Scopul nostru este sprijinirea şi promovarea cercetării ştiinţifice şi facilitarea comunicării între cercetătorii români din întreaga lume.
Research in TL materials, TL dosimetry, internal dosimetry
External expert (TL personnel dosimetry) for the International Atomic Enery Agency
Senior research physicist (part time) at the Institute for Marine Geology, TL dating
CNCAN Certified Radiological Protection Expert
Universitatea București, Facultatea de Fizică, Bucuresti, .
E-mail: trimite un mesaj.
Pagina web a instituţiei:
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Urmareste linkul ResearcherID pentru toate articolele cercetatorului: E-2241-2015. Tabelul detaliat al articolelor este in josul paginii.
Nascut(a) in: 1968
Interese: Materiale termoluminescente, dozimetria radiatiilor ionizante
Cercetãri în domeniul materialelor termoluminescente, dozimetrie TL, dozimetrie interna, comunicare in domeniul industriei nucleare, relatii doza - efect pentru radiatiile ionizante
Expert extern (dozimetrie TL şi dozimetrie individualã) pentru Agenţia Internaţionalã de Energie Atomicã
Cercetator stiintific (colaborator) la GeoEcoMar, datare prin tremoluminescenţã (2008-2009)
Fizician medical la laboratorul de radioterapie HIFU Terramed Conformal
Expert Acreditat in Radioprotectie
Listã de publicaţii:
În publicaţii cu referenţi:
1. Maria Toader, R. A. Vasilache, "Estimate of the internal doses due to 137Cs and 90Sr in the population of Bucharest, in the first five years after the Chernobyl accident", Rom. J. Biophys., 5, 135-140, (1995)
2. Maria Toader, R. A. Vasilache, "Assessment of effective doses due to 137Cs and 90Sr intake, seven years after the Chernobyl accident", Rom. J. Biophys., 6, 43-56, (1996 )
3. R. A. Vasilache, Mariana Cismasu, Carmen Bobu, "Methods for fading reduction in TLD-100 detectors", Rom. Rep. Physics 50, 531-537 (1998)
4. R. A. Vasilache, S. Tanase - Nicola, Raluca Tiron, "Characteristics of TLD-100 fading and its influence on the calibration of personal dosemeters", 12th Int. Conf. on Solid State Dosimetry (SSD 12th), Burgos, Spain, 5-10 July 1998, Radiation Protection Dosimetry 85, 183-185 (1999)
5. Maria Toader, R. A. Vasilache, "Considerations on the transfer of natural and artificial radionuclides from mother to embryo", Rom. J. Biophys. (in press)
6. Dana Niculae, Marina Iliescu, Ioana Patrascu, Cosmin Mustaciosu, Gabriela Voicu, Radu Vasilache, “Receptor targeted lymphoscintigraphy using dextran macromolecule derivatives labelled with 99mTc: in vivo preliminary biological evaluation” Journal of Radiolabelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals 53 (2010) 398-402
7. Scarlat F., Scarisoreanu A., Badita E., Mitru E., Vasilache R. A., Measurement with Hp(10) and H*(10) secondary standard chambers at NILRP 7 MeV linear accelerator, Rad. Meas. 45, 1574 – 1577 *(2010)
8. Maria-Ana Popovici, Diana I. Martin, Constantin Grigoriu, Marian I. Toma, Gheorghe Cãta–Danil, Daniel I. Ighigeanu, Radu A. Vasilache, Gabriela M. Florescu, « Generation of intense relativistic electron beams by 1 PW laser-target interactions at “CETAL” facility », E+E", 5-6, 2012
În alte volume:
1. Maria Toader, R. A. Vasilache, "Cancer risk due to 137Cs and 90Sr intake, after the Chernobyl accident", Proceedings of the International Conference "One Decade After Chernobyl", Vienna, 8-12 April 1996, IAEA-TECDOC-964, vol. 1, p.104-110
2. Maria Toader, R. A. Vasilache, "The evolution of 137Cs and 90Sr content of main foodstuff, in Bucharest area, after the Chernobyl accident", Proceedings of the International Conference "One Decade After Chernobyl", Vienna, 8-12 April 1996, IAEA-TECDOC-964, vol. 2, p. 41-47
3. Maria Toader, R. A. Vasilache, Mirela Lucia Toader, Monica Ioana Vasilache, "Cs-137 transfer from mother to embryos, in the first year after the Chernobyl accident", Proceedings of the IRPA9 - International Congress on Radiation Protection, Vienna, 14-19 April 1996,vol. 2, p. 2-473 ¸ 2-475
4. Maria Toader, R. A. Vasilache, Monica Ioana Vasilache, Mirela Lucia Toader, "Effective doses committed in Bucharest area due to Cs-137 and Sr-90 intake, 10 years after the Chernobyl accident", Proceedings of the IRPA9 - International Congress on Radiation Protection, Vienna, 14-19 April 1996, vol. 2, p 2-476 ¸ 2-478
5. Maria Toader, R. A. Vasilache, Mirela Lucia Toader, Monica Ioana Vasilache, "Cs-137 and Sr-90 dietary intake and urinary excretion for children, after the Chernobyl accident", Proceedings of the IRPA9 - International Congress on Radiation Protection, Vienna, 14-19 April 1996, vol. 3, p. 3-189 ¸ 3-191
6. R. A. Vasilache, Monica Ioana Vasilache, Cristina Vajdea, "The influence of time-temperature profiles on the behaviour of TLD-100 as personal dosemeter", Proceedings of the IRPA9 - International Congress on Radiation Protection, Vienna, 14-19 April 1996, vol. 4, p. 4-315 ¸ 4-317
7. Maria Toader, R. A. Vasilache, R. Scridon, Mirela L. Toader, "Radionuclide Transfer from Mother to Embryo", IRPA Symposium on Radiation Protection, Prague, Sept. 8-12 1997
8. Maria Toader, R. A. Vasilache, V. Tomulescu, "Ra-226 intake in the population from Bucharest, during the past ten years", IRPA Symposium on Radiation Protection, Prague, Sept. 8-12 1997
9. Maria Toader, R. A. Vasilache, V. Tomulescu, "Ra-226 Intake in the Population from Bucharest", Proceedings of the Ist International Symposium on Nuclear and Related Techniques in Agriculture, Industry, Health and Environment (NURT-1997), Havana, Cuba, 28-30 October 1997
10. R. A. Vasilache, Mariana Cismasu, "Characteristics of TLD-100 Detectors Used in Personnel Dosimetry", Proc. Int. Symp. on Radiation Protection Southport '99, Southport, 14-18 June 1999
11. Margareta Cherestes, R. A. Vasilache, Mariana Cismasu, "Sources of Errors in Personnel Dosimetry", Proc. Int. Symp. on Radiation Protection Southport '99, Southport, 14-18 June 1999
12. Bogdan S. Olteanu, R.A. Vasilache, Andreea Tudoran, Margareta Cherestes "Les doses en radiographie - mythes et realites (etudes avec des films dosimetriques)", 6-me Congres Francophone d'Imagerie Médicale des Pays de l'Europe Centrale et Orientalé, 2006
13. Oaie G., Panin N., Varlam C., Seghedi A., Duliu O.G., and R. A. Vasilache "The Danube Delta system during the past 12 ka years: new 14C dating of the deltaic sediments", IGCP 521-INQUA 0501 Fifth Plenary Meeting and Field Trip, Izmir-Çanakkale, Turkey, 22-31 August 2009
14. Dana Niculae, Marina Iliescu, Ioana Patrascu, C. Mustaciosu, Mariana Purice, Gabriela Voicu and R. Vasilache, Evaluation of 99mTc dextran mannose conjugate derivatives for sentinel node detection,
2nd Research Coordination Meeting on Development of 99mTc Radiopharmaceuticals for Sentinel Node Detection and Cancer Diagnosis, Athens, Greece, May 18-22 May, 2009
15. Dana Niculae, Marina Iliescu, Ioana Patrascu, R. Vasilache, C. Mustaciosu, Gabriela Voicu and Mariana Purice, Receptor targeted lymphoscintigraphy using dextran macromolecule
derivatives labelled with 99mTc: In vivo biological evaluation, 10th International Symposium on the Synthesis and Applications of Isotopes and Isotopically Labelled Compounds, Chicago, Illinois, USA, June 14-18 2009
Publicate în rezumat:
1. Maria Toader, R. A. Vasilache, "The Evolution of Effective Doses Committed Annually by Adults and Children, Due to Caesium Intake, in the First Three Years after the Chernobyl Accident", Proceedings of the XXXth Scientific Symposium of the ISP, Bucharest, 27 - 28 March 1995
2. C. Milu, R. A. Vasilache, "The Replacement of Film Badges with TLD Cards for Personal Radiation Monitoring in Romania", 11th International Conference on Solid State Dosimetry, Budapest, 24-29 July 1995
3. Maria Toader, R. A. Vasilache, M. Sutu, F. Isacu, "Effective committed doses and health effects due to Cs-137 and Sr-90 intake by children, after the Chernobyl accident", Proceedings of the XXXIth Scientific Symposium of the ISP, Bucharest, 24 - 25 February 1996
4. R. A. Vasilache, Monica I. Vasilache, V. Tomulescu, Cristina Vajdea, "Patient Doses in a Romanian County Hospital", International Conference on Radiation and Health, Beer Sheva, Israel, November 3-7, 1996
5. R. A. Vasilache, "Phase-plane Analysis of Human Metabolic Functions", International Conference on Radiation and Health, Beer Sheva, Israel, November 3-7, 1996
6. R. A. Vasilache, "Characteristics of Thermoluminescent Detectors Used in Personnel Dosimetry, in Comparison with AGFA Film-dosemeters", Proceedings of the XXXIIth Scientific Symposium of the ISP, Bucharest, May 1997
7. Maria Toader, R. A. Vasilache, M. Sutu, F. Isacu, "The Quantity of Cs-137, Sr-90 and Ra-226 Ingested by the Population from Bucharest, during 1986 - 1996", Proceedings of the XXXIIth Scientific Symposium of the ISP, Bucharest, May 1997
8. Maria Toader, R. A. Vasilache, M. Sutu, F. Isacu, "10 Years after Chernobyl", Proceedings of the XXXIIIth Scientific Symposium of the ISP, Bucharest, May 1998
9. Maria Toader, R. A. Vasilache, "Study of the Radioactive Content of the Embryo in Relation to the Intake of the Mother", Workshop on Intakes of Radionuclides: Occupational and Public Exposure, Avignon, Sept. 15-18 1997
10. R. A. Vasilache, Margareta Cherestes, D. Parlogea, "Replacing film-dosemeters with TLDs: advantages and disadvantages", 12th Int. Conf. on Solid State Dosimetry (SSD 12th), Burgos, Spain, 5-10 July 1998
Research in TL materials, TL dosimetry, internal dosimetry
External expert (TL personnel dosimetry) for the International Atomic Enery Agency
Senior research physicist (part time) at the Institute for Marine Geology, TL dating
CNCAN Certified Radiological Protection Expert
Publications list:
In refereed journals:
1. Maria Toader, R. A. Vasilache, "Estimate of the internal doses due to 137Cs and 90Sr in the population of Bucharest, in the first five years after the Chernobyl accident", Rom. J. Biophys., 5, 135-140, (1995)
2. Maria Toader, R. A. Vasilache, "Assessment of effective doses due to 137Cs and 90Sr intake, seven years after the Chernobyl accident", Rom. J. Biophys., 6, 43-56, (1996 )
3. R. A. Vasilache, Mariana Cismasu, Carmen Bobu, "Methods for fading reduction in TLD-100 detectors", Rom. Rep. Physics 50, 531-537 (1998)
4. R. A. Vasilache, S. Tanase - Nicola, Raluca Tiron, "Characteristics of TLD-100 fading and its influence on the calibration of personal dosemeters", 12th Int. Conf. on Solid State Dosimetry (SSD 12th), Burgos, Spain, 5-10 July 1998, Radiation Protection Dosimetry 85, 183-185 (1999)
5. Maria Toader, R. A. Vasilache, "Considerations on the transfer of natural and artificial radionuclides from mother to embryo", Rom. J. Biophys. (2000)
6. RECEPTOR TARGETED LYMPHOSCINTIGRAPHY USING DEXTRAN DERIVATIVES LABELLED WITH 99mTc: IN VIVO PRELIMINARY BIOLOGICAL EVALUATION, Dana Niculae, Marina Iliescu, Ioana Patrascu, Radu Vasilache, Cosmin Mustaciosu, Gabriela Voicu and Mariana Purice, J. Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals, (in press, accepted 2010)
In other volumes:
1. Maria Toader, R. A. Vasilache, "Cancer risk due to 137Cs and 90Sr intake, after the Chernobyl accident", Proceedings of the International Conference "One Decade After Chernobyl", Vienna, 8-12 April 1996, IAEA-TECDOC-964, vol. 1, p.104-110
2. Maria Toader, R. A. Vasilache, "The evolution of 137Cs and 90Sr content of main foodstuff, in Bucharest area, after the Chernobyl accident", Proceedings of the International Conference "One Decade After Chernobyl", Vienna, 8-12 April 1996, IAEA-TECDOC-964, vol. 2, p. 41-47
3. Maria Toader, R. A. Vasilache, Mirela Lucia Toader, Monica Ioana Vasilache, "Cs-137 transfer from mother to embryos, in the first year after the Chernobyl accident", Proceedings of the IRPA9 - International Congress on Radiation Protection, Vienna, 14-19 April 1996,vol. 2, p. 2-473 ¸ 2-475
4. Maria Toader, R. A. Vasilache, Monica Ioana Vasilache, Mirela Lucia Toader, "Effective doses committed in Bucharest area due to Cs-137 and Sr-90 intake, 10 years after the Chernobyl accident", Proceedings of the IRPA9 - International Congress on Radiation Protection, Vienna, 14-19 April 1996, vol. 2, p 2-476 ¸ 2-478
5. Maria Toader, R. A. Vasilache, Mirela Lucia Toader, Monica Ioana Vasilache, "Cs-137 and Sr-90 dietary intake and urinary excretion for children, after the Chernobyl accident", Proceedings of the IRPA9 - International Congress on Radiation Protection, Vienna, 14-19 April 1996, vol. 3, p. 3-189 ¸ 3-191
6. R. A. Vasilache, Monica Ioana Vasilache, Cristina Vajdea, "The influence of time-temperature profiles on the behaviour of TLD-100 as personal dosemeter", Proceedings of the IRPA9 - International Congress on Radiation Protection, Vienna, 14-19 April 1996, vol. 4, p. 4-315 ¸ 4-317
7. Maria Toader, R. A. Vasilache, R. Scridon, Mirela L. Toader, "Radionuclide Transfer from Mother to Embryo", IRPA Symposium on Radiation Protection, Prague, Sept. 8-12 1997
8. Maria Toader, R. A. Vasilache, V. Tomulescu, "Ra-226 intake in the population from Bucharest, during the past ten years", IRPA Symposium on Radiation Protection, Prague, Sept. 8-12 1997
9. Maria Toader, R. A. Vasilache, V. Tomulescu, "Ra-226 Intake in the Population from Bucharest", Proceedings of the Ist International Symposium on Nuclear and Related Techniques in Agriculture, Industry, Health and Environment (NURT-1997), Havana, Cuba, 28-30 October 1997
10. R. A. Vasilache, Mariana Cismasu, "Characteristics of TLD-100 Detectors Used in Personnel Dosimetry", Proc. Int. Symp. on Radiation Protection Southport '99, Southport, 14-18 June 1999
11. Margareta Cherestes, R. A. Vasilache, Mariana Cismasu, "Sources of Errors in Personnel Dosimetry", Proc. Int. Symp. on Radiation Protection Southport '99, Southport, 14-18 June 1999
13. Bogdan S. Olteanu, R.A. Vasilache, Andreea Tudoran, Margareta Cherestes "Les doses en radiographie - mythes et realites (etudes avec des films dosimetriques)", 6-me Congres Francophone d'Imagerie Médicale des Pays de l'Europe Centrale et Orientalé, 2006
14. Oaie G., Panin N., Varlam C., Seghedi A., Duliu O.G., and R. A. Vasilache "The Danube Delta system during the past 12 ka years: new 14C dating of the deltaic sediments", IGCP 521-INQUA 0501 Fifth Plenary Meeting and Field Trip, Izmir-Çanakkale, Turkey, 22-31 August 2009
15. Dana Niculae, Marina Iliescu, Ioana Patrascu, C. Mustaciosu, Mariana Purice, Gabriela Voicu and R. Vasilache, Evaluation of 99mTc dextran mannose conjugate derivatives for sentinel node detection,
2nd Research Coordination Meeting on Development of 99mTc Radiopharmaceuticals for Sentinel Node Detection and Cancer Diagnosis, Athens, Greece, May 18-22 May, 2009
16. Dana Niculae, Marina Iliescu, Ioana Patrascu, R. Vasilache, C. Mustaciosu, Gabriela Voicu and Mariana Purice, Receptor targeted lymphoscintigraphy using dextran macromolecule
derivatives labelled with 99mTc: In vivo biological evaluation, 10th International Symposium on the Synthesis and Applications of Isotopes and Isotopically Labelled Compounds, Chicago, Illinois, USA, June 14-18 2009
Presented work, published in abstracts:
1. Maria Toader, R. A. Vasilache, "The Evolution of Effective Doses Committed Annually by Adults and Children, Due to Caesium Intake, in the First Three Years after the Chernobyl Accident", Proceedings of the XXXth Scientific Symposium of the ISP, Bucharest, 27 - 28 March 1995
2. C. Milu, R. A. Vasilache, "The Replacement of Film Badges with TLD Cards for Personal Radiation Monitoring in Romania", 11th International Conference on Solid State Dosimetry, Budapest, 24-29 July 1995
3. Maria Toader, R. A. Vasilache, M. Sutu, F. Isacu, "Effective committed doses and health effects due to Cs-137 and Sr-90 intake by children, after the Chernobyl accident", Proceedings of the XXXIth Scientific Symposium of the ISP, Bucharest, 24 - 25 February 1996
4. R. A. Vasilache, Monica I. Vasilache, V. Tomulescu, Cristina Vajdea, "Patient Doses in a Romanian County Hospital", International Conference on Radiation and Health, Beer Sheva, Israel, November 3-7, 1996
5. R. A. Vasilache, "Phase-plane Analysis of Human Metabolic Functions", International Conference on Radiation and Health, Beer Sheva, Israel, November 3-7, 1996
6. R. A. Vasilache, "Characteristics of Thermoluminescent Detectors Used in Personnel Dosimetry, in Comparison with AGFA Film-dosemeters", Proceedings of the XXXIIth Scientific Symposium of the ISP, Bucharest, May 1997
7. Maria Toader, R. A. Vasilache, M. Sutu, F. Isacu, "The Quantity of Cs-137, Sr-90 and Ra-226 Ingested by the Population from Bucharest, during 1986 - 1996", Proceedings of the XXXIIth Scientific Symposium of the ISP, Bucharest, May 1997
8. Maria Toader, R. A. Vasilache, M. Sutu, F. Isacu, "10 Years after Chernobyl", Proceedings of the XXXIIIth Scientific Symposium of the ISP, Bucharest, May 1998
9. Maria Toader, R. A. Vasilache, "Study of the Radioactive Content of the Embryo in Relation to the Intake of the Mother", Workshop on Intakes of Radionuclides: Occupational and Public Exposure, Avignon, Sept. 15-18 1997
10. R. A. Vasilache, Margareta Cherestes, D. Parlogea, "Replacing film-dosemeters with TLDs: advantages and disadvantages", 12th Int. Conf. on Solid State Dosimetry (SSD 12th), Burgos, Spain, 5-10 July 1998
Publicații selectate:
* N. Verga, I. Ursu, L. Craciun, D.A. Mirea, R. Vasilache, GH. Cata – Danil, A. Groza, M. Ganciu, F. Scarlat, C.A. Stan, S.F. Zarma, Eye Proton Therapy: Proposed Feasibility Plan, Romanian Reports in Physics, 66.
* M. G. Florescu, O. G. Duliu, D. Pantazi, C. M. Ticos, D. Sporea, R. A. Vasilache, V. Ionescu, M. Oane, Radiological safety assessment for the experimental area of a hyper-intense laser with peak—power of 1PW—CETAL, Radiation Protection Dosimetry 175(1) , 2016, 175, 2016.
* Dana Niculae, Marina Iliescu, Ioana Patrascu, Radu Vasilache, Cosmin Mustaciosu, Gabriela Voicu and Mariana Purice,, RECEPTOR TARGETED LYMPHOSCINTIGRAPHY USING DEXTRAN DERIVATIVES LABELLED WITH 99mTc: IN VIVO PRELIMINARY BIOLOGICAL EVALUATION, (in press, accepted 2010), J. Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals, 2010.
* Radu Vasilache, Metode de detecţie a radiaţiilor nucleare. Detectori TL pentru doze mici, 2002.
* Maria Toader, R. A. Vasilache, Cs-137 transfer from mother to embryos, in the first year after the Chernobyl accident, Proceedings of the IRPA9 - International Congress on Radiation Protection, Vienna, 14-19 April 1996, 2, 1996.
* Maria Toader, R. A. Vasilache, Cancer risk due to 137Cs and 90Sr intake, after the Chernobyl accident, Proceedings of the International Conference “One Decade After Chernobyl”, Vienna, 8-12 April 1996, IAEA-TECDOC-964, 1, 1996.
* Maria Toader, R. A. Vasilache, The evolution of 137Cs and 90Sr content of main foodstuff, in Bucharest area, after the Chernobyl accident, Proceedings of the International Conference “One Decade After Chernobyl”, Vienna, 8-12 April 1996, IAEA-TECDOC-964, 2, 1996.
* R. A. Vasilache, S. Tãnase - Nicola, Raluca Tiron, Characteristics of TLD-100 fading and its influence on the calibration of personal dosemeters, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 85, 1999.