Articolele autorului Gicu-Gabriel Arsene
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Comparison of two neighbouring alkaline grasslands with different land uses: A conservation management perspective

We compared two neighbouring alkaline grasslands from a nature conservation point of view. The two grasslands are situated in different countries, resulting in different land uses. This study characterises the vegetation of the area in focus using the categories of the General National Habitat Classification System (Á-NÉR) and compares the two sides based on naturalness categories, diversity ordering, social behaviour types, differential species

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Eriochloa villosa (Thunb.) Khunt. – a new invasive weed in Romania

Eriochloa villosa has recently appeared in Romania (CIOCÂRLAN, 2006; FĂRCĂȘESCU et al., 2007). This species has dramatically spread in Banat (S-W) Romania in only two years (2006 and 2007). The most probable mode of propagation of this species in Romania isby infested drop seeds. Measurements of some main morphological parameters showed no differences compared to results published by other authors. Chemical control with Nicosulfuron resulted

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Nitrogen transformation after the spreading of pig slurry on bare soil and ryegrass using 15N-labelled ammonium

A short field experiment (27 days) was carried out in summer 1995, to study the effect of an actively growing grass sward on nitrogen transformations of a pig slurry. The ammonium fraction of the slurry was labelled with (15NH4)2SO4. The slurry was spread manually on microplots in mid-June, at the rate of 3 l/m2, on a cut ryegrass sward, and compared with bare soil. Absorption of 15N-labelled NH4 by the grass occurred very rapidly, attaining 41%

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A Syntaxonomic Review Of Thermophilous Shrub Communities (Syringo-Carpinion Orientalis) in Sw Romania

We describe the biotope conditions, synchorology, floristic composition, coenotaxonomy and syndynamics of three thermophilous community types from SW Romania: Asplenio-Syringetum Jakucs 1959, Syringo-Carpinetum orientalis Jakucs 1959, Syringo-Genistetum radiatae Malos 1972. The synthetic tables associated with the first two syntaxa contain original data as well as data of other authors. All phytocoenoses studied are characterized by high floristic

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