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Asociația Ad Astra a anunțat câștigătorii Premiilor Ad Astra 2022: Proiectul și-a propus identificarea și popularizarea modelelor de succes, a rezultatelor excepționale ale cercetătorilor români din țară și din afara ei.

Asociatia Ad Astra a cercetatorilor romani lanseaza BAZA DE DATE A CERCETATORILOR ROMANI DIN DIASPORA. Scopul acestei baze de date este aceea de a stimula colaborarea dintre cercetatorii romani de peste hotare dar si cu cercetatorii din Romania. Cercetatorii care doresc sa fie nominalizati in aceasta baza de date sunt rugati sa trimita un email la

Ani Matei


Natioanal School of Political Studies and Public Administration(NSPSPA),Faculty of Public Administration., Bucharest, .

E-mail: trimite un mesaj.

Urmareste linkul ResearcherID pentru toate articolele cercetatorului: C-4202-2011. Tabelul detaliat al articolelor este in josul paginii.

Nascut(a) in: 1953

Interese: economie publica,evaluarea performantelor in sectorul public,analiza sistemica in administratia publica,evaluarea coruptiei

flag Detalii:
Curriculum vitae

Informaţii personale
Nume / Prenume MATEI ANI

Adresa Str. Povernei nr. 6, sector 1, 010643, Bucureşti
Telefon 0213180894, 0213146507
Fax 0213146507

Nationalitate română

Data naşterii 10 iulie 1953

Sex masculin

Experienţa profesională

Perioada 1995 – prezent
Funcţia sau postul ocupat Profesor universitar doctor
Principalele activităţi şi responsabilităţi

Numele şi adresa angajatorului

• Activitate didactică la disciplinele: Analiza sistemelor administraţiei publice, Analiza economică a deciziilor publice, Evaluarea performanţelor în sectorul public, Logica acţiunilor administrative
• Conducător de doctorat în ştiinţe administrative
• Profesor Titular al Modulului european „Jean Monnet”, „Spaţiul economic european”
• Management academic şi management de proiecte naţionale şi internaţionale (PHARE, Erasmus, Leonardo da Vinci, Tempus, proiecte de excelenţă etc.)
• Prorector responsabil de activitatea academică (2004-2008); Director – Departamentul pentru Învăţământ la Distanţă, Facultatea de Administraţie Publică (2001-2004)
• Activitate de cercetare

Şcoala Naţională de Studii Politice şi Administrative
Facultatea de Administraţie Publică
Str.Povernei, nr.6, sector 1, 010643, Bucureşti

Tipul activităţii sau sectorul de
activitate Educaţie superioară, cercetare

Educaţie şi formare

Perioada 2000 - 2003
Calificarea / diploma obţinută Doctor în economie
Numele şi tipul instituţiei de învăţământ / furnizorului de formare
Academia de Studii Economice
Perioada 1989 -1998
Calificarea / diploma obţinută Doctor în ştiinţe tehnice
Numele şi tipul instituţiei de învăţământ / furnizorului de formare Universitatea Politehnică Bucureşti

Perioada 1972-1976
Calificarea / diploma obţinută Diploma de matematician
Numele şi tipul instituţiei de învăţământ / furnizorului de formare Universitatea Bucureşti

Perioada Iunie şi august, 2004
Calificarea / diploma obţinută Visiting Professor
Numele şi tipul instituţiei de învăţământ / furnizorului de formare NIME - Japonia

Perioada August 2005
Calificarea / diploma obţinută Cercetător invitat
Numele şi tipul instituţiei de învăţământ / furnizorului de formare NIME- Japonia

Limba(i) străină(e)
Autoevaluare Înţelegere Vorbire Scriere
Nivel european (*) Ascultare Citire Participare la conversaţie Discurs oral Exprimare scrisă
Limba engleză C2 Utilizator experimentat C2 Utilizator experimentat C1 Utilizator experimentat C1 Utilizator experimentat C1 Utilizator experimentat
Limba franceză B1 Utilizator independent B1 Utilizator independent B1 Utilizator independent B1 Utilizator independent B1 Utilizator independent
(*) Nivelul cadrului european comun de referinţă pentru limbi

Competente şi abilităţi sociale Abilităţi organizaţionale şi de comunicare în spaţiu multi-cultural şi organizaţii internaţionale.

Competenţe şi aptitudini organizatorice
 Leadership: Prorector al SNSPA, responsabil de activitatea academică (2004-2008); Director – Departamentul pentru Învăţământ la Distanţă, Facultatea de Administraţie Publică (2001-2004)
 Director al unor proiecte naţionale şi internaţionale
Alte competenţe şi aptitudini  Coordonare şi participare la programele de cercetare, consultanţă şi training în ştiinţe administrative.
 Organizator conferinţe şi coordonator al unor evenimente nationale şi internaţionale (conferinţe, seminarii, workshopuri):
 Al IX-lea Congres al Asociaţiei Internaţionale de Marketing Public şi Non-profit, Bucureşti 10 – 11 iunie 2010
 Workshop „Public Administration in the Balkans – from Weberian Bureacracy to New Public Management”, Atena, 5-6 februarie 2010
 Organizarea ciclului de conferinţe “Dialogurile EPLO la SNSPA”, susţinute de personalităţi recunoscute din mediul academic european (2008-prezent)
 Conferinţa internaţională , „Promoting interdisciplinary scientific research in public and private affairs”, Bucureşti, 9 -10 noiembrie 2007
 Conferinţa internaţională, “Metropolitan Agglomerations: Challenge to public policy and Civil Society, Bucureşti, 17-18 septembrie 2007
 Conferinţa internaţională, „The Impact of Europeanization on the Public Administration”, Bucureşti, 25-26 mai 2007,
 Seminar Internaţional, „Phenomenon of corruption – Ethical, economic, political and legal aspects”, Bucureşti, 14-15 decembrie 2006
 Seminar Internaţional, “Transformation of the role of the judiciary in a European integrated context”, co- organizator, Istanbul, Turcia, 16 - 18 martie 2006
 Seminar Internaţional, “Transparency and Participation. Making Governance more Citizen-Friendly”, Bucureşti, 5-6 decembrie 2005
 Conferinţa internaţională, “Public Administration at the Beginning of the Third Millennium. Disseminating the Japanese Best Practices in Romania”, Bucureşti, 21-22 noiembrie 2005
 Conferinţa internaţională, “European Administration. Contemporary Concepts and Approaches”, Bucureşti, 21-22 octombrie 2005
 Seminar Bilateral româno-japonez, “Multimedia Technologies In Higher Education”, Bucureşti, 17-18 ianuarie 2005
 Seminar Internaţional, “Euro-Regional Development in CEE Countries”, Bucureşti, 21-22 noiembrie 2003
 Seminar Bilateral româno-japonez, “Distance Learning Integrated into Knowledge Management”, mai 2003, Bucureşti
 The 11th Annual International Conference of the Network of Institutes and Schools in Public Administration (NISPAcee), “Enhancing the Capacity to Govern. Challenges facing the CEE Countries” – Bucureşti, 10 – 12 aprilie 2003
 Conferinţa internaţională, “Civil Servants’ Training for European Integration” - Bucureşti, noiembrie 2002
 Conferinţa internaţională, “Japanese Coordinates of Public Sector Management” Bucureşti, noiembrie 2001
 Primul seminar naţional privind dezvoltarea resurselor umane pentru administraţia publică -„Administraţia Noului Mileniu-Politici de pregătire pentru învăţământul universitar şi postuniversitar” - Bucureşti, septembrie 2001
 Conferinţa internaţională, “Disseminating the Japanese Experience in Public Administration”, Bucureşti, noiembrie 1999

Competenţe şi cunoştinţe de utilizare a calculatorului Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Power Point ) , programe statistici (SPSS)

Permis(e) de conducere Categoria B
Informaţii suplimentare
Membru al asociaţiilor profesionale:

• Preşedinte al Comisiei de Ştiinţe Administrative, ale Educaţiei şi Psihologie, Agenţia Română de Asigurare a Calităţii în Învăţământul Superior
• General Editor al APAS – Academic Public Administration Studies Archive
• Membru al Consiliului editorial al revistei ”Theoretical and Applied Economics”, Bucureşti, România
• Membru EGPA , Bruxelles, Belgia
• Coordonator ştiinţific al colecţiei “Socio economie”, Editura Economică, Bucureşti, România
• Membru al reţelei „International Public Management Network” – SUA
• Membru al Academiei de Management-SUA
• Membru al Editorial Board al revistei”Organizations and Markets in emerging economies”, Vilnius University, Lithuania
• Membru al Editorial Advisory Board al revistei ”Journal of Economic Policy and Research”, India
• Membru al Network of Institutes and Schools in Public Administration in Central and Eastern Europe,(NISPACee), Bratislava, Republica Slovacă
• Membru al International Association of Public and Nonprofit Marketing (IAPNM), Director asigurare calitate IAPNM

Anexă Listă publicaţii şi programe

1. Local Development, Theoretical and Empirical Models, (co-autor), Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany
2. Les Transferts de Compétences Vus Depuis la Romanie, autor, Chapitre 3, in ”Les transferts de compétences aux collectivites territoriales: aujourd`hui et demain?”, Pavia, M.L. (ed.), Ed. L`Harmattan, Paris, Franța

3. Modele teoretice si empirice ale dezvoltarii locale, (co-autor), Editura Economică, Bucureşti,
4. Instruments, Section IV,(co-autor) in ”Public Integrity:Theories and Practical Instruments”, Suwaj, P.J. and Rieger, H.J.(eds.), NISPACee Press, Bratislava, Republica Slovacă
5. Socioperformanţa reformei sistemului public de sănătate, (co-autor), Editura Economică, Bucureşti
6. The Corruption. An Economic and Social Analysis, (co-autor), Editura Economică, Bucureşti

7. Corupţia. O analiză economică şi socială, (co-autor), Editura Economică, Bucureşti

8. Economie publică. Analiza economică a deciziilor publice, Editura Economică, Bucureşti
9. Economie şi politici economice, ediţia a II-a, (co-autor), Editura Economică, Bucureşti

10. Analiza sistemelor administraţiei publice, Editura Economică, Bucureşti
11. Economie şi politici economice, ediţia I,(co-autor), Editura Economică, Bucureşti
12. Elemente de tehnologia informaţiei pentru administraţie publică, (coordonator), Editura Economică, Bucureşti

13. Informatică pentru administraţia publică, Editura Economică, Bucureşti
14. Coordonate japoneze ale managementului sectorului public, Proceedings,(coordonator), Editura Economică, Bucureşti
15. Coordonate japoneze ale managementului sectorului public, vol. II, III, Editura Economică, Bucureşti
16. The training of public administration on acquis communautaire,(co-autor), Editura Economică, Bucureşti

17. Management comparat,(co-editor), Editura Economică, Bucureşti

18. Introducere în analiza sistemelor administraţiei publice, Editura Economică, Bucureşti
19. Acquis comunitar şi administraţie publică, (co-autor), Editura Economică, Bucureşti

20. Curs de matematici pentru studenţii economişti, Editura Fundaţiei “România de Mâine”, Bucureşti

21. Modelarea matematică a fenomenelor macro şi microeconomice, S.N.S.P.A., Bucureşti

22. Algebră superioară, (co-autor), Editura Academiei Tehnice Militare, Bucureşti
23. Matematici economice generale, Editura Economică, Bucureşti

B. Cărţi coordonator traducere

1. Analiza comparativă, evaluare şi management strategic în sectorul public, 2001, Ed. Economică, Bucureşti
2. Integrarea managementului resurselor umane în reforma funcţiei publice, 2001, Ed. Economică, Bucureşti,
3. Formarea pentru integrare europeană - Pentru cooperare între instituţiile europene şi administraţiile statelor membre ale Uniunii Europene în domeniul formării continue a angajaţilor şi a managerilor din administraţia publică, 2001, Editura Economică, București,
4. Guvernarea în tranziţie. Reformele managementului public în ţările OCDE, 2001, Editura Global Lex, Bucureşti
5. Administraţii în tranziţie - Modernizarea administraţiei publice în: Portugalia, Olanda, Irlanda şi Franţa, 2001, Ed. Economică, Bucureşti, 2001
6. Funcţia publică în Europa celor 15, 2002, Ed. Economică, București
7. Uniunea Europeană şi managementul crizelor, 2002, Ed. Economică, București
8. Instrumentele managementului calităţii în ţările candidate din Europa Centrală şi de Est, 2004, Ed. Economică, București
9. Funcţia publică europeană, între tradiţie şi reformă, 2004, Ed. Economică, București

C. Lucrări publicate în reviste de specialitate și în volumele conferințelor

1. Meritocratic Aspects concerning Performance Evaluation in the Public Sector. A Case Study for Romania, (co-autor), The Journal of Institute of Public Enterprise, Vol. 33, No. 1 & 2, pp.35-62, 2010, Hyderabad, India
2. Models with Simultaneous Equations for Local Development, (co-autor), Theoretical and Applied Economics, No. 1, 2010
3. The Administrative Convergence in the Balkan Area. Empirical Analysis of Social Policy in Romania and Bulgaria, (co-autor), Theoretical and Applied Economics, No. 3, 2010
4. Socio-indicators related to social perception of reforms in the public health system. The Romanian case, (co-autor), in ”Regulation and Best Practice in Public and Nonprofit Marketing” Preoceedings IAPNM Congres 2010, Ed.Economică, București, 2010
5. Integrated Approach of the Citizen’s Role in Relation to the Public Services, (co-autor), International Review of on Public and Nonprofit Marketing, Springer 2010
6. Evaluarea comportamentului neacademic şi implicaţiile sale asupra dezvoltării economice şi sociale, (co-autor), Theoretical and Applied Economics, No.9
7. The Quality of Bureaucracy and Public Sector Performance. A Comparative Study in South-Eastern Europe, (co-autor), Journal of Public Administration, China
8. Public Integrity, Economic Freedom and Governance Performance. A Comparative Study for the EU Member States and Acceding Countries, (co-autor), Theoretical and Applied Economics, No. 11, 2010

9. Characteristics of the reforming process in the Romanian public administration system, Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences, No. 25 E, February 2009
10. Simultaneous Equations Models Used in the Study of Some Issues Related to the Corruption and Performance of Services in the Public Health System, (co-autor), Theoretical and Applied Economics, No. 1, 2009
11. Some Notes about Decentralization Process Implications on Public Administration Corruption in Romania, (co-autor), Prague Economic Papers, vol. 18, no. 1
12. Partnership and Local Governance in Romania, International Journal of Public Administration in Central and Eastern Europe, (co-autor), No. 2009/1, pp. 52-77, Budapest
13. Econometric Models used for the Corruption Analysis, (co-autor), Journal of Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research, No. 1, 2009
14. Corruption in the Public Organizations – Towards a Model of Cost – Benefit Analysis for the Anticorruption Strategies, (co-autor), Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences, no. 27E, 2009
15. Marketing of local public services under the reduction of administrative expenditures, (co-autor), Theoretical and Applied Economics, No. 3, 2009
16. Towards an Administration Without Frontiers. An Analysis on the Instruments and Mechanisms of Cooperation in the Field of Migration from Romanian View, European Review of Public Law, Vol. 21, spring, Esperia Publications Ltd, London

17. Globalization of corruption and the development of the bynom „corruption-public integrity” in the context of Romania integration into the European Union, Theoretical and Applied Economics, year XV, No.2(519), 2008
18. Systemic Models of Local Development, (co-autor), International Journal of Public Administration in Central and Eastern Europe, No. 2008/1, pp.49-74, Budapest
19. Statistic instruments for performance evaluation in the public sector. A case study for Romania, (co-autor), International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing, vol. 5, nr.1, pp.35-53, Springer, 2008

20. Empirical Approaches about the Input-Output Model for the Local Economic Development in Romania, International Journal of Public Administration in Central and Eastern Europe, No. 2007-1, pp.39-50, Budapest
21. The Development of the European Administration. Fundamental Concept and Approaches, „Verejnà spràva a spolocnost`”, ed. FVS UPJS, Kosice, Slovacia
22. Modele sistemice ale dezvoltării locale, (co-autor), Theoretical and Applied Economics, anul XIV, No. 1 (506), 2007

23. Economy of corruption. Balance. Social and political determinations, Theoretical and Applied Economics, anul XIII, Nr. 6 (501), 2006
24. Economia publică versus economia de stat. Abordări şi probleme actuale, Theoretical and Applied Economics, anul XIII, Nr. 1 (496), 2006
25. A systemic model of optimum adjustment of the public service, (co-autor), Review of Theoretical and Applied Economics, year XIII, No. 3 (498), 2006
26. Corruption, Transparency and Quality. Comparative Approaches and Judiciary Support, European Public Law Series, Volume LXXXV, Esperia Publications LTD, London
27. Empirical Approaches of the Public-Private Partnership in the Services of Public Utility,(co-autor), Review of Theoretical and Applied Economics, No. 10 (505), 2006

28. Evoluţia administraţiei europene. Concepte şi abordări fundamentale, Revista română de drept comunitar, nr. 3/2004,
29. Profesionalizarea funcţiei publice, Revista Economie şi administraţie locală, 2004
30. Tranziţia şi reforma administraţiei publice. Experienţe europene, Revista Economie şi administraţie locală, 2004
31. Formarea şi dezvoltarea competenţei funcţionarilor publici, obiectiv major al politicii de resurse umane în sistemul administraţiei publice, Revista de Management, 2004

32. Benchmarking în sectorul public, revista “Economie şi administraţie locală”, nr. 2 (86), februarie 2003
33. European Public Space, NISPAcee News, vol.X, nr.1, 2003, p.8, Bratislava, Republica Slovacă
34. Training for European Integration, NISPAcee News, vol.X, nr.1, 2003, p.14, Bratislava, Republica Slovacă
35. Acțiunea publică și întărirea capacității de guvernare, revista ”Economie și administrație locală”, nr.3 (87), martie 2003
36. Spaţiul public european. Instrumente publice privind formarea pentru integrare europeană, revista “Economie şi administraţie locală”, nr. 1 (85), ianuarie 2003

37. Specific Issues of the Structure and Relations between Executive and Legislature at Local Level in Romania, (co-autor), Seminar internațional”Executive and Legislature at Local Level”, 24-25 octombrie 2002, Sarajevo, Bosnia – Herzegovina, Ed. Smjerokaz, pp.22-37, 2002
38. Distance Learning Programmes in Public Administration, NISPAcee News, vol.IX. nr.1, 2002, p.18, Bratislava, Republica Slovacă
39. International Conference on Japanese Coordinates of Public Sector Management, NISPAcee News, vol.IX. nr.1, 2002, p.18, Bratislava, Republica Slovacă

40. Administrația deschisă. Concepte și practici europene, revista ”Economie și administrație locală”, martie 2001
41. Teorii ale optimului economic în sectorul public, Revista de Management, trim.I 2001
42. Optimul economic în contextul integrării și al globalizării, Revista de Management, trim.I 2001

43. Entrepreneurial Performance, Systemic Assessment of Performance, (co-autor), Proceedings, 30-th European Small Business Seminar, Gent, Belgia
44. Public Sector Reform and Administrative Culture, (co-autor), Proceedings, 30th European Small Business Seminar, Gent, Belgia

45. Optimum Innovation Strategies for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises, Proceedings 29-th European Small Business Seminar, Cascais, Portugalia, 1999
46. Evaluating the Utility and Risk of Innovation, (co-autor), Proceedings 29-th European Small Business Seminar, Cascais, pp.288-298, Portugalia, 1999
47. The Innovative Systems for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises, Proceedings 44-th Conference – International Council for Small Business, Napoli, Italia, 1999

48. Risk of decision-making and entrepreneurial environment, (co-autor), Proceedings 28-th European Small Business Seminar, vol. I, pp.299-309, Viena

D. Lucrări prezentate la conferinţe de specialitate
1. Integrating anti-corruption strategies within the government reforms in some South-Eastern European states. An empirical study on the impact of the government performance, (co-autor), Conferinţa internaţională “Public Management in 21st century: Opportunities and Challenges”, Macau, R. P. Chineză, 2010
2. A multidisciplinary doctoral research program in administrative sciences. The economic and social impact of public administration Europeanization, (co-autor), A 32-a Conferinţă Anuală EGPA, Toulouse, Franţa, 2010
3. Public Integrity, Economic Freedom and Governance Performance. A Comparative Study for the EU Member States and Acceding Countries, (co-autor), A 32-a Conferinţă Anuală EGPA, Toulouse, Franţa, 2010
4. Administrative reforms in South Eastern European states. Comparative study in view of enlarging the European Administrative Space, co-autor, 5th Sino-US International Conference on Public Administration “The Role of Government in Fighting the Financial Crisis”, Xiamen, R. P. Chineză, 2010
5. Reducing the administrative expenditures as source for increasing the efficiency of local governance under conditions of the financial crisis, co-autor, 5th Sino-US International Conference on Public Administration “The Role of Government in Fighting the Financial Crisis”, Xiamen, R. P. Chineză, 2010
6. Local employment policies in the context of the economic crisis. Influences of the European Community structural instruments, co-autor, 5th Sino-US International Conference on Public Administration “The Role of Government in Fighting the Financial Crisis”, Xiamen, R. P. Chineză, 2010
7. Socio-indicators related to social perception of reforms in the public health system. The Romanian case, (co-autor), , 9th International Congress of the International Association on Public and Nonprofit Marketing (IAPNM 2010), Bucureşti, 2010
8. Integrated Approach of the Citizen’s Role in Relation to the Public Services, (co-autor), 9th International Congress of the International Association on Public and Nonprofit Marketing (IAPNM 2010), Bucureşti, 2010
9. Systemic Analysis-Support of the European Administrative Space, (co-autor), Workshop „Public Administration in the Balkans – from Weberian Bureacracy to New Public Management”, Atena, 2010

10. State Capture versus Administrative Corruption. A Comparative Study for the Public Health Service in Romania, (co-autor), International Conference of European Group of Public Administration “The Public Service: Service Delivery in the Information Age”, Malta, 2009
11. Marketing of local public services under the reduction of administrative expenditures, (co-autor), 8th International Congress on Public and Non Profit Marketing, Valencia, Spania, 2009
12. Improvement of government financing through non-conventional methods: reducing the administrative costs in the public sector , (co-autor), The Fifth Transatlantic Dialogue:The Future of Governance in Europe and the U.S. , Washington, SUA, 2009
13. Corruption in the public organizations., Towards a model of cost-benefit analysis for the anticorruption strategies, (co-autor), Conferinţa internaţională: „Governing Good and Governing Well - The First Global Dialogue on Ethical and Effective Governance", Amsterdam, Olanda, 2009.
14. Public Integrity and Performance of Governance. A Comparative Study for South-Eastern Europe. (co-autor),Conferinţa internaţională: „Governing Good and Governing Well - The First Global Dialogue on Ethical and Effective Governance", Amsterdam, Olanda, 2009
15. The impact of decentralization on the corruption phenomenon, (co-autor), 17th NISPAcee conference: "State and Administration in a Changing World", Budva, Muntenegru, 2009
16. The regulation of the conflict of interests in the Romanian administrative system, (co-autor), 17th NISPAcee conference: "State and Administration in a Changing World", Budva, Muntenegru, 2009
17. Enhancing the Efficiency of Local Government in the Context of Reducing the Administrative Expenditures, (co-autor), Conferinţa internaţională: Public Administration in Modern Times: Challenges and Perspectives, Komotini, Grecia, 2009

18. Partnership and local governance, (co-autor), Conferinţa Internaţională EGPA, “Innovation in the Public Sector”, Rotterdam, Olanda, 2008
19. Performance of Public Expenditure Management at Local Governance level in Romania (co-autor), Conferinţa Internaţională “The Status of Intergovernmental and Multi-level Governance in Europe and the US. The Fourth Transatlantic Dialogue”, Milano, Italia, 2008
20. Public Sector vs. Private Sector. Market Type Mechanisms in the Public Sector, (co-autor), 7th International Congress on Public and Non Profit Marketing, Szeged, Ungaria, 2008

21. Meritocratic aspects concerning performance evaluation in the public sector. A case study for Romania. (co-autor), Conferinta anuală internatională EGPA: Public Administration and the Management of Diversity, Madrid, Spania, 2007
22. Globalization and Europeanization. A Projection on a European Model of Public Administration, (co-autor), Al 27-lea Congres Internaţional de Ştiinţe Administrative, IIAS, Abu Dhabi, Emiratele Arabe Unite 2007
23. “Globalisation of Corruption and Development of the Binom “Corruption- Public Integrity” in the Context of Romania Integration into the European Union”,(co-autor) Conferinţa internaţională, The Third Transatlantic Dialogue, “Leading the Future of the Public Sector”, Delaware University, SUA, 2007
24. E-learning for future: The case of educational systems of knowledge management based on information technologies in the National School of Political Studies and Public Administration, Conferinţa internaţională , „Knowledge Management”, Bucureşti, 2007
25. Les Transferts de Compétences vus depuis la Roumanie, Colocviu international “Les Transferts de Compétences aux collectivites territoriales: Aujourd’hui et demain”, Montpellier, Franţa, 2007
26. “An Example of FP7 project: Europeanization of Public Administration and its Social – Economic Impact şi economic” şi “The Assessment of the Costs of Bureaucracy. Methods and European Practices”, Conferinţa internaţională: “The Impact of Europeanization on the Public Administration”, Bucureşti, 2007

27. Models of social and economic analysis of corruption; social perception and political stability, Seminar internaţional „The phenomenon of corruption: Ethical, economic, political and legal aspects”, Bucureşti, 2006
28. A Model of Social and Economic Analysis of Corruption, (co-autor), Conferința anuală internațională EGPA: Public Managers under pressure: between politics, professionalism and civil society, Milano, Italia, 2006
29. Corruption, Transparency and Quality. Comparative Approaches and Judiciary Support , Conferinţa internaţională “The role of the judiciary in a European integrated context”, Atena, Grecia, 2006
30. “Specific Aspects of the Public-Private Partnership in Romania”, (co-autor), Conferință internațională EGPA: „ A Performing Public Sector: The Second TransAtlantic Dialogue”, Leuven, Belgia, 2006

31. The role of the citizens’ options in improving the public sector performance, (co-autor), Seminar international: “Transparency and Participation. Making Governance more Citizen-Friendly ”, Bucureşti, 2005
32. Total Quality Management in the Public Sector. European Experiences, Conferinta internaţională: „Public Administration at the Beginning of the Third Millennium. Disseminating the Japanese Best Practices in Romania ”, Bucureşti, 2005
33. European Administration in the light of the Neo-managerial Governance, Conferinta internaţională:„ European Administration. Contemporary Concepts and Approaches ”, Bucureşti, 2005
34. The European Public Space Identity – Communication Resource in Central and Eastern Europe, Simpozion internaţional: Communication in South Eastern Europe in the European Integration Process, Atena, Grecia, 2005
35. E-learning Systems for Public Administration, (co-autor), NIME-SNSPA Joint Workshop, Tokyo, Japonia, 2005

36. Specific Issues of the Structure and Relations between Executive and Legislature at Local Level in Romania, (co-autor), Seminar internațional ”Executive and Legislature at Local Level”, 24-25 octombrie 2002, Sarajevo, Bosnia – Herzegovina

37. Entrepreneurial Performance, Systemic Assessment of Performance, (co-autor), 30-th European Small Business Seminar, Gent, Belgia
38. Public Sector Reform and Administrative Culture, (co-autor), 30-th European Small Business Seminar, Gent, Belgia

39. Optimum Innovation Strategies for Small and Medium Sizes Enterprises, 29-th European Small Business Seminar, Cascais, Portugalia
40. Evaluating the Utility and Risk of innovation, (co-autor), 29-th European Small Business Seminar, Cascais, Portugalia
41. The Innovative Systems for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises, 44-th International Council for Small Business Conference, Napoli, Italia

42. Risk of decision-making and entrepreneurial environment, (co-autor), 28-th European Small Business Seminar, Viena, Austria

Programe naţionale/internaţionale

Programul/Proiectul Funcţia Perioada
Proiect CE “Jean Monnet”- grup multilateral de cercetare: “South-Eastern developments on the administrative convergence and enlargement of the European Administrative Space in Balkan states”
2009/2946 Membru
Restructurarea programului de formare şi cercetare doctorală în domeniile ştiinţe politice, ştiinţe administrative, sociologie şi ştiinţe ale comunicarii- DOCT,
proiect POSDRU cofinanţat din Fondul Social European 2007-2013
POSDRU /21/1.5/G/16838 Expert 2010
Burse doctorale pentru dezvoltarea societăţii bazate pe cunoaştere – BDSC,
proiect POSDRU cofinanţat din Fondul Social European
POSDRU/88/1.5/S/63181 Expert 2010 - 2013
Burse doctorale în sprijinul cercetării: Competitivitate, calitate, cooperare în Spaţiul European al Învăţământului Superior – BDCCC,
proiect POSDRU cofinanţat din Fondul Social European 2007-2013,
POSDRU/61.5/S/1 Expert 2009 -2012
Program FP7, „S&T International Cooperation Network for Eastern European and Central Asian Countries”
Membru 2008-2012
Proiect Leonardo da Vinci (în consorţiu cu instituţii din Danemarca, Marea Britanie şi Franţa),”Competence Management in the European VET-Sector”
2007/713 Coordonator naţional proiect 2007-2009
Programul 4, Parteneriate, MECTS, „Corelaţii între caracteristicile socio-economice ale regiunilor de dezvoltare şi nivelul economiei informale: estimări, analize şi scenarii”
91054 Responsabil ştiinţific proiect 2007-2010
Programul 4, Parteneriate, MECTS, „Sistem modern de indicatori, modele şi politici de măsurare şi susţinere a formării iniţiale şi continue a resurselor umane din perspectiva calităţii educaţiei şi a stimulării potenţialului creativ”,
91005 Membru proiect 2007-2010
Program CEEX, „Modele de analiză economico-financiară ale impactului măsurilor de reformă în sistemul public de sănătate”
CEEX 06-8-86 Responsabil ştiinţific proiect 2006-2008
Program CEEX, „Uni - C- Strategii, sisteme, metode şi instrumente pentru managementul cunoaşterii în universităţi”
Responsabil ştiinţific proiect 2006-2007
Program CEEX, „Corupţia şi calitatea serviciilor din sectorul public în perspectiva integrării europene”
CEEX 05-D8-65 Responsabil ştiinţific proiect 2005-2007
Proiect THEMIS, “Transformation of the role of the judiciary in a European integrated context” Membru 2005-2006
“Public Administration at the Beginning of the Third Millennium. Disseminating the Japanese Best Practices in Romania” – proiect cu asistenţă japoneză
17RC- E8007 Coordonator 2005 - 2006
Proiect MECTS – Programul “AMTRANS” – “Sistem informatic al teritoriului având ca suport hărţile digitale în vederea eficientizării activităţilor administraţiei publice”
2A/02/06.08.2002 Coordonator general 2002 – 2004
Proiect MECTS – Programul “Infosoc” – “Sisteme modulare educaţionale asistate de resurse ale tehnologiei informaţiei pentru învăţământ universitar – UniSMART
46/2002 Responsabil ştiinţific proiect 2002 – 2004
Proiect MECTS– Programul “Orizont 2000” – “Studiu privind impactul pregătirii continue asupra reformei funcţiei publice din perspectiva integrării europene” Coordonator 2002
„Centrul Româno-Japonez de excelenţă în cultură şi educaţie”, proiect cu asistenţă japoneză Membru 2001 – 2002
Proiect LEONARDO DA VINCI “The European Virtual City for Education and Training”, în colaborare cu universităţi din Scoţia, Danemarca, Germania şi Spania
1510.7010.501.5013 Membru 2000 – 2002
“EU Regional Training of Civil Servants as a part of the Pre-accession Process”, Proiect bilateral româno-danez Membru 2001 – 2002
“Coordonate japoneze ale managementului sectorului public” – proiect cu asistenţă japoneză
Membru 2001 – 2002
Proiect TEMPUS în administraţie publică în consorţiu cu universităţi din Franţa şi Grecia, “Formation de l’administration publique aux acquis communautaires”
Membru 1999 – 2001
Proiect cu asistenţă japoneză – „Diseminarea experienţei japoneze în administraţia publică”
11RC-814 Membru 1999
Proiect Fundaţia pentru o Societate Deschisă – “Dezvoltarea programelor şi a curriculei postuniversitare în administraţia publică în spiritul acquis-ului comunitar”
B-PA-9920-99-7440 Coordonator proiect 1999 – 2000

flag Details:

Surname / First name MATEI ANI
Address) Str. Povernei, no. 6, sector 1, 010643, Bucharest
Telephone(s) 0040213180894, 0040213180880, 0040213146507

Fax) 0040213146507

Nationality Romanian

Date of birth 10 July 1953


Dates 1991 - present
Occupation or position held University Professor
Main activities and responsibilities

- Teaching activity for the disciplines: ‘Public Economics’, ‘Economic Analysis of Public Decisions’, ‘Analysis of public administration systems’
- Scientific co-ordinator and professor for doctoral studies in administrative sciences
- Professor Holder of the “Jean Monnet” European Module: “European Economic Space” (since August 2002)
- Vice Rector responsible of the academic activities (2004-2008)
- Director of the Distance Learning Department (2000-2004)
- Director – Public Management Institute
- Member of the commission for assuring quality in higher education (2008-present)
- Manager of training and research projects (PHARE, Leonardo da Vinci, TEMPUS) and bilateral projects (Greece, France, Denmark, Japan)
Name and address of employer National School of Political Studies and Public Administration
Faculty of Public Administration
Str.Povernei, no.6, sector 1, 010643, Bucharest
Type of business or sector Higher education, research, public university

Dates June and August, 2004
Occupation or position held Visiting Professor
Main activities and responsibilities

- Research activity
- Development of modular courses for postgraduate education in public administration
- Teaching responsibilities
Name and address of employer NIME – National Institute for Multimedia Education
2-12, Wakaba, Mihama-ku, Chiba-shi, 261-0014 JAPAN
Type of business or sector Higher education, research
Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities
Name and address of employer

Type of business or sector

Education and training August 2005
Visiting researcher
Research activity
NIME – National Institute for Multimedia Education
2-12, Wakaba, Mihama-ku, Chiba-shi, 261-0014 JAPAN
Higher education, research
Dates 2000 - 2003
Title of qualification awarded Ph.D. in Economics
Principal subjects/occupational skills covered Economics, management
Name and type of organisation providing education and training Academy of Economic Studies
Dates 1989 - 1998
Title of qualification awarded Ph.D. in Technical Science
Principal subjects/occupational skills covered Mathematics, statistics
Name and type of organisation providing education and training Polytechnic University Bucharest
Dates 1976 - 1977
Title of qualification awarded Diploma of Special Training
Principal subjects/occupational skills covered
Name and type of organisation providing education and training Bucharest University
Dates 1972 - 1976
Title of qualification awarded Bachelor Diploma in Mathematics
Principal subjects/occupational skills covered Mathematical researches
Name and type of organisation providing education and training Bucharest University, Faculty of Mathematics
Personal skills and competences
Mother tongue(s) Romanian

Other language(s) English, French
Self-assessment Understanding Speaking Writing
European level (*) Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production
English language C2 Proficient user C2 Proficient user C1 Proficient user C1 Proficient user C1 Proficient user
French language B1 Independent user B2 Independent user B1 Independent user B1 Independent user B1 Independent user
(*) Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

Organisational skills and competences Managerial skills in the management of the academic activities of the
National School of Political Studies and Public Administration
Designing and managing projects focused on academic and research cooperation.
Experience in national and international project management.

National/ international programmes:
1. FP7, “S&T International Cooperation Network for Eastern European and Central Asian Countries”, member, 2008-2011
2. Jean Monnet Multilateral Research Group: “South-Eastern developments on the administrative convergence and enlargement of the European Administrative Space in Balkan states”, member, 2009-2011
3. Restructuring the programme of training and doctoral research in political sciences, administrative sciences, sociology and sciences of communication, POSDRU project, co-financed from the European Social Fund, Expert, 2010
4. Doctoral scholarships for the development of knowledge-based society, POSDRU project, co-financed from the European Social Fund, Expert, 2010-2013
5. Doctoral scholarships for the support of research: Competitiveness, quality, cooperation in Higher Education European Area, POSDRU project, co-financed from the European Social Fund, Expert, 2009 - 2012
6. Research Programme, Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sports (MERYS), “Correlations among the socio-economic characteristics and the informal economy level: estimations, analyses and scenarios”, Scientific director, 2007-2010
7. Research Programme, MERYS, “Modern System of indicators, models and policies for measuring and supporting basic and continuous training of human resources in view of quality of education and creative potential stimulation”, member, 2007-2010
8. Leonardo Da Vinci–” Competence Management in the European VET-Sector”, National project co-ordinator , 2007-2009
9. Excellence Research Programme, CEEX, “Models of economic-financial analysis for the impact of reform measures in the health public system”, Scientific director, 2006-2008
10. THEMIS project, “Transformation of the role of the judiciary in a European integrated context”, member, 2005 – 2006
11. Excellence Research Programme, CEEX, „Corruption and quality of services in the public sector in a European integrated context”, Scientific director, 2005 – 2008
12. Excellence Research Programme, CEEX: “Uni - C- Strategies, systems, methods and instruments for knowledge management in universities”, Scientific director, 2006 – 2008
13. “Public Administration at the Beginning of the Third Millennium. Disseminating the Japanese Best Practices in Romania” – project with Japanese assistance, Project co-ordinator, 2005 – 2006
14. “AMTRANS” programme: “IT system of the territory based on digital maps aimed to make more efficient the activities of public administration”, Scientific director, 2002 – 2004
15. “Infosoc” programme: “Educational modular systems assisted by resources of information technology for university education – UniSMART”, Scientific director, 2002 – 2004
16. “Orizont 2000” programme: “Study on impact of in-service training on civil service reform from the perspective of European integration”, Project coordinator, 2002
17. “Romanian-Japanese Centre of excellence in culture and education”, project with Japanese assistance, member, 2001 - 2002
18. LEONARDO DA VINCI project: “The European Virtual City for Education and Training”, member, 2000 - 2002
19. Japanese Coordinates of Public Sector Management”, project with Japanese assistance, member, 2001 - 2002
20. TEMPUS programme: “Formation de l'administration publique aux acquis communautaire”, member, 1999 - 2001
21. “EU Regional Training of Civil Servants as a part of the Pre-accession Process”, member, 2001-2002
22. Open Society Foundation project: “Developing the programmes and postgraduate curricula in public administration on acquis communautaire”, Project-co-ordinator, 1999 - 2000
23. “Disseminating the Japanese experience in public administration”, project with Japanese assistance, member, 1999

Organisational skills and competences Experience in organizing the following international conferences:

- 9th International Congress of the International Association on Public and Nonprofit Marketing (IAPNM 2010), Bucharest, 10 -11 June 2010
- Cycle of conferences “EPLO Dialogues at NSPSPA”, (2008-present)
- Workshop „Public Administration in the Balkans – from Weberian Bureaucracy to New Public Management”, Athens, 5-6 February, 2010
- International Conference, „The Impact of Europeanization on the Public Administration”, Bucharest, 25-26 May 2007,
- International Seminar, „Phenomenon of corruption – Ethical, economic, political and legal aspects”, Bucharest, 14-15 December 2006
- International Seminar, “Transparency and Participation. Making Governance more Citizen-Friendly”, Bucharest, 5-6 December 2005, co-organiser
- International Conference, “Public Administration at the Beginning of the Third Millennium. Disseminating the Japanese Best Practices in Romania”, Bucharest, 21-22 November 2005
- International Conference, “European Administration. Contemporary Concepts and Approaches”, Bucharest, 21-22 October 2005
- Bilateral Romanian - Japanese Seminar, “Multimedia Technologies In Higher Education”, Bucharest, 17-18 January 2005
- Romanian - Japanese Seminar, “Distance Learning Integrated into Knowledge Management”, May 2003, Bucharest
- International Conference, “Civil Servants’ Training for European Integration” - Bucharest, November 2002
- International Conference, “Japanese Coordinates of Public Sector Management” Bucharest, November 2001
- The first national seminar on human resource development for public administration -„Administration of New Millennium-Training Policies for Undergraduate and Postgraduate Education”- Bucharest, September 2001
- International Conference, “Disseminating the Japanese Experience in Public Administration”, Bucharest, November 1999
Computer skills and competences Office XP, Internet
Additional information - President of the Commission of Administrative Studies, Education Studies and Psychology of the Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education
- Evaluator – National Council of Scientific Research in Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sports, Commission “Humanities, Social and Economic Sciences”, Sub commissions “Political sciences, Administrative sciences, Communication, Journalism” and “Economic sciences” (1993 – present)
- General Editor of APAS – Academic Public Administration Studies Archive
- Member of the Editorial Board of Theoretical and Applied Economics Review
- Scientific coordinator of „Collection of Socio-Economics”, Economica Publishing House
- Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal ”Organizations and Markets in emerging economies”, Vilnius University, Lithuania
- Member of the Advisory Board of ”Journal of Economic Policy and Research”, India
- Member EGPA , European Group of Public Administration, Brussels, Belgium
- Member of Academy of Management-USA
- Member of NISPAcee
- Member of International Association on Public and Nonprofit Marketing, Director for Quality Assurance
- Member of the network „International Public Management Network” – USA
- Member of Human Resource Specialists Association
- Deputy Director of the National Institute of Administration
Annex List of selected publications

1. Local Development, Theoretical and Empirical Models, (co-author), Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany
2. Les Transferts de Compétences Vus Depuis la Romanie, auteur, Chapitre 3, in ”Les transferts de compétences aux collectivites territoriales: aujourd`hui et demain?”, Pavia, M.L. (ed.), Ed. L`Harmattan, Paris, France

3. Modele teoretice si empirice ale dezvoltarii locale [Theoretical and empirical models of local development], co-author, Editura Economică, Bucureşti
4. Instruments, Section IV, in ”Public Integrity: Theories and Practical Instruments”, Suwaj, P.J. and Rieger, H.J.(eds.), (co-author), NISPACee Press, Bratislava, Slovak Republic
5. Socioperformanţa reformei sistemului public de sănătate, [Socio performance of the reform of the health public system], (co-author), Editura Economică, Bucureşti
6. The Corruption. An Economic and Social Analysis, (co-author), Editura Economică, Bucureşti

7. Corupţia. O analiză economică şi socială [Corruption. An Economic and Social Analysis], (co-author), Editura Economică, Bucureşti

8. Economie şi politici economice [Economy and economic policies], 2nd edition, (co-author), Editura Economică, Bucureşti,
9. Economie publică. Analiza economică a deciziilor publice [Public Economy. Economic Analysis of public decisions], Editura Economică, Bucureşti

10. Analiza sistemelor administraţiei publice, [Analysis of public administration systems], Editura Economică, Bucureşti
11. Economie şi politici economice, [Economy and economic policies], 1st edition, (co-author), Editura Economică, Bucureşti
12. Elemente de tehnologia informaţiei pentru administraţie publică, [IT Elements for public administration] (coordinator), Editura Economică, Bucureşti

13. Informatică pentru administraţia publică, [Computer Science for public administration], Editura Economică, Bucureşti
14. Coordonate japoneze ale managementului sectorului public, Proceedings, [Japanese Coordinates for public sector management - Proceedings], (coordinator), Editura Economică, Bucureşti
15. Coordonate japoneze ale managementului sectorului public, vol. II, III, [Japanese Coordinates for public sector management] – vol. II, III, Editura Economică, Bucureşti
16. The training of public administration on acquis communautaire, (co-author), Editura Economică, Bucureşti

17. Management comparat, [Comparative Management], (co-editor), Editura Economică, Bucureşti

18. Introducere în analiza sistemelor administraţiei publice, [Introduction in analysis of public administration systems], Editura Economică, Bucureşti
19. Acquis comunitar şi administraţie publică, [Acquis communautaire and public administration], (co-author), Editura Economică, Bucureşti

20. Curs de matematici pentru studenţii economişti, [Mathematics course for economist students], Editura Fundaţiei “România de Mâine”, Bucureşti

21. Modelarea matematică a fenomenelor macro şi microeconomice, [Mathematical modelling of macro and microeconomic phenomena], S.N.S.P.A., Bucureşti

22. Algebră superioară, [Superior Algebra], (co-author), Editura Academiei Tehnice Militare, Bucureşti
23. Matematici economice generale, [General Economic Mathematics], Editura Economică, Bucureşti

B. Books – Coordinator for translation
1. Analiza comparativă, evaluare şi management strategic în sectorul public [Comparative Analysis, evaluation and strategic management in the public sector], Editura Economică, Bucureşti, 2001;
2. Integrarea managementului resurselor umane în reforma funcţiei publice [Integrating human resource management in the civil service reform], Editura Economică, Bucureşti, 2001 ;
3. Formarea pentru integrare europeană - Pentru cooperare între instituţiile europene şi administraţiile statelor membre ale Uniunii Europene în domeniul formării continue a angajaţilor şi a managerilor din administraţia publică [Training for European integration – Towards Cooperation between European Institutions and administrations of the Member States of the European Union], Editura Economică, Bucureşti, 2001;
4. Guvernarea în tranziţie. Reformele managementului public în ţările OCDE [Transition Governance. Public Management Reform in OECD Countries], Editura Global Lex, Bucuresti, 2001;
5. Administraţii în tranziţie - Modernizarea administraţiei publice în: Portugalia, Olanda, Irlanda şi Franţa [Administrations in Transition – Modernizing public administration in: Portugal, the Netherlands, Ireland and France], Editura Economică, Bucureşti, 2001;
6. Funcţia publică în Europa celor 15 [Civil Service in Europe of the 15], Editura Economică, Bucureşti, 2002;
7. Uniunea Europeană şi managementul crizelor [European Union and Crisis Management], Editura Economică, Bucureşti, 2002;
8. Instrumentele managementului calităţii în ţările candidate din Europa Centrală şi de Est [Instruments for quality management in candidate countries from Central and Eastern Europe], Editura Economică, Bucureşti, 2004.
9. Funcţia publică europeană, între tradiţie şi reformă [European Civil Service, between tradition and reform], Editura Economică, Bucureşti, 2004.

C. Papers published in specialised reviews
1. Meritocratic Aspects concerning Performance Evaluation in the Public Sector. A Case Study for Romania, (co-author), The Journal of Institute of Public Enterprise, Vol. 33, No. 1 & 2, pp.35-62, Hyderabad, India
2. Models with Simultaneous Equations for Local Development, (co-author), Theoretical and Applied Economics, No. 1
3. The Administrative Convergence in the Balkan Area. Empirical Analysis of Social Policy in Romania and Bulgaria, (co-author), Theoretical and Applied Economics, No. 3
4. Socio-indicators related to social perception of reforms in the public health system. The Romanian case, (co-author), in ”Regulation and Best Practice in Public and Nonprofit Marketing” Proceedings IAPNM Congress 2010, Editura Economică, București
5. Integrated Approach of the Citizen’s Role in Relation to the Public Services, (co-author), International Review of on Public and Nonprofit Marketing, Springer
6. Evaluation of Unacademic Behaviour and its implications on Economic and Social Development, (co-author), Theoretical and Applied Economics, No.9
7. The Quality of Bureaucracy and Public Sector Performance. A Comparative Study in South-Eastern Europe, (co-author), Journal of Public Administration, China
8. Public Integrity, Economic Freedom and Governance Performance. A Comparative Study for the EU Member States and Acceding Countries, (co-author), Theoretical and Applied Economics, No. 11

9. Characteristics of the reforming process in the Romanian public administration system, Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences, No. 25 E, February 2009
10. Simultaneous Equations Models Used in the Study of Some Issues Related to the Corruption and Performance of Services in the Public Health System, (co-author), Theoretical and Applied Economics, No. 1
11. Some Notes about Decentralization Process Implications on Public Administration Corruption in Romania, (co-author), Prague Economic Papers, vol. 18, no. 1
12. Partnership and Local Governance in Romania, International Journal of Public Administration in Central and Eastern Europe, (co-author), No. 2009/1, pp. 52-77, Budapest
13. Econometric Models used for the Corruption Analysis, (co-author), Journal of Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research, No. 1
14. Corruption in the Public Organizations – Towards a Model of Cost – Benefit Analysis for the Anticorruption Strategies, (co-author), Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences, no. 27E
15. Marketing of local public services under the reduction of administrative expenditures, (co-author), Theoretical and Applied Economics, No. 3
16. Towards an Administration Without Frontiers. An Analysis on the Instruments and Mechanisms of Cooperation in the Field of Migration from Romanian View, European Review of Public Law, Vol. 21, spring, Esperia Publications Ltd, London

17. Globalization of corruption and the development of the binom „Corruption-public integrity” in the context of Romania integration into the European Union, Theoretical and Applied Economics, year XV, No.2(519)
18. Systemic Models of Local Development, (co-author), International Journal of Public Administration in Central and Eastern Europe, No. 2008/1, pp.49-74, Budapest
19. Statistic instruments for performance evaluation in the public sector. A case study for Romania, (co-author), International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing, vol. 5, nr.1, pp.35-53, Springer

20. Empirical Approaches about the Input-Output Model for the Local Economic Development in Romania, International Journal of Public Administration in Central and Eastern Europe, No. 2007-1, pp.39-50, Budapest
21. The Development of the European Administration. Fundamental Concept and Approaches, „Verejnà spràva a spolocnost`”, ed. FVS UPJS, Kosice, Slovak Republic
22. Systemic Models of Local Development, (co-author), Theoretical and Applied Economics, year XIV, No. 1 (506), 2007

23. Economy of corruption. Balance. Social and political determinations, Theoretical and Applied Economics, year XIII, No. 6 (501), 2006
24. Public Economy versus State Economy. Current Approaches and Problems, Theoretical and Applied Economics, year XIII, Nr. 1 (496), 2006
25. A systemic model of optimum adjustment of the public service, (co-author), Review of Theoretical and Applied Economics, year XIII, No. 3 (498), 2006
26. Corruption, Transparency and Quality. Comparative Approaches and Judiciary Support, European Public Law Series, Volume LXXXV, Esperia Publications LTD, London
27. Empirical Approaches of the Public-Private Partnership in the Services of Public Utility, (co-author), Review of Theoretical and Applied Economics, No. 10 (505), 2006

28. Evoluţia administraţiei europene. Concepte şi abordări fundamentale, Romanian Review of Community Law, no. 3/2004,
29. Profesionalizarea funcţiei publice, Review “Economy and Local Administration”, 2004
30. Tranziţia şi reforma administraţiei publice. Experienţe europene, Review “Economy and Local Administration”, 2004
31. Formarea şi dezvoltarea competenţei funcţionarilor publici, obiectiv major al politicii de resurse umane în sistemul administraţiei publice, Review of Management, 2004

32. Benchmarking în sectorul public, Review “Economy and Local Administration”, no. 2 (86), February 2003
33. European Public Space, NISPAcee News, vol.X, no.1, 2003, p.8, Bratislava, Slovak Republic
34. Training for European Integration, NISPAcee News, vol.X, no.1, 2003, p.14, Bratislava, Slovak Republic
35. Acțiunea publică și întărirea capacității de guvernare, Review ”Economy and Local Administration ”, no.3 (87), March 2003
36. Spaţiul public european. Instrumente publice privind formarea pentru integrare europeană, Review ”Economy and Local Administration ”, no. 1 (85), January 2003

37. Specific Issues of the Structure and Relations between Executive and Legislature at Local Level in Romania, (co-author), International Seminar ”Executive and Legislature at Local Level”, 24-25 October 2002, Sarajevo, Bosnia – Herzegovina, Ed. Smjerokaz, pp.22-37, 2002
38. Distance Learning Programmes in Public Administration, NISPAcee News, vol.IX. no.1, 2002, p.18, Bratislava, Slovak Republic
39. International Conference on Japanese Coordinates of Public Sector Management, NISPAcee News, vol.IX. no.1, 2002, p.18, Bratislava, Slovak Republic

40. Administrația deschisă. Concepte și practici europene, Review ”Economy and Local Administration ”, March 2001
41. Teorii ale optimului economic în sectorul public, Review of Management, quarter I, 2001
42. Optimul economic în contextul integrării și al globalizării, Review of Management, quarter I, 2001

43. Entrepreneurial Performance, Systemic Assessment of Performance, (co-author), Proceedings, 30-th European Small Business Seminar, Gent, Belgium
44. Public Sector Reform and Administrative Culture, (co-author), Proceedings, 30th European Small Business Seminar, Gent, Belgium

45. Optimum Innovation Strategies for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises, Proceedings, 29-th European Small Business Seminar, Cascais, Portugal, 1999
46. Evaluating the Utility and Risk of Innovation, (co-author), Proceedings 29-th European Small Business Seminar, Cascais, pp.288-298, Portugal, 1999
47. The Innovative Systems for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises, Proceedings 44-th Conference – International Council for Small Business, Naples, Italy, 1999

48. Risk of decision-making and entrepreneurial environment, (co-author), Proceedings 28-th European Small Business Seminar, vol. I, pp.299-309, Vienna

D. Papers presented at conferences
1. Integrating anti-corruption strategies within the government reforms in some South-Eastern European states. An empirical study on the impact of the government performance, (co-author), International Conference “Public Management in 21st century: Opportunities and Challenges”, Macau, China, 2010
2. A multidisciplinary doctoral research program in administrative sciences. The economic and social impact of public administration Europeanization, (co-author), 32nd EGPA Annual Conference “Temporalities, Public Administrations and Public Policies”, Toulouse, France, 2010
3. Public Integrity, Economic Freedom and Governance Performance. A Comparative Study for the EU Member States and Acceding Countries, (co-author), 32nd EGPA Annual Conference, Toulouse, France, 2010
4. ,Administrative reforms in South Eastern European states. Comparative study in view of enlarging the European Administrative Space, (co-author), 5th Sino-US International Conference on Public Administration “The Role of Government in Fighting the Financial Crisis”, Xiamen, China, 2010
5. Reducing the administrative expenditures as source for increasing the efficiency of local governance under conditions of the financial crisis, (co-author), 5th Sino-US International Conference on Public Administration “The Role of Government in Fighting the Financial Crisis”, Xiamen, China, 2010
6. Local employment policies in the context of the economic crisis. Influences of the European Community structural instruments, (co-author), 5th Sino-US International Conference on Public Administration “The Role of Government in Fighting the Financial Crisis”, Xiamen, China, 2010
7. Socio-indicators related to social perception of reforms in the public health system. The Romanian case, (co-author), , 9th International Congress of the International Association on Public and Nonprofit Marketing (IAPNM 2010), Bucureşti, 2010
8. Integrated Approach of the Citizen’s Role in Relation to the Public Services, (co-author), 9th International Congress of the International Association on Public and Nonprofit Marketing (IAPNM 2010), Bucureşti, 2010
9. Systemic Analysis-Support of the European Administrative Space, (co-author), Workshop „Public Administration in the Balkans – from Weberian Bureaucracy to New Public Management”, Athens, 2010

10. State Capture versus Administrative Corruption. A Comparative Study for the Public Health Service in Romania, (co-author), International Conference of European Group of Public Administration “The Public Service: Service Delivery in the Information Age”, Malta, 2009
11. Marketing of local public services under the reduction of administrative expenditures, (co-author), 8th International Congress on Public and Non Profit Marketing, Valencia, Spain, 2009
12. Improvement of government financing through non-conventional methods: reducing the administrative costs in the public sector , (co-author), The Fifth Transatlantic Dialogue: The Future of Governance in Europe and the U.S. , Washington, USA, 2009
13. Corruption in the public organizations., Towards a model of cost-benefit analysis for the anticorruption strategies, (co-author), International Conference: „Governing Good and Governing Well - The First Global Dialogue on Ethical and Effective Governance", Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2009.
14. Public Integrity and Performance of Governance. A Comparative Study for South-Eastern Europe. (co-author), International Conference: „Governing Good and Governing Well - The First Global Dialogue on Ethical and Effective Governance", Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2009
15. The impact of decentralization on the corruption phenomenon, (co-author), 17th NISPAcee conference: "State and Administration in a Changing World", Budva, Montenegro, 2009
16. The regulation of the conflict of interests in the Romanian administrative system, (co-author), 17th NISPAcee conference: "State and Administration in a Changing World", Budva, Montenegro, 2009
17. Enhancing the Efficiency of Local Government in the Context of Reducing the Administrative Expenditures, (co-author), International Conference: Public Administration in Modern Times: Challenges and Perspectives, Komotini, Greece, 2009

18. Partnership and local governance, (co-author), EGPA International Conference, “Innovation in the Public Sector”, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 2008
19. Performance of Public Expenditure Management at Local Governance level in Romania (co-author), International Conference “The Status of Intergovernmental and Multi-level Governance in Europe and the US. The Fourth Transatlantic Dialogue”, Milan, Italy, 2008
20. Public Sector vs. Private Sector. Market Type Mechanisms in the Public Sector, (co-author), 7th International Congress on Public and Non Profit Marketing, Szeged, Hungary, 2008

21. Meritocratic aspects concerning performance evaluation in the public sector. A case study for Romania. (co-author), EGPA International Conference: Public Administration and the Management of Diversity, Madrid, Spain, 2007
22. Globalization and Europeanization. A Projection on a European Model of Public Administration, (co-author), 27th International Congress of Administrative Sciences, IIAS, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates 2007
23. “Globalisation of Corruption and Development of the Binom “Corruption- Public Integrity” in the Context of Romania Integration into the European Union”, (co-author), International Conference, The Third Transatlantic Dialogue, “Leading the Future of the Public Sector”, Delaware University, USA, 2007
24. E-learning for future: The case of educational systems of knowledge management based on information technologies in the National School of Political Studies and Public Administration, International Conference, „Knowledge Management”, Bucureşti, 2007
25. Les Transferts de Compétences vus depuis la Roumanie, International Colloquium “Les Transferts de Compétences aux collectivites territoriales: Aujourd’hui et demain”, Montpellier, France, 2007
26. “An Example of FP7 project: Europeanization of Public Administration and its Social – Economic Impact” and “The Assessment of the Costs of Bureaucracy. Methods and European Practices”, International Conference: “The Impact of Europeanization on the Public Administration”, Bucureşti, 2007

27. Models of social and economic analysis of corruption; social perception and political stability, International Seminar „The phenomenon of corruption: Ethical, economic, political and legal aspects”, Bucureşti, 2006
28. A Model of Social and Economic Analysis of Corruption, (co-author), EGPA International Conference: Public Managers under pressure: between politics, professionalism and civil society, Milan, Italy, 2006
29. Corruption, Transparency and Quality. Comparative Approaches and Judiciary Support, International Conference “The role of the judiciary in a European integrated context”, Athens, Greece, 2006
30. “Specific Aspects of the Public-Private Partnership in Romania”, (co-author), EGPA International Conference: „ A Performing Public Sector: The Second TransAtlantic Dialogue”, Leuven, Belgium, 2006

31. The role of the citizens’ options in improving the public sector performance, (co-author), International Seminar: “Transparency and Participation. Making Governance more Citizen-Friendly”, Bucureşti, 2005
32. Total Quality Management in the Public Sector. European Experiences, International Conference: „Public Administration at the Beginning of the Third Millennium. Disseminating the Japanese Best Practices in Romania ”, Bucureşti, 2005
33. European Administration in the light of the Neo-managerial Governance, International Conference:„ European Administration. Contemporary Concepts and Approaches ”, Bucureşti, 2005
34. The European Public Space Identity – Communication Resource in Central and Eastern Europe, International Symposium: Communication in South Eastern Europe in the European Integration Process, Athens, Greece, 2005
35. E-learning Systems for Public Administration, (co-author), NIME-SNSPA Joint Workshop, Tokyo, Japan, 2005

36. Specific Issues of the Structure and Relations between Executive and Legislature at Local Level in Romania, (co-author), International Seminar ”Executive and Legislature at Local Level”, 24-25 October 2002, Sarajevo, Bosnia – Herzegovina

37. Entrepreneurial Performance, Systemic Assessment of Performance, (co-author), 30-th European Small Business Seminar, Gent, Belgium
38. Public Sector Reform and Administrative Culture, (co-author), 30-th European Small Business Seminar, Gent, Belgium

39. Optimum Innovation Strategies for Small and Medium Sizes Enterprises, 29-th European Small Business Seminar, Cascais, Portugal
40. Evaluating the Utility and Risk of innovation, (co-author), 29-th European Small Business Seminar, Cascais, Portugal
41. The Innovative Systems for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises, 44-th International Council for Small Business Conference, Naples, Italy

42. Risk of decision-making and entrepreneurial environment, (co-author), 28-th European Small Business Seminar, Vienna, Austria

Publicații selectate:

* Matei,Ani;Matei,Lucica;Savulescu,Carmen, Local Development:Theoretical and Empirical Models, Lambert Academic Publishing,Saarbrucken,Germany, 2010.