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Institutul de Biologie si Patologie Celulara "N. Simionescu", Bucuresti, .
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Urmareste linkul ResearcherID pentru toate articolele cercetatorului: F-2591-2010. Tabelul detaliat al articolelor este in josul paginii.
Nascut(a) in: 1973
Interese: microRNA, lipoproteine, ateroscleroza, biologie moleculara, sindrom metabolic, diabet, apolipoproteine, macrofage, polimorfisme genice
Lipidomics department and Bioinformatics laboratory
Cercetare: analiza functionala a microARN implicate in dislipidemie si boala coronariana, biomarkeri epigenetici ai bolilor cardiovasculare; metabolismul lipoproteic si dislipidemia aterogena; bioinformatica si biostatistica
Lipidomics department and Bioinformatics laboratory
Research: microRNA-mediated mechanisms of atherogenic dyslipidemia; functional and bioinformatics analysis of atherogenic microRNAs; epigenetic biomarkers of coronary heart disease; mechanisms of action of apoA-V in lipids metabolism; APOE and APOA5 gene polymorphisms in metabolic syndrome and ageing; molecular mechanisms of apoA-I-stimulated apoE secretion from lipid-loaded macrophages; molecular control of fatty acids binding protein in fatty-acids loaded macrophages; non-coding RNA microarray profiling; biostatistics.
- Ph.D. in Nature Science - Biology (2007) - Romanian Academy, Institute of Cellular Biology and Pathology "Nicolae Simionescu", Bucharest;
- Ph.D. in Pharmacy (2007, Cotutelle) - Ecole Doctorale "Biologie et Santé", Université Lille 2, Lille, France;
- 2003-2006 Ph.D. fellowship from Ecole Doctorale "Biologie et Santé", Université Lille 2, Lille, France for 18-month research stages for French Ph.D. jointed with Romanian Academy Ph.D. program in 3 alternative 6-month stages (Nov-Apr) in Atherosclerosis Laboratory INSERM U545 from Institute Pasteur of Lille, France
- Master in Biophysics (2000) - Physics Faculty, Biophysics Dept., Bucharest University;
- License in Physics-Biophysics (1997) - Physics Faculty, Biophysics Dept., Bucharest University
Publicații selectate:
* Cărnuță M.G., C..S Stancu, L. Toma, G.M. Sanda, L.S. Niculescu, M. Deleanu, A.C. Popescu, M.R Popescu., A. Vlad, D.R. Dimulescu, M. Simionescu, A.V. Sima, Dysfunctional high-density lipoproteins have distinct composition, diminished anti-inflammatory potential and discriminate acute coronary syndrome from stable coronary artery disease patients, Scientific Reports, 7, 2017.
* Toma L., G.M. Sanda, L. Niculescu, M Deleanu., C. Stancu, A.V. Sima., Caffeic acid attenuates the inflammatory stress induced by glycated LDL in human endothelial cells by mechanisms involving inhibition of AGE-receptor, oxidative, and endoplasmic reticulum stress, BioFactors, 43, 2017.
* Alexandru N., Andrei E., Niculescu L.S., Dragan E., Ristoiu V., Georgescu A., Microparticles of healthy origins improve endothelial progenitor cell dysfunction via microRNA transfer in an atherosclerotic hamster model, Acta Physiologica, in press, 2017.
* Simionescu N., Niculescu L.S., Sanda G.M., Margina D., Sima A.V., Analysis of circulating microRNAs that are specifically increased in hyperlipidemic and/or hyperglycemic sera, Molecular Biology Reports, 41, 2014.
* Simionescu N., L. S. Niculescu, G.M. Sanda, M.G. Carnuta, C.S. Stancu, A.C. Popescu, M.R. Popescu, A. Vlad, D.R. Dimulescu, M. Simionescu, A.V. Sima, Hyperglycemia determines increased specific microRNAs levels in sera and HDL of acute coronary syndrome patients and stimulates microRNAs production in human macrophages, PLoS ONE, 11, 2016.
* Stancu, C.S., Carnuta M.G., G.M. Sanda, L. Toma, M. Deleanu, L.S. Niculescu, S. Sasson, M. Simionescu, A.V Sima, Hyperlipidemia-induced hepatic and small intestine ER stress and decreased paraoxonase 1 expression and activity is associated with HDL dysfunction in Syrian hamsters, Molecular Nutrition and Food Research, 59, 2015.
* Niculescu L.S., N. Simionescu, G.M. Sanda, M.G. Carnuta, C.S. Stancu, A.C. Popescu, M.R. Popescu, A. Vlad, D.R. Dimulescu, M. Simionescu, A.V. Sima, MiR-486 and miR-92a identified in circulating HDL discriminate between stable and vulnerable coronary artery disease patients, PLoS ONE, 10, 2015.
* Niculescu L.S., Sanda G.M., Sima A.V., HDL inhibit endoplasmic reticulum stress by stimulating apoE and CETP secretion from lipid-loaded macrophages, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 434, 2013.
* Sima A., C. Stancu, L.S. Niculescu, E. Constantinescu, A. Glodeanu, M. Simionescu, The effect of simvastatin treatment on hyperlipemic hamsters, Rom. Report Physics, 60(3), 2008.
* Popescu I., M. Simionescu, D. Tulbure, A. Sima, C. Catana-Negreanu, L.S. Niculescu, N. Hâncu, L. Gheorghe, M. Mihaila, S. Ciurea, V. Vidu, Domino Liver Transplantation With Particular Indication (Familial Homozygous Hypercholesterolemia), Transplantation, 76(9), 2003.
* Niculescu L.S., M. Vladica, A.V. Sima, Association of APOA5 and APOC3 gene polymorphisms with plasma apolipoprotein A5 level in patients with metabolic syndrome, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 391, 2010.
* Niculescu L.S., J. Fruchart-Najib, J.-C. Fruchart, A. Sima, Apolipoprotein A-V gene polymorphisms in subjects with metabolic syndrome, Clin. Chem. Lab. Med., 45(9), 2007.
* Fruchart-Najib J., E. Baugé, L.S. Niculescu, T. Pham, B. Thomas, C. Rommens, Z. Majd, B. Brewer, L. A. Pennacchio, J.-C. Fruchart, Mechanism of triglyceride lowering in mice expressing apolipoprotein A5, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 319(9), 2004.
* Niculescu L.S., C. Stancu, D. Toporan, A. Sima, M. Simionescu, The serum total peroxyl radical trapping potential - an assay to define the stage of atherosclerosis, J. Cell. Mol. Med., 5(3), 2001.