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My work involve image reconstruction for imaging devices such as Positron Emission Tomography (PET) or X-ray computed tomography (CT), image quality evaluation, as well as simulation of imaging devices using Monte Carlo electron/photon transport models.
Food & Drug Administration, Washington DC, .
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Interese: fizica radiatiilor, imagistica medicala, simulari numerice
Publicații selectate:
* Lucretiu M. Popescu, Nonparametric signal detectability evaluation using an exponential transformation of the FROC curve, Medical Physics, 38 (10), 2011.
* Lucretiu M. Popescu, Model for the detection of signals in images with multiple suspicious locations, Medical Physics, 35(12), 2008.
* Lucretiu M. Popescu, Nonparametric ROC and LROC analysis, Medical Physics, 34, 2007.
* Lucretiu. M. Popescu and R. M. Lewitt, Small nodule detectability evaluation using a generalized scan statistic model, Physics in Medicine and Biology, 51, 2006.
* L. M. Popescu, A computer code package for Monte Carlo photon-electron transport simulation. Comparisons with experimental benchmarks, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. B, 161-163, 2000.
* Lucretiu M. Popescu, R. M. Lewitt, S. Matej, J. S. Karp, PET energy-based scatter estimation and image reconstruction with energy-dependent corrections, Physics in Medicine and Biology, 51, 2006.
* L. M. Popescu, An extension of the Alias Sampling technique for parameterized probability density functions, Journal of Computational Physics, 160, 2000.
* L. M. Popescu, A geometry modeling system for ray tracing or Monte Carlo particle transport simulation, Computer Physics Communications, 150/1, 2003.