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Premii Ad Astra

premii Ad Astra

Asociația Ad Astra a anunțat câștigătorii Premiilor Ad Astra 2022: Proiectul și-a propus identificarea și popularizarea modelelor de succes, a rezultatelor excepționale ale cercetătorilor români din țară și din afara ei.

Asociatia Ad Astra a cercetatorilor romani lanseaza BAZA DE DATE A CERCETATORILOR ROMANI DIN DIASPORA. Scopul acestei baze de date este aceea de a stimula colaborarea dintre cercetatorii romani de peste hotare dar si cu cercetatorii din Romania. Cercetatorii care doresc sa fie nominalizati in aceasta baza de date sunt rugati sa trimita un email la

Publicatii proprii

On a Model of the Typical Cell from a Solar Panel

This paper presents theoretical and experimental researches concerning of application for a mathematical model for a photovoltaic panel with 36 Si cells in a serial circuit of Siemens SM55 PV panel type. Thus, the experimental I‐V characteristics for the five different illuminations at constant temperature are performed by the producer. A simple mathematical model is drawn from the equivalent electrical circuit with a single diode assuming the

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On The Non-Isothermal Crystallization of Fe60Gd5Cr15B20 Amorphous Alloys

The non‐isothermal crystallization kinetics of Fe60Gd5Cr15B20 amorphous alloys is investigated by differential thermal analysis (DTA). The analysis suggests that the crystallization of Fe60Gd5Cr15B20 amorphous alloys is based on two processes characterized by the activation energies εkl  =  3.17±0.57 [eV] and εkl  =  2.55 [eV], respectively. By X‐ray diffraction (XRD) and Mossbauer Spectroscopy (MS) we identified the crystalline

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The anyon’s knotted paths and M. Kontsevich integral

In this paper the topological quantum computing theory based on the evolution of the anyons in 2+1 space-time is presented. The Kontsevich integrals are used as significant tools in analysing the behaviour of anyons which obey parastatistics. There are polynomial invariants describing the knotted 2+1 dimensional space-time trajectories of the anyons and the present work tries to put all these into an adequate frame.

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The path integral formalism applied on the quantum rigid rotator

In this paper the topological quantum computing theory based on the evolution of the anyons in 2+1 space-time is presented. The Kontsevich integrals are used as significant tools in analysing the behaviour of anyons which obey parastatistics. There are polynomial invariants describing the knotted 2+1 dimensional space-time trajectories of the anyons and the present work tries to put all these into an adequate frame.

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Annealing effects in amorphous Fe77Gd3B20 ribbons

The crystallization kinetics of the amorphous alloy Fe77Gd3B20 were examined under isothermal flash annealing conditions both in air and in a vacuum. Magnetic measurements were used to determine the reaction order (n) and activation energy (Ea), and Mössbauer spectroscopy (MS) was used to identify some resulting crystalline phases.

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The game of the ‘very small’ and the ‘very big’
Photon-added coherent states for the Morse oscillator

In the paper we have constructed and investigated some properties of the Perelomov's “generalized coherent states” and photon-added coherent states for the Morse one-dimensional Hamiltonian (MO-PACSs), using the SU(2) group generators. We have found the integration measure in the resolution of unity and we have calculated some expectation values in the MO-PACSs representation. Using these states, the diagonal P-representation of the density operator

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Quantum information in the frame of coherent states representation

In this paper we have showed that the qubit can be expressed through the coherent states. Consequently, a message, i.e. a sequence of qubits, is expressed as a tensor product of coherent states. In the quantum information theory and practice, only the code and key message are expressed as a sequence of qubits, i.e. through a quantum channel, the properly information will be transmitted by using a classical channel. Even if the most used coherent

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Spectral Absorption of Unpolarized Light Through Nano-Materials in the Absence of a Magnetic Field

A study of optical properties, such as light absorption, of a colloidal nano-material, provides information on the biphasic, solid - liquid system microstructure. The nano-material under study is a magnetic liquid (ferrofluid). The disperser agent is petroleum mineral oil and the dispersed material is a brown spar powder (nano-particles). The stabilizer is oleic acid. Light absorption through ferrofluid samples reveals the tendency of solid particles

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On a Problem of Geometric Quantization

The problem of geometric Kostant quantization of this paper is the role played by "½-correction forms" in order to arrive at the result given by the classical Schrödinger quantization, in the one-dimensional harmonic oscillator study.

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