-glucose+water ternary system at 298.15 K, International Conference of Physical Chemistry ROMPHYSCHEM 14, June 2-4, Bucharest – Romania, S02-P09, 2010.
* Florinela Sîrbu, Oana Ciocirlan and Olga Iulian, Viscosity and density in aqueous NaCl solution with Na2SO4 and glycine at T = (298.15, 308.15 and 318.15) K, International Conference of Physical Chemistry ROMPHYSCHEM 14, June 2-4, Bucharest – Romania, S02-P14, 2010.
* Florinela Sirbu, Olga Iulian, Activity coefficients in the ternary system NaCl-Na2CO3-H2O, International Conference of Physical Chemistry ROMPHYSCHEM 14, June 2-4, Bucharest - Romania, S04-P11, 2010.
* F. Sirbu, O. Iulian, O. Ciocirlan, C. Stoicescu, Predictive and correlative methods for activity of aqueous mixed electrolyte systems. Applications to some practical systems, “Ovidius” University Annals of Chemistry, Constanta, XVI/2, 2005.
* O. Iulian, F Sirbu, Prediction of the volumetric properties for aqueous NaCl-KBr and NaCl-CaCl2 mixtures, Revue Roumaine Chimie, 50, 2005.
* F. Sirbu, O. Iulian si C. Stoicescu, Calculul Predictiv al Densitatii si Volumului Molar Aparent In Sistemele Mixte De Electroliti H2O – NaCl - KCl si H2O – KCl - CaCl2, Revista de Chimie (Bucuresti), 58, 2007.
* C. Stoicescu, O, Iulian, F, Sirbu, Equilibrium experimental data in ternary system containing water + 1-propanol+ 1-butanol, 1-pentanol or 1-hexanol, Revue Roumaine Chimie, 53, 2008.
* C. Stoicescu, O. Iulian, F. Sirbu, Liquid + liquid equilibrium data for the ternary mixtures of 1- propanol + water with 1-butanol, 1-hexanol, 1-octanol, or 1-decanol at 294.15 K, Revue Roumaine Chimie, 53, 2008.
* O. Iulian, F. Sirbu, C. Stoicescu, Density and apparent molar volume prediction in some ternary electrolyte solutions, Revue Roumaine Chimie, 53, 2008.
* Florinela SIRBU and Olga IULIAN, The mixing effect of glycine with sodium chloride from activity coefficients investigations at T = (303.15 and 313.15) K, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 12, 2010.
* Florinela Sirbu and Olga Iulian, Activity Coefficients from Cell Potential Measurements in the NaCl + Glycine +Water Ternary System at (298.2, 308.2, and 318.2) K, Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 55 (9), 2010.