Articolele autorului Mihaela Nedelcu
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„Statistical Mechanics of Complex Networks” Conference

SITGES 2002: SITGES CONFERENCE "Statistical Mechanics of Complex Networks" XVIII Sitges Conference on Statistical Mechanics Sitges, Barcelona, SPAIN, 10-14 June 2002 Departament de Fisica Fonamental, UNIVERSITAT DE BARCELONA Networks provide graphic images of the extent to which population form connections among individuals, and web-like structures describe a large variety of systems in many fields of science. Recently,

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Postdoctoral traineeship in quantitative methods: University of Illinois

NIMH funded training in quantitative methods for behavioral and social science. Appointment commences July or August 2002. Seminars on advanced topics including multivariate analysis, multidimensional scaling, decision theory, social choice modeling, combinatorial methods for data analysis, and social network analysis. Opportunities for both methodological and applications research. Faculty includes: C. Anderson, D. Budescu, L. Hubert, L. Jones,

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