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Premii Ad Astra

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Asociația Ad Astra a anunțat câștigătorii Premiilor Ad Astra 2022: Proiectul și-a propus identificarea și popularizarea modelelor de succes, a rezultatelor excepționale ale cercetătorilor români din țară și din afara ei.

Asociatia Ad Astra a cercetatorilor romani lanseaza BAZA DE DATE A CERCETATORILOR ROMANI DIN DIASPORA. Scopul acestei baze de date este aceea de a stimula colaborarea dintre cercetatorii romani de peste hotare dar si cu cercetatorii din Romania. Cercetatorii care doresc sa fie nominalizati in aceasta baza de date sunt rugati sa trimita un email la

Sirbu Florinela


Romanian Academy, Institute of Physical Chemistry "Ilie Murgulescu", Bucharest, .

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Nascut(a) in: 1969

Interese: proprietati termodinamice, amestecuri de electroliti sau/si compusi organici

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Studiul proprietatilor termodinamice ale amestecurilor apoase de electroliti si / sau a compusilor organici; calcule de corelare si predictie

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The study thermodynamic properties of aqueous mixtures of electrolytes and / or organic compounds; calculation of correlation and prediction

Publicații selectate:

* Sirbu Florinela, Scientific coordinator: Prof. dr. chim. Aurelia Meghea, The influence in vitro of quinones on hemoglobin, Cursului de Studii Aprofundate in cadrul Universitatii “POLITEHNICA” Bucuresti, Specializarea “Chimie - Fizica si Electrochimie Aplicate”, 1998.

* O. Iulian, C. Banu, F. Piperea, C. Telea, Excess molar properties of some binary mixtures with dimetylsulfoxide, The 10 th Conference on Physical Chemistry, September 26-29, Iasi, Romania, PO 12, 2000.

* M. Teodorescu, F. Piperea, O. Persson, An experimental technique for the measurements of gas solubility in heavy liquids or solids at high pressure, The 12th Romanian International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 13-15 sept., Bucharest, Romania, Book of abstract, 2001.

* O. Iulian, F. Piperea (Sirbu), O. Ciocirlan, Thermodinamic mixing functions of some binary mixtures with dimethyl sulfoxide, , The 12th Romanian International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 13-15 sept., Bucharest, Romania, Book of abstract, 2001.

* O. Iulian, O. Ciocirlan, F. Piperea, C. Petre, Excess thermodynamic functions in binary systems with dimethyl sulfoxide, 3th International Conference of the Chemical Societies of the South-Eastern European Countries, 22-25 sept., Bucharest, Romania, PO 287, 2002.

* F. Sirbu, C. Stoicescu, S. Tudorache, R. Tudorache, Thermodynamic activities of organic compounds in electrolyte solutions from recent experimental techniques, The 13th Romanian International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, September, Bucharest, Romania, vol.II, 2003.

* C. Stoicescu, F. Sirbu, Experimental techniques for the study of liquid-liquid equilibria, The 13th Romanian International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, September, Bucharest, Romania, vol.II, 2003.

* F. Sirbu, O. Iulian, O. Ciocirlan, C. Stoicescu, Predictive and correlative methods for activity of aqueous mixed electrolyte systems. Applications to some practical systems, Conferinţa Naţională de Chimie-Petrol, sept. , Constanta, Seria Chimie XVI/2, 2005.

* Florinela Sirbu, Olga Iulian, Cristina Stoicescu, Prediction of the thermodynamic properties of aqueous mixed- electrolyte systems. Applications to the volumetric properties, Proceedings of the Romanian International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering- RICCCE XIV, September 22nd – 24th, Bucharest, Romania, vol. 2, section 3, SO3-156-161, 2005.

* Florinela Sirbu, Olga Iulian, Cristina Stoicescu, Activity Coefficients, Densities and Adiabatic Compressibilities in Aqueous KCl-CaCl2 and KCl-MgCl2 Mixed Electrolyte Systems, International Conference of Physical Chemistry, ROMPHYSCHEM 12, September 6-8, Bucharest, Romania, Abstract Book, Section 3, 2006.

* Stoicescu Cristina, Olga Iulian, Florinela Sirbu, Liquid-liquid equilibria in ternary systems with Alcohols, International Conference on Physical Chemistry, ROMPHYSCHEM 12, September 6-8, Bucharest, Romania, Abstract Book, Section 3, 2006.

* C. Stoicescu, O. Iulian, F. Sirbu, LLE for water + n-propanol + n-alcohol system: experimental data and comparative studies, The 15th Romanian International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering RICCE 15, 19-22 September Sinaia, Romania, S-3-13-14, 2007.

* Florinela Sirbu, Olga Iulian and Cristina Stoicescu, Prediction of the volumetric properties for the two ternary systems H2O – NaCl - KCl and H2O – KCl - CaCl2 , The 15th Romanian International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering RICCE 15, 19-22 September, Sinaia, Romania, S-3-11-12, 2007.

* Florinela Sirbu, Olga Iulian, Cristina Stoicescu, Volumetric properties of aqueous mixed-electrolyte systems with alkali chlorides at 298.15 K, Electrochemistry of South-East Europe Crveni Otok, Rovini, Istria, Croatia, May 4-8, P-1- 055, 2008.

* Cristina Stoicescu, Olga Iulian, Florinela Sîrbu, (Liquid + liquid) equilibrium data for the ternary mixtures of 1-propanol + water with 1-butanol, 1-hexanol, 1-octanol, or 1-decanol at 294.15 K, CHISA 18th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering, Prague, Czech Republic, 24th-28th , August, Summaries vol 2, P-3-101, 2008.

* F. Sirbu, O. Iulian, A. C. Ion, I. Ion and C. Stoicescu, Thermodynamic study of the NaCl-Na2SO4-H2O system by e.m.f. measurements at different temperatures, International Conference of Physical Chemistry, Romphyschem-13, September 3 - 5, Bucharest – Romania, Book of abstract, 2008.

* C. Stoicescu, O. Iulian, F. Sirbu, Liquid-liquid equilibrium data for water + 1-propanol+ 1-nonanol or 1- dodecanol at 298.15 K, International Conference of Physical Chemistry, Romphyschem-13, September 3 - 5, Bucharest – Romania, Book of abstract, 2008.

* Olga Iulian, Florinela Sirbu, Thermodynamic study of the mixed (NaCl+Glycine+Water) system based on e.m.f. measurements, International Conference RICCCE XVI, 9-12 September, Sinaia, Romania, S3. P-21, 2009.

* Iulia Contineanu, Ioana. L. Gheorghe, Florinela Sîrbu, Cristina Stoicescu and Speranta Tanasescu, The volumetric properties in sarcosin+d-glucose+water ternary system at 298.15 K, International Conference of Physical Chemistry ROMPHYSCHEM 14, June 2-4, Bucharest – Romania, S02-P09, 2010.

* Florinela Sîrbu, Oana Ciocirlan and Olga Iulian, Viscosity and density in aqueous NaCl solution with Na2SO4 and glycine at T = (298.15, 308.15 and 318.15) K, International Conference of Physical Chemistry ROMPHYSCHEM 14, June 2-4, Bucharest – Romania, S02-P14, 2010.

* Florinela Sirbu, Olga Iulian, Activity coefficients in the ternary system NaCl-Na2CO3-H2O, International Conference of Physical Chemistry ROMPHYSCHEM 14, June 2-4, Bucharest - Romania, S04-P11, 2010.

* F. Sirbu, O. Iulian, O. Ciocirlan, C. Stoicescu, Predictive and correlative methods for activity of aqueous mixed electrolyte systems. Applications to some practical systems, “Ovidius” University Annals of Chemistry, Constanta, XVI/2, 2005.

* O. Iulian, F Sirbu, Prediction of the volumetric properties for aqueous NaCl-KBr and NaCl-CaCl2 mixtures, Revue Roumaine Chimie, 50, 2005.

* F. Sirbu, O. Iulian si C. Stoicescu, Calculul Predictiv al Densitatii si Volumului Molar Aparent In Sistemele Mixte De Electroliti H2O – NaCl - KCl si H2O – KCl - CaCl2, Revista de Chimie (Bucuresti), 58, 2007.

* C. Stoicescu, O, Iulian, F, Sirbu, Equilibrium experimental data in ternary system containing water + 1-propanol+ 1-butanol, 1-pentanol or 1-hexanol, Revue Roumaine Chimie, 53, 2008.

* C. Stoicescu, O. Iulian, F. Sirbu, Liquid + liquid equilibrium data for the ternary mixtures of 1- propanol + water with 1-butanol, 1-hexanol, 1-octanol, or 1-decanol at 294.15 K, Revue Roumaine Chimie, 53, 2008.

* O. Iulian, F. Sirbu, C. Stoicescu, Density and apparent molar volume prediction in some ternary electrolyte solutions, Revue Roumaine Chimie, 53, 2008.

* Florinela SIRBU and Olga IULIAN, The mixing effect of glycine with sodium chloride from activity coefficients investigations at T = (303.15 and 313.15) K, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 12, 2010.

* Florinela Sirbu and Olga Iulian, Activity Coefficients from Cell Potential Measurements in the NaCl + Glycine +Water Ternary System at (298.2, 308.2, and 318.2) K, Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 55 (9), 2010.