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G. Albeanu received his B.S. in computer science (1984) and his Ph.D. in Mathematics (1996) from University of Bucharest, Romania with a thesis on nonlinear models (computational statistics approaches). From 1984 to 1989 he worked as software developer for ICAS ( ) and CCSIT-ITC in Bucharest (data analysis, computer aided design, information systems, real time operating systems, computer graphics). Starting with 1991, till 2002 he has been assistant, lecturer, and associate professor of computer science at Bucharest University. He was appointed professor of computer science at University of Oradea in 2002 [MEC decision 5286/28.12.2001]. During the interval 2004 - 2007 he was the head (Chairholder) of the UNESCO IT Department at University of Oradea. Since 2007, he is professor of computer science at Spiru Haret University in Bucharest. His current research interests include different aspects of scientific computing, modelling and simulation, software reliability, virtual reality techniques, soft computing and E-Learning. Grigore Albeanu has authored or co-authored more than 80 papers and 10 educational textbooks in applied mathematics and computer science. He is member of different scientific boards in Romania and abroad, being active as referee (IJCCC, Conferences: ICCCC, CSEDU, IARIA, SSARS, ICVL), reviewer (for ACM Computing reviews since 1988), chairman (International Conferences: ESREL 2005, ELSE 2007, ELSE 2008, ELSE 2009, SSARS 2009, etc), and invited professor (SSARS). Jointly with Marin Vlada (project coordinator. University of Bucharest) Mircea Dorin Popovici (Ovidius University of Constantza) and Radu Jugureanu (SIVECO Romania) he organizes the International Conference on Virtual Learning (
Spiru Haret University (Prof.), Bucharest, .
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Urmareste linkul ResearcherID pentru toate articolele cercetatorului: H-4522-2011. Tabelul detaliat al articolelor este in josul paginii.
Nascut(a) in: 1961
Interese: metode algoritmice, tehnologii informationale avansate si programare, soft computing
G. Albeanu received his B.S. in computer science (1984) and his Ph.D. in Mathematics (1996) from University of Bucharest, Romania with a thesis on nonlinear models (computational statistics approaches). From 1984 to 1989 he worked as software developer for ICAS ( ) and CCSIT-ITC ( ) in Bucharest (data analysis, computer aided design, information systems, real time operating systems, computer graphics). Starting with 1991, till 2002 he has been assistant, lecturer, and associate professor of computer science at Bucharest University. He was appointed professor of computer science at University of Oradea in 2002 [MEC decision 5286/28.12.2001]. During the interval 2004 - 2007 he was the head (Chairholder) of the UNESCO IT Department at University of Oradea. Since 2007, he is professor of computer science at Spiru Haret University in Bucharest.
His current research interests include different aspects of scientific computing, modelling and simulation, software reliability, virtual reality techniques, soft computing and E-Learning.
Grigore Albeanu has authored or co-authored more than 80 papers and 10 educational textbooks in applied mathematics and computer science.
He is member of different scientific boards in Romania and abroad, being active as referee (IJCCC, Conferences: ICCCC, CSEDU, IARIA, SSARS, ICVL), reviewer (for ACM Computing reviews since 1988), chairman (International Conferences: ESREL 2005, ELSE 2007, ELSE 2008, ELSE 2009, SSARS 2009, etc), and invited professor (SSARS).
Jointly with Marin Vlada (project coordinator. University of Bucharest) Mircea Dorin Popovici (Ovidius University of Constantza) and Radu Jugureanu (SIVECO Romania) he organizes the International Conference on Virtual Learning (
G. Albeanu received his B.S. in computer science (1984) and his Ph.D. in Mathematics (1996) from University of Bucharest, Romania with a thesis on nonlinear models (computational statistics approaches). From 1984 to 1989 he worked as software developer for ICAS ( ) and CCSIT-ITC( ) in Bucharest (data analysis, computer aided design, information systems, real time operating systems, computer graphics). Starting with 1991, till 2002 he has been assistant, lecturer, and associate professor of computer science at Bucharest University. He was appointed professor of computer science at University of Oradea in 2002 [MEC decision 5286/28.12.2001]. During the interval 2004 - 2007 he was the head (Chairholder) of the UNESCO IT Department at University of Oradea. Since 2007, he is professor of computer science at Spiru Haret University in Bucharest.
His current research interests include different aspects of scientific computing, modelling and simulation, software reliability, virtual reality techniques, soft computing and E-Learning.
Grigore Albeanu has authored or co-authored more than 80 papers and 10 educational textbooks in applied mathematics and computer science.
He is member of different scientific boards in Romania and abroad, being active as referee (IJCCC, Conferences: ICCCC, CSEDU, IARIA, SSARS, ICVL), reviewer (for ACM Computing reviews since 1988), chairman (International Conferences: ESREL 2005, ELSE 2007, ELSE 2008, ELSE 2009, SSARS 2009, etc), and invited professor (SSARS).
Jointly with Marin Vlada (project coordinator. University of Bucharest) Mircea Dorin Popovici (Ovidius University of Constantza) and Radu Jugureanu (SIVECO Romania) he organizes the International Conference on Virtual Learning (
Publicații selectate:
* Grigore Albeanu, Florin Popentiu –Vladicescu, Bernard Burtschy, Soft Computing Strategies in Multiobjective Optimization, Proceedings of MASR (MODELLING and ANALYSIS of SAFETY and RISK in COMPLEX SYSTEMS), July 03 - July 07, 2012, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 2012.
* G. Albeanu, G. I. Duda, Fl. Popentiu-Vladicescu, On Ranking Software Reliability Growth Models by Subjective Data Analysis, H. Pham, Proceedings of the 18thISSAT International Conference on Reliability and Quality in Design , 18th ISSAT RQD, July 26-28, 2012, Hyatt Harborside, Boston, MA, USA, 2012.
* Henrik Madsen, Grigore Albeanu, Florin Popentiu –Vladicescu, Razvan-Daniel Albu, Optimal Reliability Allocation for Large Software Projects through Soft Computing Techniques, Proceedings of PSAM 11 & ESREL 2012 , 25-29 June 2012, Helsinki, Finland, 2012.
* Grigore ALBEANU, Florin Popentiu-VLADICESCU, Recent Soft Computing Approaches in Digital Learning Object Evaluation, Proceedings of eLSE 2012: The 8th International Scientific Conference eLearning and software for Education Bucharest, April 26-27, 2012 10.5682/2066-026X-12-092, 2, 2012.
* Grigore ALBEANU, Florin Popentiu-VLADICESCU, Cloud-Based E-Learning Tools for Data Analysis, Proceedings of eLSE 2012: The 8th International Scientific Conference eLearning and software for Education Bucharest, April 26-27, 2012 10.5682/2066-026X-12-092, 2, 2012.
* Albeanu G., Duda G., Recent soft computing methods in software reliability engineering, Polish Safety and Reliability Association, ISBN: 978-83-925436-2-6, Kolowrocki K., Soszynska-Budny J., Journal of Polish Safety and Reliability Association, SSARS 2011 - Summer Safety and Reliability Seminars, 1, 2011.
* Albeanu G., Duda I.G., Intuitionistic Fuzzy Approaches for Quality Evaluation of Learning Objects, International Society of Science and Applied Technologies, ISBN: 978-0-9763486-7-2, H.Pham, Proceedings of 17th ISSAT International Conference on Reliability and Quality in Design, Vancouver B.C., Canada, August 4-6, 2011, 2011.
* Madsen H., Velter V., Albeanu G., Popentiu-Vladicescu Fl., Recent Soft Computing Techniques in Software Risk Management, Published by Institute of Problems of Mechanical Engineering of Russian Academy of Sciences (IPME RAS), ISBN 978-5-8088-0627-6, I.A. Ryabinin, E.D. Solojentsev, Proceedings of the Ninth International Scientific School MA SR - 2011 (Saint-Petersburg, Russia, June, 28 - July 02, 2011), 2011.
* Henrik Madsen, Grigore Albeanu, Fl. Popentiu-Vladicescu, An Intuitionistic Fuzzy Methodology for Component-Based Software Reliability Optimization, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PERFORMABILITY ENGINEERING, 8(1), 2012.
* Madsen H., R.-D. Albu, I. Felea, G. Albeanu, Fl. Popentiu-Vladicescu, R. C. Tarca , Web server’s reliability improvements using recurrent neural networks, Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-0-415-68379-1, Bérenguer, Grall & Guedes Soares, Advances in Safety, Reliability and Risk Management, 2012.
* Madsen H., R.-D. Albu, Fl Popentiu-Vladicescu, R.C. Tarca, G. Albeanu, Designing a reliable protocol for web services based robots interconnection, Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-0-415-68379-1, Bérenguer, Grall & Guedes Soares, Advances in Safety, Reliability, and Risk Management, 2012.
* G. Albeanu, B. Burtschy, Fl. Popentiu-Vladicescu, G.I. Duda, Intuitionistic Fuzzy Methods in Optimal Software Reliability Allocation, Institute of Problems of Mechanical Engineering of Russian Academy of Sciences (IPME RAS), I.A. Ryabinin, E.D. Solojentsev, Modelling and Analysis of Safety and Risk in Complex Systems. Proceedings of the International Scientific School MA SR. July 6-10, 2010, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 2010.
* G. Albeanu, G. Duda, N. Stancu-Mara, On Designing Highly Secure Embedded Systems, International Society of Science and Applied Technologies, H. Pham, Proceedings of the 16th ISSAT International Conference on Reliability and Quality in Design, 2010.
* M. Vlada, A. Adascalitei, R. Jugureanu, G. Albeanu, CNIV and ICVL Projects - New Technologies in education and research, Editura Universitara, I. Roceanu (coord. ), V. Popescu, R. Jugureanu, V. Stefan, C. Radu, Proceedings of the 6th International Scientific Conference eLearning and Software for Education, 2010.
* G. Albeanu, R.C. Tarca, F. Popentiu-Vladicescu, I.M. Pasc, Interoperability assurance for remote mechatronic laboratories used for virtual training, Editura Universitara, I.Roceanu (coord.), V. Popescu, R. Jugureanu, V. Stefan, C. Radu, Proceedings of the 6th International Scientific Conference eLearning and Software for Education, 2010.
* G. Albeanu, A. Averian, I. Duda, Web Software Reliability Engineering, Electronic journal of international group on reliability, R & RATA, Electronic Journal of International Group on Reliability, ISSN 1932-2321, 2(4), 2009.
* I. Ichim & G. Albeanu, Sur la formule d'Hermite, Revue d'analyse numérique et de théorie de l'approximation, 23(2), 1994.
* Fl. Popentiu, G. Albeanu, Elena Ungureanu, A Regression Approach in the Reliability of Intermitently Used Machines, The Transilvania University of Braşov, 7th International Conference, Exhibition on Optimization of Electrical and Electronic Equipment, OPTIM 2000, May 11-12, Brasov, Romania, Vol. 3, ISBN 97-3635-012-6, 2000.
* Fl. Popentiu Vladicescu, G. Albeanu and Elena Ungureanu, On Modelling failures of intermittently used machines, Mikhail Nikulin and Nikolaos Limnios, Proceedings of MMR2000 - The Second International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability, University Victor Segalen Bordeaux 2, Bordeaux, France (4-7 July, 2000), 2, 2000.
* Albeanu G, Madsen H, and Averian A, On the influence of software vulnerabilities on software reliability. The case of open source component based software, CRC Press/Balkema, Taylor and Francis Group, London, UK, ISBN: 978-0-415-55509-8, R. Bris, C. Guedes Soares, S. Martorell, Reliability, Risk and Safety: Theory and Applications, Proceedings of ESREL Conference, Prague, 7-10 September 2009, Vol. 2, 2009.
* Averian A, Duda G, and Albeanu G, Quality assurance for agile component-based software development, ISBN: 978-0-9763486-5-8, H Pham, T Nakagawa, Proceedings of the 15th ISSAT International Conference on Reliability and Quality in Design, San Francisco, California, USA, August 6-8, 2009, 2009.
* Albeanu G., Averian A. and I. Duda, Towards web applications reliability engineering, Polish Safety and Reliability Association (ISBN: 978-83-925436-5-7), Krzysztof Kolowrocki & Enrico Zio, Proceedings of SSARS, 1, 2009.
* G. Albeanu, Agile CMMI for e-learning software development, "Carol I" National Defence University P.H., Roceanu I (coord.), Jugureanu R., Stefan V., Popescu V. & Radu C., Proceedings of the 5th International Scientific Conference eLSE 2009 (Bucharest, April. 09-10, 2009), 2009.
* G. Albeanu, On using bootstrap approach for uncertainty estimation, G. Guslicov, Proceedings of the 1st International Proficiency Testing Conference, Sinaia, 11-13 october, ISBN: 978-973-8132-65-8, 2007.
* G. Albeanu, H. Madsen, B. Burtschy, Fl. Popentiu-Vladicescu, Manuela Ghica, Bootstrapping time series with application to risk management, Gnedenko Forum Publications, Igor Ushakov, R & RATA, Electronic Journal of International Group on Reliability, ISSN 1932-2321, Vol 1(3), 2008.
* G. Albeanu, Manuela Ghica, Fl. Popentiu-Vladicescu, On Using Bootstrap Scenario-Generation for Multi-Period Stochastic Programming Applications, CCC Publications, International Journal of Computers Communications and Control, III, 2008.
* Albeanu G. & Ghica Manuela, On teaching statistics in E-learning environments, University Publishing House, Roceanu Ion, Proceedings of the 4th International Scientific Conference "eLearning and Software for Education", 2008.
* M. Coarna, L. Serbanescu, Fl. Popentiu-Vladicescu, G. Albeanu. D. Mirza, A. Tautan, Cement Quality optimization via fuzzy-genetic algorithm techniques, NKV & SIMJ, NL, Proceedings of ISIEM 2004, Eindhoven, 18-21 october 2004, 2004.
* G. Albeanu, H. Madsen, Manuela Ghica, P. Thyregod, F. Popentiu-Vladicescu, On using bootstrap methods for understanding empirical loss data and dynamic financial analysis, ENBIS, Peter Goos, ENBIS 7 Dortmund (September 24-26, 2007), CDROM, 2007.
* H. Madsen, P. Thyregod, G. Albeanu, Florin Popentiu, Risk pollution in the cement plants - a case study within NATO Science Programme, IPME Russian Academy of Science, ISBN: 978-5-8088-0266-7, E. D. Solojentsev, Proceedings of the International Scientific School on Modelling and Analysis of Safety and Risk in Complex Systems (September 4-8, 2007; Saint-Petersburg, Rusia), 2007.
* Ildiko Margit Pasc, Radu Catalin Tarca, Florin Popentiu-Vladicescu, Grigore Albeanu, On designing virtual environments based on intelligent mechatronic systems, International Society of Science and Applied Technologies, Hoang Pham, ISSAT International Conference on Modeling of Complex Systems and Environments (July 16-18, 2007; HO CHI MINH CITY, VIETNAM), 2007.
* H. Madsen, P. Thyregod, B. Burtschy, G. Albeanu, Fl. Popentiu-Vladicescu, On using chained neural networks for software reliability prediction, Taylor & Francisc, T. Aven & J. E. Vinnem, Risk, Reliability and Societal Safety, Proceedings of ESREL 2007, Stavanger, Norway, 25-27 June 2007, Vol. 1: Specialisation topics, 2007.
* G. Albeanu, On some methods for non-stationary time series analysis: a Java - based software, CCC Publications, I. Dzitac, F-G. Filip and M-J. Manolescu, International Journal of Computers, Communications & Control, Supplementary issue - Proceedings of ICCCC 2006, 1, 2006.
* H. Madsen, P. Thyregod, B. Burtschy, G. Albeanu and F. Popentiu, A fuzzy logic approach to software testing and debugging, Taylor and Francisc Group, London, C. Guedes Soares & E. Zio, Safety and Reliability for Managing Risk (ESREL 2006), Vol. II, 2006.
* Grigore ALBEANU, Poul Thyregod, Henrik Madsen and Florin Popentiu-Vladicescu, On Using Six Sigma Methodology for Software Quality Assurance, ENBIS, Jeroen de Mast, Proceedings of ENBIS-6 Wroclaw, 2006.
* H. Madsen, P. Thyregod, B. Burtschy, G. Albeanu, F. Popentiu, On Using Soft ComputingTechniques in Software Reliability Engineering, World Scientific, H. Pham, International Journal of Reliability, Quality, and Safety Engineering, Vol. 13, No. 1, 2006.
* H. Madsen, P. Thyregod, Fl. Popentiu, G. Albeanu, Computer Aided Statistical Modelling fights pollution, Dr. Tom Wilkie, Scientific Computing World, ENBIS Magazine, 81, 2005.
* H. Madsen, P. Thyregod, F.Popentiu-Vladicescu, G. Albeanu, L. Serbanescu, A Decision Support System for Pollution Control in Cement Plants, Springer Verlag, Berlin, C. Spitzer, U. Schmocker and V.N. Dang, Proceedings of PSAM 07 - ESREL'04, June 14-18, 2004, 3, Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management, 2004.
* Fl. Popentiu, G. Albeanu, On a probabilistic-fuzzy model in software reliability engineering, Proceedings of KONBIN'03, Gdynia, Poland, Vol. III, 2003.
* G. Albeanu, Fl. Popentiu, On the Nonlinear Reliability Models Analysis, Air Force Institute of Technology , Warszawa, Proceedings of KONBIN'99, Vol. I, 1999.
* Fl. Popentiu-Vladicescu, G. Albeanu, Optimal Reliability Allocation for Large Software Projects, The TransilvaniaUniversity of Brasov, Proceedings of the 8th Int. Conf. Opt. Electrical & Electronic Equipment, Vol. II, 2002.
* G. Albeanu, Computer Graphics. Fundamental algorithms, Bucharest University Publishing House (in romanian), 2001.
* Fl. Popentiu Vladicescu, B. Burtschy & G. Albeanu, Time series methods for modeling software quality, E. Zio, M. Demichela, N. Piccinin, Proceedings of the European Conference On Safety and Reliability, 2001.
* Fl. Popentiu - Vladicescu, P. Sens, P. Thyreod & G. Albeanu, Software Architecture for distributed Systems: NN and EV approaches, E. Zio, M. Demichela, N. Piccinin, Proceedings of the European Conference On Safety and Reliability, ESREL 2001, 2001.
* F. Popentiu, G. Albeanu, Optimal Inspection Times for Renewal Strategies, Balkema, Rotterdam, Schueller & Kafka, Proceedings of ESREL'99 Conference, 1999.
* B. Burtschy, D. N. Boros, F. Popentiu, G. Albeanu & V. Nicola, Improving Software Reliability Forecasting, Microelectronics and Reliability, 37(6), 1997.
* V. M. Catuneanu, G. Moldovan, Fl. Popentiu & G. Albeanu, Maintenance philosophy using queueing multilevel stochastic service systems, Microelectronics and Reliability, 3(5), 1990.
* V. M. Catuneanu, Fl. Popentiu, D. Vlasceanu, A. Vatasescu & G. Albeanu, Optimal logical design of large telephone-networks, Microelectronics and Reliability, 3 (4), 1990.
* H. Madsen, P. Thyregod, B. Burtschy, Fl. Popentiu & G. Albeanu, On Using Soft Computing Techniques in Software Reliability Engineering, A.A. Balkema Publishers, K. Kolowrocki, Advances in Safety and Reliability, ESREL 2005, 2, 2005.
* G. Albeanu, Numerical and statistical analysis of some nonlinear models, Bucharest University, 1996.
* I. Ichim & G. Albeanu, Cubic trigonometric spline functions of interpolation and applications, Romanian Academy, Revue d'analyse numérique et de théorie de l' approximation, 28 ( 2), 1999.
* G. Albeanu, R-F Niculescu & Fl. Popentiu-Vladicescu, Recent Approaches in Renewal Function Computation, T. Dohi, N. Limnios and S. Osaki, Proc. of The Second Euro-Japanese Workshop on Stochatic-Risk Modelling for Finance, Insurance, Production and Reliability, September 18-20, 2002, Chamonix, France, 2002.
* Simona Dragoi & G. Albeanu, Markovian Chain Prognosis Model for Allowable Cut Structure, Lesnictvi - Forestry, 44 (8), 1998.
* G. Albeanu & Fl. Popentiu, Total Quality for Software Engineering Management, Pham Hoang, Handbook of Reliability Engineering; ISBN: 1-85233-453-3, 2003.
* G. Albeanu, A Monte Carlo approach for controlled search, Elsevier Science, R. Vichnevetsky, Rutgers University ; A. Preumont, ULB CP 165/42, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation; ISSN: 0378-4754, Vol. 43, 1997.
* G. Albeanu, On the Convergence of the Quasi Gauss Newton methods for solving nonlinear systems, Taylor & Francis, David Evans (Parallelism, Algorithms and Architectures Research Centre, Department of Computer Science, Loughborough University, Loughborough, Leicestershire, LE11 3TU, UK ), International Journal of Computer Mathematics; ISSN Print 0020-7160 ISSN Online 1029-0265, Vol. 66, 1998.