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Traian Florin Șerbănuță received his Ph.D. from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) with the thesis "A Rewriting Approach to Concurrent Programming Language Design and Semantics" and is currently an Associate Professor at University of Bucharest. His research focus is on developing platforms and tools to assist with programming language design, semantics, and analysis. He is the chief architect of the K framework, a platform for programming language design and semantics which was successfully used to build most complete formal semantics for the C programming language and the first prototypes of the Matching logic verifiers.
Universitatea din Bucuresti, Bucuresti, .
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Urmareste linkul ResearcherID pentru toate articolele cercetatorului: D-6967-2011. Tabelul detaliat al articolelor este in josul paginii.
Nascut(a) in: 1979
Interese: metode formale, limbaje de programare, rescriere
Publicații selectate:
* Traian Florin Serbanuta, Grigore Rosu, Computationally equivalent elimination of conditions, RTA'06, 2006.
* Traian Florin Serbanuta, Extending Parikh matrices, Theoretical Computer Science, 310(1), 2004.
* Traian Florin Şerbãnuţã, Grigore Roşu, José Meseguer, A rewriting logic approach to operational semantics, Information and Computation, 207(2), 2009.
* Grigore Rosu, Traian Florin Serbanuta, An overview of the K semantic framework, North-Holland, Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming, 79(6), 2010.