Articolele autorului Gabriel Ovidiu Iancu
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Concurs pentru ocuparea a 2 posturi de cercetare in Stiintele Pamantului

Departamentul de Cercetare al Facultatii de Geografie si Geologie din Universitatea "Al. I. Cuza" Iasi, Romania angajeaza pe baza de competitie un cercetator stiintific III (doctor in Geologie, specializarea Geochimie) si un asistent de cercetare (absolvent de Geografie si doctorand in Geografie). Pentru postul de asistent de cercetare candidatii trebuie sa fie inscrisi la doctorat, iar pentru postul de cercetator stiintific III candidatii trebuie

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Lead, Zinc and Copper in the bioaccumulative horizon of soils from Iasi and the surrounding areas

Study of distribution of Pb, Zn and Cu in the bioaccumulative horizon of soils in the municipality of Iaşi and its surrounding areas indicates differences of concentration between urban and rural spaces. In the urbanised area, the bulk of the concentration is Pb, with an average of 60.5 mg/kg, and Zn, with an average of 207.2 mg/kg, both elements being associated with urban technosols. Pb has a larger area distribution, being associated with industrial

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Cathodoluminescence spectra of diamonds in UHP rocks from the Kokchetav Massif, Kazakhstan

We propose to investigate the diamonds from the Kokchetav Massif, northern Kazakhstan, which is the best example of diamond-eclogite facies metamorphism, using cathodoluminescence (CL) techniques. CL spectra measurements of diamonds from garnet-pyroxene-quartz rocks and dolomitic marbles, made at 80 K, revealed peaks at 2.156 eV, 2.463 eV, 3.188 eV and a broad band at 2.72÷2.80 eV. Panchromatic and monochromatic diamond images analyzed by CL reveal

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Reexamination of Mocs and Tauti Chondritic Meteorites; Classification with Shock Degree
Petrological and Geochemical Classification of the Sopot Chondrite