Articolele autorului Octavian Voiculescu
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Optical Techniques for Cell Physiology and Developmental Biology

An intensive, practical workshop aimed at teaching optical imaging methods applied in cell physiology and developmental biology; in Plymouth, U.K., 1-13 April 2003. Visit:

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Postdoc available at NIMR London, U.K.

NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR MEDICAL RESEARCH Post Doctoral Scientist Division of Developmental Neurobiology Molecular mechanisms of vertebrate neural development. EU funded position to study the molecular mechanisms of vertebrate neural development. Research in the lab focuses on the role of transcription factors and signalling molecules [see Cell 101: 435; Mol Cell 7:1279] and uses a range of model systems including zebrafish, chick and mouse. The project

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Different respiratory control systems are affected in homozygous and heterozygous kreisler mutant mice

During embryonic development, restricted expression of the regulatory genes Krox20 and kreisler are involved in segmentation and antero-posterior patterning of the hindbrain neural tube. The analysis of transgenic mice in which specific rhombomeres (r) are eliminated points to an important role of segmentation in the generation of neuronal networks controlling vital rhythmic behaviours such as respiration. Thus, elimination of r3 and r5 in Krox20--/--

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Pattern of expression of the transcription factor Krox-20 in mouse hair follicle

We examined the pattern of expression in hair follicles of the transcription factor gene Krox-20. During embryogenesis, Krox-20 is first expressed in the upper portion of the hair bud, then in the hair canal, in the sebaceous glands and in the outer root sheath. In the mature follicles, Krox-20, like Shh and TGFRII, is also expressed in a sub-population of matrix keratinocytes located in a ring-like fashion in vibrissal follicles and clustered on

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Successive patterns of clonal cell dispersion in relation to neuromeric subdivision in the mouse neuroepithelium

We made use of the laacz procedure of single-cell labelling to visualize clones labelled before neuromere formation, in 12.5-day mouse embryos. This allowed us to deduce two successive phases of cell dispersion in the formation of the rhombencephalon: an initial anterior-posterior (AP) cell dispersion, followed by an asymmetrical dorsoventral (DV) cell distribution during which AP cell dispersion occurs in territories smaller than one rhombomere.

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Hindbrain patterning: Krox20 couples segmentation and specification of regional identity

We have previously demonstrated that inactivation of the Krox20 gene led to the disappearance of its segmental expression territories in the hindbrain, the rhombomeres (r) 3 and 5. We now performed a detailed analysis of the fate of prospective r3 and r5 cells in Krox20 mutant embryos. Genetic fate mapping indicates that at least some of these cells persist in the absence of a functional Krox20 protein and uncovers the requirement for autoregulatory

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Expression pattern of a Krox-20/Cre knock-in allele in the developing hindbrain, bones, and peripheral nervous system

no abstract

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A dual role of erbB2 in myelination and in expansion of the schwann cell precursor pool

Neuregulin-1 provides an important axonally derived signal for the survival and growth of developing Schwann cells, which is transmitted by the ErbB2/ErbB3 receptor tyrosine kinases. Null mutations of the neuregulin-1, erbB2, or erbB3 mouse genes cause severe deficits in early Schwann cell development. Here, we employ Cre-loxP technology to introduce erbB2 mutations late in Schwann cell development, using a Krox20-cre allele. Cre-mediated erbB2 ablation

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