Articolele autorului Bogdan Socea
Link la profilul stiintific al lui Bogdan Socea

– Epidemiological aspects and risk factors in the outcome of variceal eso-gastric bleeding at cirrhosis patients
– Rezultatele abordului terapeutic diferenţiat la pacienţii politraumatizaţi cu leziuni abdominale
– Homograft vs. heterograft in lower limb revascularization – postoperative complications
– Blunt abdominal trauma in a patient with associated epigastric incarcerated hernia
– Rare Urogenital Malformation Coupled with Complex Vascular Malformation – A Case Report
– The efficiency of low molecular weight heparins in the prophylaxis of venous thromboembolic complications in general surgery
– Revascularizarea membrului inferior – între deziderat şi posibilitãţi

Revascularization of the lower extremity in patients with diabetes or chronic obstructive arterial disease is a challenging, still unsolved problem. Modern day technique (stem cell therapy, hyperbaric therapy) has yet to deliver satisfactory results. Homogenous (safenous vein) or heterogeneous (terom, dacron, PTFE-teflon) by-pass surgery is limited because of technical difficulty and positive outcomes have a short duration. All these lead to, in

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