Articolele autorului Rodica Zavoianu
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The effect of ageing step elimination on the memory effect presented by Mg0.75Al0.25 hydrotalcites (HT) and their catalytic activity for cyanoethylation reaction

The absence of ageing step in the coprecipitation method leads to modification of textural and structural properties of Mg0.75Al0.25 hydrotalcites which are reflected in the “memory effect” and in the catalytic activity of these samples for cyanoethylation reaction between ethanol and acrylonitrile where the betaethoxypropionitrile is the prevailing reaction product. The solids were characterised by XRD, DRIFT, TEM and base sites determination

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Obtaining of Clinoptilolitic Extrudates for Environmental Applications II. Statistical analysis of plasticizer and shear stress effects

A 2-way factorial design was used for the study of rheological properties of clinoptilolite pastes. For all clinoptilolite samples, studies were performed for 4 levels of plasticizer content in ceramic mixtures and 7 levels for shear rate γ variation, without replicates. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) was conducted with MathCAD software (version 14.0). Comparisons among treatments were analysed using Fisher’s least significant difference, with

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