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Premii Ad Astra

premii Ad Astra

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Asociatia Ad Astra a cercetatorilor romani lanseaza BAZA DE DATE A CERCETATORILOR ROMANI DIN DIASPORA. Scopul acestei baze de date este aceea de a stimula colaborarea dintre cercetatorii romani de peste hotare dar si cu cercetatorii din Romania. Cercetatorii care doresc sa fie nominalizati in aceasta baza de date sunt rugati sa trimita un email la

Valeriu Tudose


EDUCATION2004-2008 University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands (PhD)2001-2003 University of Bucharest, Romania (MSc)2001-2002 University of Bonn, Germany1997-2001 University of Bucharest, Romania (BSc)1993-1997 "Grigore Moisil" Highschool WORK EXPERIENCE2009-2012 : post-doc, Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy, The Netherlandssince 2007 : associate researcher, Research Center for Atomic Physics and Astrophysics, Bucharest, Romania2004 - 2008 : PhD student, Astronomical Institute "Anton Pannekoek", University of Amsterdam, The Netherlandssince 2004 : associate researcher, Astronomical Institute of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania2002 - 2004 : assistant researcher, Astronomical Institute of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania2001 - 2002 : graduate student, Max Planck Institute for Radioastronomy, Bonn, Germany

Institute for Space Sciences, Bucharest, .

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Urmareste linkul ResearcherID pentru toate articolele cercetatorului: F-8976-2010. Tabelul detaliat al articolelor este in josul paginii.

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Publicații selectate:

* T.D. Russell, J.C.A. Miller-Jones, P.A. Curran, R. Soria, D. Altamirano, S. Corbel, M. Coriat, A. Moin, D.M. Russell, G.R. Sivakoff, T.J. Slaven-Blair, T.M. Belloni, R.P. Fender, S. Heinz, P.G. Jonker, H.A. Krimm, E.G. Koerding, D. Maitra et al., Radio monitoring of the hard state jets in the 2011 outburst of MAXI J1836-194, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 450, 2015.

* D. M. Russell, T. D. Russell, J. C. A. Miller-Jones, K. O'Brien, R. Soria, G. R. Sivakoff, T. Slaven-Blair, F. Lewis, S. Markoff, J. Homan, D. Altamirano, P. A. Curran, M. P. Rupen, T. M. Belloni, M. Cadolle Bel, P. Casella, S. Corbel, V. Dhawan et al., An Evolving Compact Jet in the Black Hole X-Ray Binary MAXI J1836–194, Astrophysical Journal, 768, 2013.

* S. Corbel, G. Dubus, J. Tomsick, A. Szostek, R.H.D. Corbet, J.C.A. Miller-Jones, J.L. Richards, G. Pooley, S. Trushkin, R. Dubois, A.B. Hill, M. Kerr, W. Max-Moerbeck, A.C.S. Readhead, A. Bodaghee, V. Tudose, D. Parent, J. Wilms, K. Pottschmidt , A giant radio flare from Cygnus X-3 with associated gamma-ray emission, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 421, 2012.

* David Cseh, Stephane Corbel, Philip Kaaret, Cornelia Lang, Fabien Grise, Zsolt Paragi, Anastasios Tzioumis, Valeriu Tudose, Hua Feng, Black hole powered nebulae and a case study of the ultraluminous X-ray source IC 342 X-1, Astrophysical Journal, 749, 2012.

* J. C. A. Miller-Jones, G. R. Sivakoff, D. Altamirano, M. Coriat, S. Corbel, V. Dhawan, H. A. Krimm, R. A. Remillard, M. P. Rupen, D. M. Russell, R. P. Fender, S. Heinz, E. G. Koerding, D. Maitra, S. Markoff, S. Migliari, C. L. Sarazin, V. Tudose, Disc–jet coupling in the 2009 outburst of the black hole candidate H1743-322, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 421, 2012.

* A. Rushton, J. C. A. Miller-Jones, R. Campana, Y. Evangelista, Z. Paragi, T. J. Maccarone, G. G. Pooley, V. Tudose, R. P. Fender, R. E. Spencer, V. Dhawan, A weak compact jet in a soft state of Cygnus X-1, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 419, 2012.

* J.C.A. Miller-Jones, A. Moin, S.J. Tingay, C. Reynolds, C.J. Phillips, A.K. Tzioumis, R.P. Fender, J.N. McCallum, G.D. Nicolson, V. Tudose, The first resolved imaging of milliarcsecond-scale jets in Circinus X-1, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 419, 2012.

* I. Marti-Vidal, V. Tudose, Z. Paragi, J. Yang, J. M. Marcaide, J. C. Guirado, E. Ros, A. Alberdi, M. A. Perez-Torres, M. K. Argo, A. J. van der Horst, M. A. Garrett, C. J. Stockdale, K. W. Weiler, VLBI observations of SN 2011dh: imaging of the youngest radio supernova, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 535, 2011.

* J. P. McKean, A. Berciano Alba, F. Volino, V. Tudose, M. A. Garrett, A. F. Loenen, Z. Paragi, O. Wucknitz, A new perspective on the submillimetre galaxy MM 18423+5938 at redshift 3.9296 from radio continuum imaging, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 414, 2011.

* S. Jones, I. McHardy, D. Moss, N. Seymour, E. Breedt, P. Uttley, E. Koerding, V. Tudose, Radio and X-ray variability in the Seyfert galaxy NGC 4051, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 412, 2011.

* F. Lewis, D. M. Russell, P. G. Jonker, M. Linares, V. Tudose, P. Roche, J. S. Clark, M. A. P. Torres, D. Maitra, C. G. Bassa, D. Steeghs, A. Patruno, S. Migliari, R. Wijnands, G. Nelemans, L. J. Kewley, V. E. Stroud, M. Modjaz, J. S. Bloom, C. H. Blake, D, The double-peaked 2008 outburst of the accreting milli-second X-ray pulsar, IGR J00291+5934, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 517, 2010.

* P. H. Sell, S. Heinz, D. E. Calvelo, V. Tudose, P. Soleri, R. P. Fender, P. G. Jonker, N. S. Schulz, W. N. Brandt, M. A. Nowak, R. Wijnands, M. van der Klis, P. Casella, Parsec-scale bipolar X-ray shocks produced by powerful jets from the neutron star Circinus X-1, Astrophysical Journal, 719, 2010.

* P. Soleri, R. Fender, V. Tudose, D. Maitra, M. Bell, M. Linares, D. Altamirano, R. Wijnands, T. Belloni, P. Casella, J. C. A. Miller-Jones, T. Muxlow, M. Klein-Wolt, M. Garrett, M. van der Klis, Investigating the disc–jet coupling in accreting compact objects using the black hole candidate Swift J1753.5-0127, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 406, 2010.

* J.C.A. Miller-Jones, G.R. Sivakoff, D. Altamirano, V. Tudose, S. Migliari, V. Dhawan, R.P. Fender, M.A. Garrett, S. Heinz, E.G. Koerding, H.A. Krimm, M. Linares, D. Maitra, S. Markoff, Z. Paragi, R.A. Remillard, M.P. Rupen, A. Rushton, D.M. Russell, C.L. , Evolution of the radio/X-ray coupling throughout an entire outburst of Aquila X-1, Astrophysical Journal, 716, 2010.

* V. Tudose, J. C. A. Miller-Jones, R. P. Fender, Z. Paragi, C. Sakari, A. Szostek, M. A. Garrett, V. Dhawan, A. Rushton, R. E. Spencer, M. van der Klis , Probing the behaviour of the X-ray binary Cygnus X-3 with very long baseline radio interferometry, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 401, 2010.

* V. Tudose, R.P. Fender, M. Linares, D. Maitra, M. van der Klis , The disc–jet coupling in the neutron star X-ray binary Aquila X-1, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 400, 2009.

* P. Soleri, V. Tudose, R. Fender, M. van der Klis, P.G. Jonker, Linking jet emission and X-ray properties in the peculiar neutron star X-ray binary Circinus X-1, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 399, 2009.

* P. Soleri, S. Heinz, R. Fender, R. Wijnands, V. Tudose, D. Altamirano, P.G. Jonker, M. van der Klis, L. Kuiper, C. Kaiser, P. Casella, A parsec scale X-ray extended structure from the X-ray binary Circinus X-1, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 397, 2009.

* V. Tudose, R.P. Fender, A.K. Tzioumis, R.E. Spencer, M. van der Klis, A decade of radio imaging the relativistic outflow in the peculiar X-ray binary Circinus X-1, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 390, 2008.

* C. J. Phillips, A. Deller, S. W. Amy, S. J. Tingay, A. K. Tzioumis, J. E. Reynolds, D. L. Jauncey, J. Stevens, S. P. Ellingsen, J. Dickey, R. P. Fender, V. Tudose, G. D. Nicolson, Detection of compact radio emission from Circinus X-1 with the first Southern hemisphere e-VLBI experiment, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 380, 2007.

* V. Tudose, R. P. Fender, M. A. Garrett, J. C. A. Miller-Jones, Z. Paragi, R. E. Spencer, G. G. Pooley, M. van der Klis, A. Szomoru, First e-VLBI observations of Cygnus X-3, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 375, 2007.

* A. Rushton, R.E. Spencer, M. Strong, R.M. Campbell, S. Casey, R.P. Fender, M.A. Garrett, J.C.A. Miller-Jones, G.G. Pooley, C. Reynolds, A. Szomoru, V. Tudose, Z. Paragi, First e-VLBI observations of GRS 1915+105, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 374, 2007.

* V. Tudose, R.P. Fender, C.R. Kaiser, A.K. Tzioumis, M. van der Klis, R.E. Spencer, The large-scale jet-powered radio nebula of Circinus X-1, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 372, 2006.

* R. P. Fender, T. W. B. Muxlow, M. A. Garrett, C. Kouveliotou, B. M. Gaensler, S. T. Garrington, Z. Paragi, V. Tudose, J. C. A. Miller-Jones, R. E. Spencer, R. A. M. Wijers, G. B. Taylor, Structure in the radio counterpart to the 2004 December 27 giant flare from SGR 1806–20, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 367, 2006.

* J.-E. Arlot, G.-D. Chis, L. Farkas, D. Moldovan, A. Nedelcu, P. Popescu, S. Sorescu, M. Stavinschi, L. Serbanescu, V. Tudose and V. Turcu, PHEMU 2003 campaign: observations of the mutual phenomena of the Galilean satellites in Romania, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 439, 2005.