Articolele autorului Gabriel Istrate
Link la profilul stiintific al lui Gabriel Istrate

Ninth International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing (SYNASC 2007)

Location: Timisoara, Romania September 26-29, 2007 Submission Deadline: May 30. Webpage:

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Workshop on quantitative biology, Bucharest May 14-25.

Dragi colegi, Va rog sa anuntati pe colegii si studentii Dv eventual interesati de Workshop-ul de mai jos. Cordial, Solomon Marcus ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Sun, 29 Apr 2007 06:24:31 -0400 From: Andrei Ruckenstein To: .... Subject: Workshop on Quantitative Biology Dear Friends: From May 14 to May 25 Eugen Gheorghiu and myself are organizing a workshop on quantitative Biology which will bring together a number of leaders in the

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Pozitii de cercetare, institutul eAustria, Timisoara

Trei pozitii de cercetare sunt disponibile la Institutul eAustria (, in cadrul proiectului "Phase transitions in Computational Complexity and Formal Verification: Towards Generic and Realistic Approaches". Doua din pozitii sunt la nivel de stundent/masterand, a treia pozitie (full time) la nivel de doctorand/postdoctorand. Proiectul are o durata totala de 24 de luni, si este finantat de Uniunea Europeana, printr-un grant Marie

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Vasile Ene memorial fund in real analysis

Can be used to pay the living expenses of young Romanian mathematicians who attend the annual summer symposia sponsored by "Real Analysis Exchange". Details: (courtesy of Cristian Enache on

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Towards Generative Activity-based Models for Large-scale Socio-technical Simulations

An approach to activity modeling based on the theory of random graphs has been proposed in Eubank et al. (Nature 2004). The approach does not represent temporal duration and activity type information, and does not yield a full activity generator. We present a number of theoretical concepts and experimental results supporting this goal. They include (i) the use of multi-labeled bipartite graphs to represent the missing information (ii) the automatic

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Five Postdoctoral Positions in Computer Science

GRAI: GRID COMPUTING AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 1 September 2006: Five Postdoc positions are available at Western University of Timisoara for 18 months: January 2007-July 2008. Young researchers (below 35 years) with PhD Degree who are interested in a full research position are invited to submit a request. Applications should be send asap to Dana Petcu (petcu [at] See the following webpage for further details.

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Packet Reordering Metrics: Some Methodological Considerations

Deciding what makes a packet reordering metric meaningful is a problem that has attracted significant interest in the computer networking community (See for instance the IETF Internet draft "Packet Reordering metric for IPPM"), but still lacks a universally accepted solution. We add to this discussion by the definition and investigation of some theoretical concepts illustrating the following simple points: 1. The notion of two traces being ``the

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Combinatorics of TCP Reordering

We study a combinatorial problem motivated by a receiver-oriented model of TCP traffic, that incorporates information on both arrival times and the dynamics of packet IDs. An important component of this model is a many-to-one mapping FB from sequences of IDs into a sequence of buffer sizes. We show that: i) Given a buffer sequence B, constructing a sequence A of IDs that belongs to the preimage of B can be accomplished by a cubic time algorithm.

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IPAM Research in Industrial Projects for Students „RIPS”, Los Angeles, 2006

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Semantic compression of TCP traces

We propose a new methodology, RESTORED, for model-based storage and regeneration of TCP traces. RESTORED provides significant data compression by exploiting semantics and structural properties of TCP. Experimental analysis shows that RESTORED can achieve over 10,000-fold compression ratios for some really large input connections, while still being able to recover a number of QoS measures.

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