Articolele autorului Gabriel Istrate
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Noua Competitie CNCSIS: Premierea Rezultatelor in Cercetare 2009 Metodologia de premiere s-a modificat fata de anii precedenti, premiile acordandu-se in functie de clasificarea revistei dupa factorul de impact.

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Geometric Properties of Satisfying Assignments of random $epsilon$-1-in-k SAT

We study the geometric structure of the set of solutions of random $epsilon$-1-in-k SAT problem. For $l geq 1$, two satisfying assignments $A$ and $B$ are $l$-connected if there exists a sequence of satisfying assignments connecting them by changing at most $l$ bits at a time. We first identify a subregion of the satisfiable phase where the set of solutions provably forms one cluster. Next we provide a range of parameters $(c,epsilon)$ such that

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Higher Education Funding Council for England: citations versus peer-review in RAE

"The use of citations to determine the quality of academic work in the hard sciences is to be abandoned in favour of peer review in the new system being designed to replace the research assessment exercise. However, information about the number of citations a scholar's work accrues could be provided to assessment panels to help "inform" their judgments in a range of subjects." Full text:

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„The Impending Demise of the University”: an article on

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Posibila motiune simpla pe problemele cercetarii


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Dilema Veche despre criza cercetarii stiintifice Unul din articole e un interviu cu Roxana Bojariu, membru Ad Astra.

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Stanford Computer Science professor and angel investor Rajeev Motwani passes away Rajeev Motwani has received the 2001 Godel Prize, jointly awarded by ACM SIGACT and EATCS, for his work on the PCP theorem. He was the mentor of Google founders, Larry Page and Sergey Brin. He was (among many other things) the author of "Randomized Algorithms", a well-known textbook published by Cambridge University Press.

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Average citation rates by research field

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2009 Godel Prize for Theoretical Computer Science announced

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N.Y. Times Op-Ed: End the University as We Know It

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