Articolele autorului Mihail Bota
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The Brain Architecture Management System
Integrating databases and expert systems for the analysis of brain structures, connections, and homologies.
Language evolution: neural homologies and neuroinformatics
From gene networks to brain networks
Neural Homologies: principles, databases and modeling

The concept of homology is central for understanding biological structures at different levels of organization. The problem of establishing homologies at the level of central nervous system is particularly important for explanation of the internal structures and functionality of brain nuclei of interest from different species. The identification of neural homologies in different species is problematic, since it involves the evaluation of a set of

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The NeuroHomology Database

he NeuroHomology database is a knowledge-based database that contains related sets of data on brain structures, connections and homologies in different species. In this paper we propose a set of rules, embedded in the database, for evaluation of the similarity between brain structures and of the neuroanatomical connections as reflected in the literature. The NeuroHomology database is a tool for search of neurobiological information and an expert

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