Articolele autorului Popov Dusan
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Difference equations in condensed matter physics and their application to exciton systems in thin molecular films

The main goal of this work is the development of the correct methodology of calculation of the Green's function of broken symmetry structures. The two methods were analysed and it was concluded that the direct method with the use of the translational opeartors is not convenient for the analysis of the exciton properties in thin molecular films. The second proposed method, consisting in translation of the difference equation with nthe spatially variable

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Photon-added coherent states for thr Morse oscillator

In the paper we have constructed and investigated some properties of the Perelomov's "generalized coherent states" and photon-added coherent states for the Morse one-dimensional Hamiltonian (MO-PACSs), using the SU(2) group generators. We have found the integration measure in the resolution of unity and we have calculated some expectation values in the MO-PACSs representation. Using these states, the diagonal P-representation of the density operator

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Gazeau-Klauder quasi-coherent states for the Morse oscillator

In the Letter we have constructed and investigated some properties of the Gazeau-Klauder quasi-coherent states for the Morse potential, previously deduced by Roy and Roy. We have focused our attention on the thermal states and we have found the analytical form of the diagonal P-representation of the density operator.

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