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Quantum information in the frame of coherent states representation

Domenii publicaţii > Fizica + Tipuri publicaţii > Articol în revistã ştiinţificã

Autori: Dusan POPOV, Ioan ZAHARIE, Vjekoslav SAJFERT, Ioan LUMINOSU, Deian POPOV

Editorial: 47(5), p.1441-1454, 2008.


In this paper we have showed that the qubit can be expressed through the coherent states. Consequently, a message, i.e. a sequence of qubits, is expressed as a tensor product of coherent states. In the quantum information theory and practice, only the code and key message are expressed as a sequence of qubits, i.e. through a quantum channel, the properly information will be transmitted by using a classical channel. Even if the most used coherent states in the quantum information theory are the coherent states of the harmonic oscillator (particularly, expressing by them the Schrödinger “cat states” and the Bell states), several authors have been demonstrated that other kind of coherent states may be used in quantum information theory. For the ensembles of qubits, we must use the density operator, in order to describe the informational content of the ensemble. The diagonal representation of the density operator, in the coherent state representation, is also useful to examine the entanglement of the states.

Cuvinte cheie: Quantum information, Qubit, Coherent state, Density operator