Articolele autorului Maria Gyemant
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La métaphore – point de rencontre entre la psychanalyse et la phénoménologie

This work aims to establish on the basis of the phenomenological and psychoanalytical interpretations of the metaphor a continuity between these two traditions. We have succeded in proving that the Metaphor found by Lacan's psychoanalysis at the origin of all language (la métaphore du Nom-du-Père)is nothing else but the counterpart of Merleau-Ponty's "parole parlante". By showing that psychoanalysis has, more than a simple practical use, a fully

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« Repere etice pentru desfasurarea curei psihanalitice »
« La modernité et les Etats postcommunistes »

European identity is strictly related to modernity and its specific approach, rationalism. Becoming part of Europe, the post-communist states must assume this identity and, in doing so, deal with whatever crisis it implies. Following Edmund Husserl’s and Jürgen Habermas’ reflections we will try to explain what the rationality crisis means and what are its causes. Thus, defining modernity by its qualities and its dangers we will be able to draw

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« Posibilitatea transmiterii in cadrul naratiunii istorice »
J. Derrida, J. Habermas, Le „concept” de 11 septembre, Dialogues à New York (octobre décembre 2001) avec Giovanna Borradori (Paris : Galilée, 2004)
Adrian Paul Iliescu, Solitude and the birth of Modernity