Articolele autorului Daniela Bratosin
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Flow cytofluorimetric analysis of young and senescent human erythrocytes probed with lectins. Evidence that sialic acids control their life span.

Comparing the properties of 'young' and senescent ('aged') O+ erythrocytes isolated by applying ultracentrifugation in a self-forming Percoll gradient, we demonstrate that the sialic acids of membrane glycoconjugates control the life span of erythrocytes and that the desialylation of glycans is responsible for the clearance of the aged erythrocytes. This capture is mediated by a beta-galactolectin present in the membrane of macrophages. The evidence

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Molecular mechanisms of erythrophagocytosis: flow cytometric quantitation of in vitro erythrocyte phagocytosis by macrophages

A rapid, sensitive, and reproducible flow cytofluorimetric procedure is described for quantitation of erythrophagocytosis based on the use of red blood cells (RBCs) labeled with the fluorescent probe PKH-26. The procedure involves the following steps: i) incubation of PKH-26-labeled erythrocytes with macrophages, ii) removal of un-bound red blood cells, iii) lysis of membrane-bound RBCs, and iv) measurement of extent of phagocytosis by direct flow-cytometric

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Molecular mechanisms of erythrophagocytosis. Characterization of the senescent erythrocytes that are phagocytized by macrophages.

We have recently developed a flow cytometric assay for the quantitation of erythrophagocytosis, using PKH 26-labeled erythrocytes as the target cells. Using this assay we have shown that there is extensive phagocytosis of desialylated erythrocytes. Furthermore, we have demonstrated that it is the densest population of erythrocytes obtained on a self-forming gradient of Percoll that shows the greatest susceptibility to phagocytosis. We designate this

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Cellular and molecular mechanisms of senescent erythrocyte phagocytosis by macrophages. A review.

Human red blood cells (RBCs) have a life-span of 120 days in circulation, after which they are phagocytized by resident macrophages. Extensive studies have been undertaken by many investigators in order to elucidate the cellular and molecular mechanisms of the erythrophagocytosis. The critical questions addressed by physiologists, clinicians and biochemists are: 'which of the many traumatic blemishes that appear on the erythrocyte surface as it winds

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Improved storage of erythrocytes by prior leukodepletion: Flow cytometric evaluation of stored erythrocytes.

In vivo phagocytosis of senescent red blood cells (RBCs) by macrophages occurs 120 days after their release into the circulation. It depends on two sequential signals that trigger phagocytosis: (1) desialylation of membrane glycoconjugates with the exposure of the penultimate beta-galactosyl residues and (2) exposure of phosphatidylserine in the membrane outer leaflet. Leukodepleted and nonleukodepleted RBCs were compared using flow cytometric procedures

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Programmed cell death in mature erythrocytes: a model for investigating death effector pathways operating in the absence of mitochondria.

Human mature erythrocytes have been considered as unable to undergo programmed cell death (PCD), due to their lack of mitochondria, nucleus and other organelles, and to the finding that they survive two conditions that induce PCD in vitro in all human nucleated cells, treatment with staurosporine and serum deprivation. Here we report that mature erythrocytes can undergo a rapid self-destruction process sharing several features with apoptosis, including

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