Scopul nostru este sprijinirea şi promovarea cercetării ştiinţifice şi facilitarea comunicării între cercetătorii români din întreaga lume.
UCLA / USC BioDemography Center, Los Angeles, CA, .
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Nascut(a) in: 1964
Interese: sociologie, gerontologie, statistica, demografie
Interesul meu este in modul in care fortele societatii influenteaza starea fizica a oamenilor care se apropie de pensionare.
Lucrez ca un statistician pentru citeva proiecte in domeniul medical unde pregatesc si analizez date despre starea fizica a oamenilor batrini.
I am interested in the social-based processes by which older adults' health deteriorates: work, work conditions, health behaviors, family stressors, etc.
Also, I provide statistical and computing research support to multiple research projects that deal with the health care of the elderly.
Publicații selectate:
* Timothy Biblarz, Vern L. Bengtson, and Alexander Bucur, Social Mobility Across Three Generations, Journal of Marriage and Family, 58 (1), 1996.
* Timothy Biblarz, Adrian Raftery, and Alexander Bucur, Family Structure and Social Mobility, Social Forces, 75 (4), 1997.
* Alexander Bucur and Sunkyo Kwon, Computer Hardware and Software Interfaces: Why The Elderly Are Underrepresented as Computer Users, CyberPsychology and Behavior, 2 (6), 1999.
* Alexander Bucur, Carl Renold, III, and Maria Henke, How Do Older Netcitizens Compare with Their Younger Counterparts?, CyberPsychology and Behavior, 2(6), 1999.
* Alexander Bucur, Technology for Internet-based Gerontology Courses, Carl Renold, III and Alexander Bucur, Geriatrics and Gerontology Education, 20 (4), 2000.
* Gail A. Greendale, Tracy A. DeAmicis, Alexander Bucur, Phil Bretsky, John W. Rowe, David B. Reuben, Teresa Seeman, A Prospective Study of the Effect of Fracture on Measured Physical Performance: Results from the MacArthur Study, Journal of the American Geriatric Society, 48 (5), 2000.