Articolele autorului Gheorghe Cosmin Silaghi
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Threat Analysis and Attacks on XtreemOS: a Grid–enabled Operating System

We perform a preliminary threat analysis on a grid–enabled operating system, namely XtreemOS, in this paper. While currently under development, XtreemOS aims to provide native Virtual Organisation support in a secure and dependable manner. We investigate security within the XtreemOS architecture by identifying the security requirements and objectives. Further, we list assets within the system that need protection and detail attacks using the attacker

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Using Sla Based Approach To Handle Sabotage Tolerance In The Grids

This Work Explores The Potential Of Employing Service Level Agreements To Make Grids Sabotage Tolerant. The Complex Nature Of The Grid Requires Comprehensive Security And Trust Solutions That Can Encompass Different Aspects Of Their Operational Environments. In This Paper, We Argue That The Use Of Service Level Agreement (Sla) Based Exchange Of Information (Negotiations Of Slacontracts) Can Enhance The Efficiency Of The Grid Security Architecture

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Tackling the Collusion Threat in P2P-enhanced Internet Desktop Grids

As Internet Desktop Grids become more and more popular in the success story of @Home projects, it is important to provide support for other more demanding applications that make use of large amounts of data to be computed. We have been investigating P2P techniques to facilitate the distribution of large chunks of shared data among an increasing set of workers. When we start using P2P techniques the workers will connect among them and, having a mean

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A Utility-Based Reputation Model for Service-Oriented Computing

Reputation systems have emerged as a method for fostering trust amongst strangers in electronic transactions. In this paper we propose a utility-based model for reputation tailored for service-oriented computing. In contrast to most other reputation models that require direct feedback from users, our model build the reputation from information provided by monitoring systems, making it suitable for service-oriented settings such as Grids. Usefulness

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Defeating Colluding Nodes in Desktop Grid Computing Platforms

Desktop Grid systems reached a preeminent place among the most powerful computing platforms in the planet. Unfortunately, they are extremely vulnerable to mischief, because volunteers can output bad results, for reasons ranging from faulty hardware (like over-clocked CPUs) to intentional sabotage. To mitigate this problem, Desktop Grid projects replicate work units and apply majority voting, typically on 2 or 3 results. In this paper, we observe

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