Articolele autorului Eugen Axinte
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Evaluation of flow units and free volumes in metallic glasses

We investigate the changes of the fractions of flow units and free volumes in two typical metallic glasses by variation of their preparation cooling rates. It is found that the fractions of the flow units and the free volumes show a similar dependence on the cooling rate, which is suggestive of the existence of a strong connection between them. The microstructural correlation between flow units and free volumes of the metallic glasses is discussed,

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Correlation between glass transition temperature and melting temperature in metallic glasses

We report that the glass transition temperature (Tg) of a variety of metallic glasses (MGs) correlates with the eutectic or peritectic temperature of two main components corresponding stoichiometric proportion in their binary phase diagram. The correlation suggests that the Tg of MGs is mainly determined by their solvent of two base components, which have composition close to the eutectic and peritectic points in the binary phase diagram and the

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A critical study of the emergence of glass and glassy metals as “green” materials

The work reported in this paper discusses the importance of glass and metallic glasses as environmen- tal friendly materials and also provide some points of view about the future influenceof these materials for the related fieldsof industrial engineering and industrial ecology.The environmental capabilities of metallic glasses (MGs),which are consider ed to be among the impo rtant materials of the future,have not been sufficientlyinvestigated.However,some

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Researches on the failure modes under tensile forces of the Resistance Spot Welding (RSW) joints

Resistance spot welding (RSW) is one of the most used methods of joining sheet metals. The RSW process is based on Joule Lenz effect, of the electric current passing trough the (similar or dissimilar ) joining metal sheets positioned between the two contact electrodes. At welding process , some important changes occurs in metallurgical and mechanical properties of the welded areas and heat affected zones (HAZ) . The purpose of this work is to highlight

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Giant magnetocaloric effect in Tm-based bulk metallic glasses

We report that the maximum magnetic entropy change ΔSm of Tm39Ho16Co20Al25 metallic glass can reach 18.3 Jkg−1K−1 under 5 T, which is larger than that of any previously reported metallic glasses and comparable with that of the giant magnetocaloric effect material Gd5Si2Ge2 compound. Even under low magnetic fieldof2 T, the ΔSm of the glass can reach 10.3 Jkg−1K−1 which is even larger that of most of other metallic glasses under 5 T. The

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Recent Progress in the Industrialization of Metallic Glasses

Metallic Glasses (MGs) , called also bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) ( or glassy metals , amorphous metals , liquid metals) are considered to be the materials of the future. Bulk metallic glasses, formed at very low critical cooling rates, are different from traditional amorphous alloys (which are usually formed at high cooling rates) in order to avoid the crystallization . The most important feature of BMGs that distinguish them from ordinary amorphous

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Oportunitati, perspective si provocari ale utilizarii materialelor noi (sticle metalice, fibre de carbon, grafen, fulerene) in industrie-Workshop Exploratoriu PN-II-ID-WE-2012-4-003

26-28 sept.2012 Exploratory Workshop at Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi A. Scoprile dezbaterii 1. conectarea cercetatorilor romani la cele mai noi tendinte pe plan mondial in domeniul materialelor si tehnologiilor din Industrie 2. informarea cercetatorilor romani asupra posibilitatilor de mari impactul propriilor cercetari pe plan mondial prin publicarea in reviste de larga audienta 3. crearea de punti de colaborare tehnico stiintifica

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Metallic glasses from „alchemy” to pure science. Present and future of design, processing and applications of glassy metals.

Metallic glasses, first discovered a half century ago, are currently among the most studied metallic materials. Available in sizes up to several centimeters, with many novel, applicable properties, metallic glasses have also been the focus of research advancing the understanding of liquids and of glasses in general. Metallic Glasses (MGs) , called also bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) ( or glassy metals , amorphous metals , liquid metals) are considered

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Glasses as engineering materials. A review

Glass products have applications in design engineering and they can solve many special problems. This materials can work in situations in which plastics and metals would fail and need to be part of designer's repertoire.. In some situations , by using of these materials, some difficult problems would be solved . This paper contains a number of chapters as it follows : a brief about ceramics family , a short history of glass , a brief about physics

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Oportunitati de publicare Jurnal International Indexat

olectivul editorial va invita sa publicati rezultate ale cercetarilor Dumneavoastra in jurnalul " INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ACADEMIC RESEARCH (IJAR)"- editat sub egida Academiei Nationale de Stiinte din Azerbaijan (ANAS) Jurnalul este indexat in bazele de date : Thomson Reuters ; Scirus ; Ebsco; Genamics ;Google Scholar ; Ulrich web; DOAJ Web site ;

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