Articolele autorului Irinela Chilibon
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Low frequency underwater piezoceramic transducer

This paper presents some aspects about the piezoceramic materials utilized in low frequency flextensional piezoceramic transducers for underwater acoustics applications. The piezoceramic material utilized in the flextensional transducer is type Pb(Zr0.53Ti0.47)O3 (PZT) with various additions (Ni, Bi and Mn). The underwater acoustic device realized in the laboratory presents an omnidirectional directivity diagram and low resonant frequency.

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Some aspects of the piezoceramic materials utilized in sensitive hydrophones

This paper establishes the experimental observations of the correspondence between the characteristics of piezoceramic materials and the sensitivity of narrow-band frequency hydrophones. The hydrophones realized in the laboratory are of narrow bandwidth with high sensitivity. They can be successfully utilized in marine communication (voice communication between divers or data transmission) because they are like selective filters for the ultrasonic

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Low-frequency ultrasonic piezoceramic sandwich transducer

This paper presents an ultrasonic piezoceramic sandwich transducer (UPST), utilised for ultrasonic field generation in water and cavitational effect achievement. This device will be used to produce enlargement of the bubbles, initiated by the incident shock wave on the calculus in the lithotripsy process. The piezoceramic sandwich transducer powered by a function/pulse generator type IWATSU SG-4511 converts the electrical signal in mechanical vibrations,

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