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Premii Ad Astra

premii Ad Astra

Asociația Ad Astra a anunțat câștigătorii Premiilor Ad Astra 2022: Proiectul și-a propus identificarea și popularizarea modelelor de succes, a rezultatelor excepționale ale cercetătorilor români din țară și din afara ei.

Asociatia Ad Astra a cercetatorilor romani lanseaza BAZA DE DATE A CERCETATORILOR ROMANI DIN DIASPORA. Scopul acestei baze de date este aceea de a stimula colaborarea dintre cercetatorii romani de peste hotare dar si cu cercetatorii din Romania. Cercetatorii care doresc sa fie nominalizati in aceasta baza de date sunt rugati sa trimita un email la

Iosif Lingvay


Studies and research in the field of elecrochemical technology, especially metal refinery and active anticorrosive protection technologies.Evaluating the state of corrosion - conception of adequate anticorrosion control systems. Developing specialized echipment and devices for active corrosion protection systems in elecrolitycal media. Control of underground pipelines, powerlines (underground cables) etc. Electrical safety of gas networks and distribution grids. Electrical safety of magistral gas- and/or oil pipelines - including the lightning protection. Study and control of corrosion of concrete steel structures.

INCDIE-ICPE-CA, Bucuresti, .

E-mail: trimite un mesaj.

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Nascut(a) in: 1949

Interese: coroziune subterana, curenti de dispersie, conducte subterane, electrosecuritate, coroziunea betonului armat

flag Detalii:
Studii si cercetari in domeniul tehnologiilor electrochimice, in special al tehnologiilor de rafinare a metalelor si a protectiilor anticorosive active.
Evaluarea starii de coroziune - conceptia sistemelor de protectie anticorosive adecvate. Dezvoltare de echipamente si dispozitive specifice destinate controlului si combaterii coroziunii in medii electrolitice.
Controlul coroziunii la conducte metalice subterane, cabluri electrice subterane etc.
Securitatea electrica a retelelor de distributie a gazelor naturale. Electrosecuritatea magistralelor de transport gaze naturale si/sau alte hidrocarburi - inclusiv la trasnete.
Studiul si combaterea coroziunii structurilor din beton armat.

flag Details:
Studies and research in the field of elecrochemical technology, especially metal refinery and active anticorrosive protection technologies.
Evaluating the state of corrosion - conception of adequate anticorrosion control systems. Developing specialized echipment and devices for active corrosion protection systems in elecrolitycal media. Control of underground pipelines, powerlines (underground cables) etc.
Electrical safety of gas networks and distribution grids. Electrical safety of magistral gas- and/or oil pipelines - including the lightning protection.
Study and control of corrosion of concrete steel structures.

Publicații selectate:

* Lingvay Iosif, Lingvay Carmen, Contributions to develop a new methods and solid state devices for electric safety and corrosion protection of underground metallic pipelines, Egyptean Corrosion Society, Coordinator - Adel Abdul Azim, The 25th Annual Conference of Egyptean Corrosion Society "Corrosion Problems in Industry" Egycorr 2006, 4-6 December 2006, Ain El Sukhna, Egypt, CD-paper no. 11, 2006.

* Iosif LINGVAY, Ovidiu CIOGESCU, Carmen LINGVAY, The Biodegradations Of The Underground Power Cables, FEI STU v Bratislave, coordinator - Jaroslav LELAK, 16th International Conference "Dielectric and Insulating Systems in Electrical Engineering DISEE 2006, 12 - 14 September 2006, Castá - Pila,, ISBN: 80-227-2470-X,, 2006.

* Iosif LINGVAY, Ovidiu CIOGESCU, Liana TUDOSIE, Cãlin HOMAN, Carmen LINGVAY, DEGRADATIONS STUDY OF SOME UNDERGROUND POWER LINES, FEI STU v Bratislave, coordinator - Jaroslav LELAK, In 16th International Conference "Dielectric and Insulating Systems in Electrical Engineering DISEE 2006, 12 - 14 September 2006, Castá - Pila,, ISBN: 80-227-2470-X,, 2006.

* LINGVAY Iosif, LINGVAY Carmen, HOMAN Cãlin, CIOGESCU Ovidiu, Degradarea prin coroziune a structurilor din beton armat. 5. Contribuţii la studiul coroziunii elementelor de susţinere din beton armat din instalaţiile de transport şi distribuţie a energiei electrice, Rev. Chim. (Bucharest), 57, nr. 12, 2006.

* LINGVAY Iosif, GOMBOS Sándor, LINGVAY Carmen, KOVÁCS Júlia, VOINIÞCHI Constantin-Dorinel, Degradarea prin coroziune a structurilor din beton armat. 4. Modificãrile de pH şi de compoziţie chimicã ale betonului expus acţiunii curenţilor de dispersie, Rev. Chim. (Bucharest), 57, nr. 5, 2006.

* LINGVAY Iosif, GABOR Marius, VOINIÞCHI Constantin-Dorinel, LINGVAY Carmen, Degradarea prin coroziune a structurilor din beton armat. 3. Contribuţii la studiul degradãrii fizice a betonului armat datoratã curenţilor de dispersie, Rev. Chim. (Bucharest), 57, nr. 4, 2006.

* LINGVAY Iosif, Degradarea prin coroziune a structurilor din beton armat. 2. Contribuţii la studiul mecanismului de degradare a structurilor din beton armat care funcţioneazã în medii electrolitice naturale, Rev. Chim. (Bucharest), 57, nr. 3, 2006.

* LINGVAY Iosif, GABOR Marius, LINGVAY Carmen, Degradarea prin coroziune a structurilor din beton armat. 1. Studii privind coroziunea structurilor din beton armat, aferente metroului din Bucureşti, Rev. Chim. (Bucharest), 57, nr. 2, 2006.

* Lingvay, I. Banu, V. Lingvay, C. Rauta, I. Apostolescu, M. Stoian, F, High power device for the electric safety of metallic structures, IEEE, IEEE - International Semiconductor Conference, 2001. CAS 2001 Proceedings., Vol.2, 2001.

* Doina Gavrila, Iosif Lingvay, Florin Stoian, Amelioration de la duree de vie de l'isolation des cables electriques de moyenne tension, Materiaux du Genie Electrique", Grenoble, 2 - 3 Aprilie 2003,, 2003.

* Cãlin Homan, Iosif Lingvay, Dorin Isoc, Adrian-Bogdan Spanu and Carmen Lingvay, Maintenance and Reliability Increase of Some Medium Voltage Underground Power Lines From Cluj City, 15th International Conference “Dielectric and Insulating Systems in Electrical Engineering - DISEE” – septemper 8 – 10, 2004, Casta Pila - Slovak Republic, ISBN 80-227-2110-7, 2004.

* Iosif Lingvay, Cãlin Homan, Adrian B. Spanu, “Contributions to Develop the Modern Technical Solutions for Increase of Maintenance and Reliability of Underground Power Lines, IEEE - 8th International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems – INES 2004” – September 19 – 21, 2004, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, ISBN 973-662-120-0, 2004.

* I. Galasiu, R. Galasiu, I. Lingvay si N. Popa, Electroceramica pe baza de SnO2. Variatia proprietatilor in functie de compozitie, Revista de Chimie, vol. 44, 11, 1993.

* I. Lingvay, R. Galasiu, I. Galasiu, Senzor de umiditate rezistiv pe baza de ceramica cu SnO2, Revista de Chimie, vol. 44, 3, 1993.

* I. Lingvay, M. Lungu, Studiul comportarii anodice a titanului in solutii de NaCl, Revista de Chimie, vol. 41, 9, 1990.

* I. Lingvay, R. Galasiu si I. Galasiu, Aspecte privind comportarea electrica si electrochimica a ceramicii pe baza de SnO2, Revista de Chimie, vol. 41, 7-8, 1990.

* I. Lingvay and M. Scarlete, Contactarea ohmica a plachetelor de siliciu dublu dopate prin difuzie, Revista de Chimie, vol. 33, 6, 1982.

* I. Lingvay, C. Calin, F. Stoian, C. Babutanu, C. Lingvay and N. Secreteanu, Contributions to the control of A.C. stray currents corrosion, Rev. Roum. de Chimie, 46, 2, 2001.

* I. Galasiu, Rodica Galasiu, I. Lingvay, SnO2-based Semiconducting Ceramics, Rev. Roum. de Chimie, Chimie 41(3-4), 1996.

* I. Linvgay, Daniela Badea, Cristina Rata etc, Il controllo della corrosione per structture metaliche sotterranee, Pitture E Vernici Europe, 7, Aprile, 1995.

* I. Lingvay, I. Galasiu and Rodica Galasiu, Electrochemical Behaviour of Some SnO2 Based Semiconducting Ceramics, Rev. Roum. de Chimie, vol. 39, 8, 1994.

* I. Galasiu, Rodica Galasiu and I. Lingvay, SnO2 Based Semiconducting as Inert Anodes, Acta Chimica Hungarica - Models in Chemistry, vol. 129, 3-4, 1992.

* I. Lingvay, Rodica Galasiu and I. Galasiu, The Electrochemical Behavior of SnO2 Based Semiconductor Ceramic in NaCl Solutions, Rev. Roum de Chimie, vol. 36, 9-10, 1991.

* S. Stenberg, M. Ungureanu and I. Lingvay, Study of Polarization of the Semiconductor Silicon Electrodes in Amonium Fluoride Solutions, Rev. Roum. de Chimie, 31, 1, 1986.

* S. Sternberg, I. Lingvay and T.Visan, Behaviour of Silicon Electrodes in LiCl-KCl-PbCl2 Molten Chlorides, Electrochemica Acta, vol. 30, 3, 1985.

* S. Sternberg, I. Lingvay, T. Visan and L. Moisescu, Electrochemical Behaviour of Silicon Electrodes in Molten Chlorides, Rev. Roum. de Chimie, vol. 30, 1, 1985.

* S. Stenberg, I. Lingvay and T. Visan, The Cathodic Reactions on Silicon Electrode in Molten Potassium Nitrate, Rev. Roum. de Chimie, vol. 27, 11-12, 1982.