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Premii Ad Astra

premii Ad Astra

Asociația Ad Astra a anunțat câștigătorii Premiilor Ad Astra 2022: Proiectul și-a propus identificarea și popularizarea modelelor de succes, a rezultatelor excepționale ale cercetătorilor români din țară și din afara ei.

Asociatia Ad Astra a cercetatorilor romani lanseaza BAZA DE DATE A CERCETATORILOR ROMANI DIN DIASPORA. Scopul acestei baze de date este aceea de a stimula colaborarea dintre cercetatorii romani de peste hotare dar si cu cercetatorii din Romania. Cercetatorii care doresc sa fie nominalizati in aceasta baza de date sunt rugati sa trimita un email la

Veturia Chiroiu


Veturia Chiroiu (born in 1942) received the PhD degree in Mathematics from University of Bucharest in 1981. Since 1966 she is a senior scientific researcher at the Institute of Solid Mechanics of the Romanian Academy, head of Department of Continuum Mechanics. She received a Fulbright Fellowship to work at the Princeton University, Dept. of Aerospace and Mechanical Science (1972-1973), and has led various research projects. She has approximately 100 publications and holds one patent. She is the winner of the prize Aurel Vlaicu of the Romanian Academy in 1997. Since 2000 she is a PhD advisor in the field of mechanical engineering at the Romanian Academy. Since 2004 she is an Honorific Member of the Technical Sciences Academy of Romania (ASTR)

Institutul de Mecanica Solidelor al Academiei Romane, Bucuresti, .

E-mail: trimite un mesaj.

Pagina web a instituţiei:

Nascut(a) in: 1942

Interese: matematica, mecanica mediului continuu, mecanica neliniara, materiale si structuri inteligente, nanomecanica

flag Detalii:
Veturia Chiroiu (anul nasterii 1942) a primit PhD degree in Mathematica la Universitatea din Bucuresti in 1981. Din 1966 lucreaza ca cercetator la Institutul de Mecanica Solidelor din Bucuresti. Conduce laboratorul de Mecanica mediului Continuu. A primit bursa Fulbright Fellowship pentru a lucra la Princeton University, Dept. of Aerospace and Mechanical Science (1972-1973). A condus numeroase proiecte nationale si internationale. Are aproximativ 100 [ublicatii si un brevet. A primit premiul Academiei "Aurel Vlaicu" in 1997. Din 2000 este conducator de doctorat in Inginerie mecanica (Academia Romana). Din 2004 este membru de onoare a Academiei de Stiiinte Tehnice din Romania (ASTR)

flag Details:
Veturia Chiroiu (born in 1942) received the PhD degree in Mathematics from University of Bucharest in 1981. Since 1966 she is a senior scientific researcher at the Institute of Solid Mechanics of the Romanian Academy, head of Department of Continuum Mechanics. She received a Fulbright Fellowship to work at the Princeton University, Dept. of Aerospace and Mechanical Science (1972-1973), and has led various research projects. She has approximately 100 publications and holds one patent. She is the winner of the prize Aurel Vlaicu of the Romanian Academy in 1997. Since 2000 she is a PhD advisor in the field of mechanical engineering at the Romanian Academy. Since 2004 she is an Honorific Member of the Technical Sciences Academy of Romania (ASTR)

Publicații selectate:

* Veturia Chiroiu, Marius Florinel Ionescu, Tudor Sireteanu, Rodica Ioan and Ligia Munteanu, On intrinsic time measure in the modeling of cyclic behavior of a Nitinol cubic block, IOP Publishing, Smart Materials and Structures, 24, 2015.

* L. Munteanu and V. Chiroiu, Shell Buckling of Carbon Nanotubes Using Nanoindentation, Tech Science Press, Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 48(1), 2009.

* Ligia Munteanu, Veturia Chiroiu and Valeria Mosnegutu, The Anisotropy of Young’s Modulus in Bones, Computers, Materials & Continua, 26(2), 2011.

* Ligia Munteanu, Veturia Chiroiu, Stefania Donescu and Cornel Brisan, A new class of sonic composites, AIP Publishing, Journal of Applied Physics, 115, 2014.

* Ligia Munteanu · Veturia Chiroiu · Tudor Sireteanu, On the response of small buildings to vibrations, Springer, Nonlinear Dynamics, 73, 2013.

* Ligia Munteanu · Cornel Brisan · Veturia Chiroiu · Dan Dumitriu · Rodica Ioan, Chaos–hyperchaos transition in a class of models governed by Sommerfeld effect, Springer, Nonlinear Dynamics, 78, 2014.

* Ligia Munteanu, Veturia Chiroiu, Cornel Brisan, Dan Dumitriu, Tudor Sireteanu, Simona Petre, On the 3D normal tire/off-road vibro-contact problem with friction, Elsevier, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 54-55, 2015.

* Ligia Munteanu and Veturia Chiroiu, On three-dimensional spherical acoustic cloaking, IOP Science, New Journal of Physics, 2011.

* L.Munteanu, V.Chiroiu, On the dynamics of locally resonant sonic composites, Elsevier, Prof. V.Tvergaard Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU), Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark, European Journal of Mechanics- A/Solids, 2010.

* V.Chiroiu, V.Mosnegutu, L.Munteanu, R.Ioan, On a micromorphic model for the synovial fluid in the human knee, Elsevier, Prof. A.Rosato, Dept. Mechanical Engineering, New Jersey Institute of Technology, University Heights Newark, NJ 07102, USA,, Mechanics Research Communications, Volume 37, Issue 2, 2010.

* Stefania Donescu, Veturia Chiroiu, Ligia Munteanu, On the Young's modulus of a auxetic composite structure, Elsevier, A.D.Rosato, Mechanics Research Communications, vol 36, 2009.

* N.-D. Stanescu, L. Munteanu, V. Chiroiu, N. Pandrea, Sisteme dinamice. Teorie si aplicatii, vol.1, Editura Academiei Bucharest, 2007.

* Veturia Chiroiu and Ligia Munteanu, On the free vibrations of a piezoceramic hollow sphere, Elsevier Ltd., Mechanics Research Communications, 34 (2 ), 2007.

* Ligia Munteanu, Stefania Donescu and Veturia Chiroiu, An inverse problem for the motion of blood in small vessels, IOP, Physiological Measurement, Volume 27, Number 9, September 2006, 2006.

* Veturia Chiroiu, Petru Stiuca, Ligia Munteanu, Stefania Donescu, Introducere in nanomecanica, Editura Academiei, 2005.

* Mircea Mihailescu , Veturia Chiroiu, Advanced Mechanics on Shells and Intelligent Structures, Editura Academiei, Bucharest, book, 2004.

* Veturia Chiroiu, Calin Chiroiu, Tne Inverse Problems in Mechanics (Probleme inverse in mecanica), Editura Academiei, Bucharest, book, 2003.